Synonyms: Anthias testudineus: Bloch, 1795. Anabas scandens: Day, 1878; Day, 1889. Anabas testudineus riveri: Das, 1964. Anabas testudineus ricei: Das, 1964. Anabas testudineus locustri: Das, 1964. Anabas testudineus: Bhuiyan, 1964; Munro, 1955; Sterba, 1962; Thakur and Das, 1968; Shaw
Polyculture of Vietnamese Koi and Monosex Tilapia in Pond
Introduction: Vietnamese koi which is originated from Vietnam is gaining attention to farmers at an increasing rate in South Asian countries. Vietnamese koi strain has been introduced in Bangladesh in 2010 (Ahamed et. al. 2018; Ahmed et. al. 2014). The
Least Concern (LC) Freshwater Fishes of Bangladesh

A Least Concern (LC) species is one which has been categorized by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as likely lowest risk, widespread, abundant taxon and does not qualify for a more at-risk category. According to IUCN Bangladesh
List of Freshwater Fishes of Bangladesh and their conservation status
List of freshwater fishes of Bangladesh including their local conservation status (IUCN 2015a and b) are given below. In the list, name of fishes has been arranged alphabetically. The latest local conservation status of listed fishes is mentioned here according
Fin Fishes of the River Choto Jamuna
River Choto Jamuna is an important and well-known river in Northern Bangladesh and one of the major distributaries of the River Atrai. This river contributes much in terms of fish production and source of income for many fishermen living beside
Photofeature: EUS disease affected fishes of haor area
This feature presents some photographs of Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome (EUS) or Red Spot disease affected fishes of different beels of Sunamganj haor area. Photograph 01 Anabas testudineus (Bloch, 1792) English Name: Climbing perch Bengali Name: Koi (কই) IUCN (Bangladesh)
Photofeature: Freshwater Fishes of Sunamganj Haor Area (Part-A)
Ailia coila (Hamilton, 1822) English Name: Gangetic ailia Bengali Name: Kajuli (কাজুলি) and Baspata (বাঁশপাতা). IUCN (Bangladesh) Status: Not threatened Amblyceps mangois (Hamilton, 1822) English Name: Indian torrent catfish Bengali Name: Kanoch (কানোচ) IUCN (Bangladesh) Status: Data deficient Amblypharyngodon