Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute

Screenshot of the homepage of BFRI's website
Screenshot of the homepage of BFRI's website

From this site it is known that BFRI was established in 1984, it actually started functioning in 1986 with the recruitment of required manpower and creation of initial research facilities. Since then, the institute has been playing a key role in assisting the nation to achieve the goal of fisheries development as set out in successive development plans. This is an autonomous research organization and linked up administratively with the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock (MoFL), Government of the Peoples’ Republic of Bangladesh. The general direction, administration and supervision of the affairs of the institute is vested in the Board of Governors. The overall research, training and management activities of the Institute are carried out in close cooperation and linkages with various national and international organizations/agencies. The Institute also keeps close contact with public extension organizations, different NGOs working in the country, for dissemination of technologies and obtaining feed-back from them. BFRI has collaborates with national Universities and maintains close liaison for fisheries research and development (R & D). Among the various international linkages of BFRI, the World Bank (WB), International Development Agency (IDA), IFAD, WorldFish Center, ACIAR/CSIRO, NACA, DFID, University of Stirling, are important. Among the national collaborators, definitely the main focus implies to the Department of Fisheries (DOF) followed by Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI), Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) and have close cooperation, linkages and joint research and development programmes with the NOGs’ like PROSIKA, BRAC, CARE, Bachte Shikha, Jagoroni Chokra etc.The BFRI has singed MOU with Bangladesh Academy Rural Development (BARD), Bangladesh Agricultural University Extension Centre (BAUEC) for collaborative research and training programs. The national Universities including Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) are linked with BFRI through contract research programs and exchange of expertise and training. Information about of all station and substation of this institute is included on this site. Bangla version of this site is available here.


Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock

Screenshot of the homepage of MoFL's website
Screenshot of the homepage of MoFL's website

From this site it is known that the role of Fisheries and Livestock sectors in the development of agro-based economy of Bangladesh is very important and promising. They contribute around 8% to national income, which also is 32% of the total agricultural income. About 90% of animal protein in our diet comes from fish and livestock. The main functions of the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock are to preserve fisheries resources, fulfill the requirement of animal protein through proper management and planned development, increase socio-economic conditions of fishermen, create employment opportunities for rural unemployed and landless people, expand foreign exchange earnings by exporting fish and fishery products and to innovate new technologies through research for fisheries development and preservation.


Department of Fisheries

Screenshot of the homepage of DoF's website
Screenshot of the homepage of DoF's website

From this site it is known that the Department of Fisheries, Bangladesh (DoF) was first established in the undivided Bengal of the British India in 1908. In 1910 the DoF was abolished through merging with the Department of Agriculture. Again as per recommendation of Mr. T. Southwell the DoF became an independent organization in 1917. The DoF was abolished again in 1923. After long gap following the recommendation of Dr. M. Ramswami Naidu the DoF was revived in May 1942. Since the inception of the then East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) the DoF had been continued. After the independence of Bangladesh in 1971 the Central Fisheries Department of the then Pakistan merged with the DoF of Bangladesh in April 1975. Later on in 1984 Central Marine Fisheries Dept. merged with the DoF as a Marine Fisheries wing.


Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council

Screenshot of the homepage of BARC's website
Screenshot of the homepage of BARC's website

From this site it is known that The Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC) under the Ministry of Agriculture is at the apex of the national agricultural research system (NARS). It has the responsibility to strengthen the national agricultural research capability through planning and integration of resources. It is the umbrella under which the entire Bangladesh agricultural research effort is coordinated. This involved cooperative activities in several ministries of government: Agriculture, Forest and Environment, Fisheries and Livestock, Rural Development, Education, Industries, Commerce, Science and Technology, etc.BARC is entrusted with the task of preparing the vision document and the national agricultural research plan. These are the guide for planning and conducting research activities according to the national priorities. Based on these the research institutes draws their master plan. BARC has the responsibility to coordinate research and foster inter-institute collaboration, monitor and review the research program of NARS institutes, assist institutes to strengthen research capacities, establish system-wide operational policies and standard management procedures and assure that each institute is optimally governed.


Bangladesh Fisheries Research Forum (BFRF)

Screenshot of the homepage of BFRF's website
Screenshot of the homepage of BFRF's website

The following information is known about BFRF form this site-
A number of universities have been offering education in fisheries science over last 40 years, and three government organizations, such as Department of Fisheries (DOF), Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute (BFRI), Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC), and Bangladesh Fisheries Development Corporation (BFDC) have been engaged in extension and training, research, and exploitation and marketing of fish and fishery products. Besides, a number of large NGOs have been playing a very important and significant role in fisheries development through implementation of their various programmes. Fish and shellfish production has increased from 0.6million metric ton in ‘80 to over 2 million metric ton in 2005. Bangladesh is now ranked 7 th in total fish production in the world, and has become one of the top 5th exporters of aquatic products with an export value over 300 million US$. With all these success stories, Bangladesh is still far behind its potential in exploiting the benefit from her aquatic resources. So far we have made some progress in freshwater aquaculture with a modest growth in coastal shrimp and prawn farming. Our vast coastal and marine resources mostly remain untapped and demand immediate attention for its sustainable exploitation through application of new technologies. The inland riverine floodplain resources need scientific management and conservation through community participation for deriving sustainable benefit for today and tomorrow. For addressing all these issues, the scientific resources of the country, that is aquatic/fisheries scientists should come closer and exert cohesive and concerted actions to carry out demand-led research for exploration and exploitation of these valuable aquatic resources of this country. Similarly extension agencies, NGOs and private entrepreneurs can not work in isolation-all must come closer to further the development of the fisheries sector. Therefore, we need a professional organization where we all can belong to. Bangladesh Fisheries Research Forum (BFRF) foresees ahead to be flourished as an organization to provide a platform for scientific collaboration, team work and future horizon of research and development activities in fisheries sector.

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