Introduction: Vietnamese koi which is originated from Vietnam is gaining attention to farmers at an increasing rate in South Asian countries. Vietnamese koi strain has been introduced in Bangladesh in 2010 (Ahamed et. al. 2018; Ahmed et. al. 2014). The
The impact of Covid-19 pandemic on fisheries sector of Bangladesh
In this current world, everyone is familiar with Covid-19 pandemic. COVID-19 has caused extreme damage to the economies of every country. Our country is no exception. Especially in the case of fisheries, being an agrarian country, fish farmers and fishmongers
Our Rivers: Safe for Aquatic Lives or Not?
IntroductionRiver is a long water course that flows down a slope along a bed between banks. According to Banglapedia (2001), 700 rivers flow in Bangladesh. Now a day, most of them have dried out or are extinct due to lack
Taxonomic Features, Marketing Channel and World Distribution of Glossogobius Giuris (Hamilton-Buchanan, 1822)
Introduction: The species Glossogobius giuris (Common name (English) ‘Tank Goby’, locally known as ‘Bele’ (in Bangla)) is widely distributed in the freshwater and estuaries of Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Myanmar and Far East (Doha, 1974). This species generally inhabits clear to
Top Ten Smallest Fishes of Bangladesh
Top Ten Smallest fishes of Bangladesh are given below – No. Scientific Name English Name Bangla/Local Name Max. SL (cm)* 10 Parambassis lala Highfin Glassy Perchlet Lal Chanda 3.8 9 Nangra ornata Ornata Catfish Gang Tengra 3.7 8 Badis chittagongis
Threatened Freshwater Fishes of Bangladesh
Threatened species are any species which are vulnerable to endangerment in the near future. It includes Critically Endangered (CR), Endangered (EN) and Vulnerable (VU) categories. According to IUCN Bangladesh (2015a, b) two hundred fifty three Freshwater Fishes were assessed by
Data Deficient (DD) Freshwater Fishes of Bangladesh
A Data Deficient (DD) species is one which has been categorized by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as not enough data to make an assessment of its risk of extinction. According to IUCN Bangladesh (2015a, b) two