Screenshot of the homepage of INFOFISH's website
Screenshot of the homepage of INFOFISH’s website

INFOFISH was originally launched in 1981 as a project of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. Since 1987, it is an Intergovernmental Organization providing marketing information and technical advisory services to the fishery industry of the Asia-Pacific region and beyond from its headquarters in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Fourteen countries are currently members of INFOFISH which are Bangladesh,Cambodia, India, Indonesia,Iran,DPR Korea, Malaysia, Maldives, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Philippines,Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Thailand. INFOFISH is the leading source of marketing support for fish producers and exporters in the Asia-Pacific – a region which includes some of the largest fishing nations in the world. Its activities include bringing buyers and sellers together, publication of current and long-term marketing information and operation of technical advisory and specialized services. In addition to organizing exhibitions, conferences, workshops, seminars and training programs, INFOFISH undertakes consultancies on all aspects of fisheries – pre-harvest, harvest and post-harvest.


The Fish Site: the website for the global aquaculture industry

Screenshot of the homepage of The Fish Site's website
Screenshot of the homepage of The Fish Site’s website

About The Fish Site: is the leading online news and technical resource to the global aquaculture industry, receiving over 60,000 visits per month (March 2008). With a truly global readership the web site has become the definitive provider of free technical information to a rapidly growing worldwide audience. Updated daily, TheFishSite offers a superb platform for the industry professional and advertiser alike. Some important links of this site: About, Industry, News, Company News, Events, Recipes. Jobs, Consultancy mail, to Friend, SEARCH.


More visit Fisheries related important websites: part-1 and Fisheries related important websites: part-2.

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Fisheries related important websites: part-3

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