Bangladesh Fisheries Information Share Home (BdFISH) is an online platform for sharing fisheries information to all especially those are interested in fisheries. BdFISH was established in the year of 2007 by a small team consisted of a few teachers and students of the Department of Fisheries, University of Rajshahi (ABM Mohsin, Shams Muhammad Galib and Md. Mehedi Hasan). The activities of BdFISH are confined to BdFISH websites like BdFISH (in English) and BdFISH Bangla (in Bengali). All activities of BdFISH are non-commercial as well as voluntary.
BdFISH website:
For sharing fisheries information, BdFISH Team launched its first website addressed This site contains almost all types of fisheries information with special emphasis on Bangladesh fisheries. It is the first fisheries-based online site launched in Bangladesh and already proved its excellence by drawing attention of wide range of people from different parts of the world.
BdFISH Bangla website:
A Bangla (Bengali) based fisheries site was also launched ( and maintaining by the BdFISH Team. BdFISH Bangla was developed for providing opportunities to those people who are interested in sharing information in our mother tongue, Bengali. This site is not a Bengali version of BdFISH site; it is an independent site for Bengali speaking peoples and lovers.
Other activities:
To create strong communication and coordination among the peoples interested in fisheries aspects an FaceBook Group of BdFISH and FaceBook Page of BdFISH was created on popular social website Facebook. Recent updates of BdFISH can be found here.
Impacts found:
National and international communications among the fisheries scientists are developed. Students, farmers and entrepreneurs are also found to be benefited while finding responses to their specific queries.
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