Animal origin fish feed ingredients are obtained from different mollusks, silkworm, poultry, cattle and fish mainly. These feed ingredients are applied by targeting carnivorous culture species. Some ingredients like fish viscera, cattle viscera are applied directly into the culture water body and some are applied after some sort of preliminary processing. Animal origin feed ingredients contains more protein in comparison to those ingredients of plant origin. Most of the animal origin fish feed ingredients are considered as protein supplements (i.e. contains more than 20% protein).

Some common animal origin fish feed ingredients:

Some common animal origin fish feed ingredients are- Fish meal, fish silage, bone meal, cattle viscera, poultry viscera, fish viscera, oyster shell meal, silkworm pupae, blood meal, crab meal, frog waste, snail muscle etc. However, some common animal origin fish feed ingredients in Bangladesh are described here-

01. Fish meal

Fish meal
Fish meal

Bangla name: Fish meal or machher gura
English name: Fish meal

Various types of fishes especially those are considered trash.

Used part:
Almost all parts of the fish body.

Physical properties:
Powder like but the particles are not fine, some minute bones may present and usually of light brownish or yellowish color.

Chemical properties:
Highest grade fish meal (Grade-A1) contains- Moisture 13.75%; Protein 59.61%, Lipid 11.22%, Fiber 2.17%, Ash 22.78%, NFE 4.34%; and Gross energy 4754 Kcal/kg (FRI, 1989).

3 grades of fish meal are available in Bangladesh. Fish meal is produced from different fish feed industries of the country. These industries are located in Chittagong, Cox’s Bazar, Khulna, Bogra, Mymensingh etc. districts.

Mainly used for high-valued culture species. Applied in both polyculture and monoculture farming, but magnitude and extend of application is much higher in monoculture than polyculture especially in Tilapia culture (monosex and GIFT), Thai-Koi culture, Pangas culture etc.

02. Bone meal

Bone meal
Bone meal

Bangla name: Bone meal or Harer gura
English name: Bone meal

processed from bones of different animals.

Used part:
Different bones of the body.

Physical properties:
Powder like, reddish or brownish in color.

Chemical properties:
Moisture 7.49%; Protein 17.5%, Lipid 5.19%, Fiber 3.53%, Ash 65.73%, NFE 8.05%; and Gross energy 1988 Kcal/kg (FRI, 1989).

Commonly available throughout Bangladesh. Major sources are Chittagong, Khulna, Dhaka and some other districts of the country.

Applied by mixing with other ingredients.

03. Oyster shell meal

Oyster shell meal
Oyster shell meal

Bangla name: Jhinuk churna
English name: Oyster shell meal

Oyster, mussel etc.

Used part:
Shell of the animal.

Physical properties:
Powder form and grayish in color.

Chemical properties:
Moisture 83.4%; Protein 14.1%, Lipid 0.4%, Fiber 0%, Ash 0%, and Carbohydrate 0% (Das, 1997).

Commonly available throughout Bangladesh. Major sources are Chittagong, Khulna, Dhaka and some other districts of the country.

Applied by mixing with other ingredients.

04. Poultry viscera:

Poultry viscera
Poultry viscera

Bangla name: Has-murgir nari vuri
English name: Poultry viscera

Different poultry birds

Used part:
Alimentary canal with blood

Physical properties:
Irregular shaped because of differences in the shape of different parts of alimentary canal. Color is whitish but often reddish due to blood association.

Chemical properties:
Moisture 81.47%; Protein 51.6%, Lipid 21.14%, Fiber 1.69%, Ash 12.53%, NFE 13.04%; and Gross energy 5566 Kcal/kg (FRI, 1989).

Commonly available; may be obtained from household kitchen or local slaughter houses.

Applied directly into the pond and target fish species are African magur and Thai pangas.

05. Fish viscera:

Fish viscera
Fish viscera

Bangla name: Macher nari-vuri
English name: Fish viscera

Different fishes, specially those of larger in size.

Used part:
Alimentary canal, air bladder etc.

Physical properties:
Reddish colored due to presence of fish blood.

Chemical properties:
Moisture 81.47%; Protein 51.6%, Lipid 21.14%, Fiber 1.69%, Ash 12.53%, NFE 13.04%; and Gross energy 5566 Kcal/kg (FRI, 1989).

Commonly available in any local fish markets of the country.

Applied directly into the pond and target fish species are African magur and Thai pangas.


  • Das, B. 1997. Fish and Fisheries Resource Management (in Bengali), Vol. II, Bangla Academy, Dhaka-1000, pp. 27-29.
  • FRI (Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute), 1989. Survey of potential fish feed ingredients of Bangladesh on the basis of their availability and bio-chemical composition, final report, by Bhuiyan, A.K.M.A; Begum, N.N.; Begum, M.; Hoq, M.E., 69p.

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Animal Origin Fish Feed Ingredients

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Shams Galib

Shams works in freshwater ecosystems, primarily on fish diversity in terms of their availability, and richness; he is also interested in aquatic invasive species and their impacts on ecosystem. Email: More...

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