Synonyms: Anthias testudineus: Bloch, 1795. Anabas scandens: Day, 1878; Day, 1889. Anabas testudineus riveri: Das, 1964. Anabas testudineus ricei: Das, 1964. Anabas testudineus locustri: Das, 1964. Anabas testudineus: Bhuiyan, 1964; Munro, 1955; Sterba, 1962; Thakur and Das, 1968; Shaw
Data Deficient (DD) Freshwater Fishes of Bangladesh

A Data Deficient (DD) species is one which has been categorized by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as not enough data to make an assessment of its risk of extinction. According to IUCN Bangladesh (2015a, b) two
List of Freshwater Fishes of Bangladesh and their conservation status
List of freshwater fishes of Bangladesh including their local conservation status (IUCN 2015a and b) are given below. In the list, name of fishes has been arranged alphabetically. The latest local conservation status of listed fishes is mentioned here according