What is SIS? According to Rahman (1989), there are 260 species of freshwater indigenous fishes in Bangladesh. Among them, which grow to a size of 25 cm or 9 inches at mature or adult stage in their life cycle are
Top Ten Smallest Fishes of Bangladesh
Top Ten Smallest fishes of Bangladesh are given below – No. Scientific Name English Name Bangla/Local Name Max. SL (cm)* 10 Parambassis lala Highfin Glassy Perchlet Lal Chanda 3.8 9 Nangra ornata Ornata Catfish Gang Tengra 3.7 8 Badis chittagongis
Data Deficient (DD) Freshwater Fishes of Bangladesh
A Data Deficient (DD) species is one which has been categorized by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as not enough data to make an assessment of its risk of extinction. According to IUCN Bangladesh (2015a, b) two