Md. Afzal Hossain
Department of Fisheries Management
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University
Dinajpur- 5200, Bangladesh
Phone: +88-01717651507
Fax: +88-053161311
E-mail: afzalhstu at gmail dot com
Research Interest:
- Effects of Climate changes in Fisheries Biodiversity and Marine fisheries
- Ecological changes and effects on the fisheries production of Bangladesh
- Culture potential and management of Inland fisheries resources in Bangladesh
Seeking to apply my existing skills and experience to challenging projects, and to continue to build my skills in new and innovative research development techniques to improve efficiency within my work environment.
Job Experience:
Present Occupation:
Designation: Lecturer, Department of Fisheries Management.
Institute: Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University (HSTU), Dinajpur-5200, Bangladesh.
Duration: Since 19 July, 2009 till to date.
Major Responsibilities:
Teaching and Research
Deals academic courses, presentations, workshop, seminar, Lectures, tutorial and supervision etc. of in both practical and theory classes as well as evaluation of student’s academic progress in undergraduate programs.
Subjects are taught in undergraduate level
- FMG101 & FMG102: Aquatic Ecology
- FMG103 & FMG104: Physico-chemical Limnology
- FMG201 & FMG202: Biological Limnology
- FMG301& FMG302: Oceanography and Marine Biology.
- FMG401 & FMG402 Inland Fisheries Management.
- FMG405 & FMG406 Marine Fisheries Management.
(Odd no. indicates theory courses and even no. for practical courses)
Previous job experiences:
- Worked as a Part-time Lecturer in the Department of Fisheries Management of Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur, Bangladesh from 10th August 2008 to 18th July 2009
- Worked as a “Researcher M&E” from 17th February to 18th July 2008 in the Project KATALYST funded by DFID, SDC and CIDA.
- Worked as a Research Fellow in “Developing a Polyculture Technique for Farmers Consumption and Cash Crop” project funded by USAID-CDR during July-2005 to May-2006.
Outside Consultant:
Contractual Service-
- Worked as a Trainer for fish farming project funded by World Vision Bangladesh from 10th May to 15th May 2009.
- Worked as a Trainer for fish farming project funded by IFAD and organized by Practical Action Banglasedh from 22th June to 30th Jnue 2009.
List of Publications:
- Carp-SIS Polyculture Technique, 2010 (Published in VDM Publishing house)
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