Cyprinus mola Hamilton, 1822
Amblypharyngodon mola Day, 1878
Amblypharyngodon mola Shaw and Shebbeare, 1937
Amblypharyngodon mola. Bhuiyan, 1964
Amblypharyngodon mola. Qureshi, 1965
Common name: Mola carplet, Pale carplet
Local name: Mola, Moua, Moah
Taxonomy position:
Phylum- Chordata
Family- Cyprinidae
Genus- Amblypharyngodon
Fin formula:
D. 9(2/7); P1. 15; P2. 9; A. 7(2/5). (Rahman, 2005)
Description of the species:
Body moderately compressed, dorsal profile more convex than ventral, snout rounded, covered with thin skin, caudal deeply forked. Lateral line incomplete and extend up to 15 scales (Bhuiyan, 1964). Scale small. Colour silvery, a dark band, runs on both sides of the body from head to tail (Bhuiyan, 1964). Dorsal and anal with black edge. Longest specimen in collection 6.5 cm from Barnai river. Talwar and Jhingran (1991) reported this species attains a length of 20 cm.
Habit and Habitat:
It is generally surface feeder. Its may take unicellular algae, protozoa, rotifers and crustaceans (Bhuiyan, 1964). This fish is available in the rivers, streams, beels and tanks and inundated fields throughout Bangladesh. This fish spawns during May to October (Rahman, 1989). A female of this species lays about 500 eggs (Bhuyian, 1964).
Ecological role:
Harmless, reduce water pollution.
Status and conservation:
This fish is widely distributed in the study area. Not in IUCN Red list as threatened (IUCN, Bangladesh 2000). Stopped indiscriminate catch or reduce up to limit for the conservation of the species. To increase public awareness of disadvantage of the using of pesticide and to decrease industrial pollution are play an important role for conservation of the species.
Bhuiyan, A. L. 1964. Fishes of Dacca. Asiatic Society of Pakistan, Dacca. 39 p.
Day, F. 1878. Fishes of India, being a natural history of fishes known to inhabit the seas and freshwaters of India, Burma and Ceylon. William Dawson & Sons Ltd., London, Vol. I: 555 p.
Hamilton, F., 1822. An account of the fishes found in the river Ganges and its branches, Edinburgh & London, Fishes Ganges, 334 p.
IUCN Bangladesh. 2000. Red Book of Threatened Fishes of Bangladesh. IUCN- The World Conservation Union. xii+116 pp.
Qureshi, M. R. 1965. Common Freshwater Fishes of Pakistan. Government of Pakistan Press, Karachi. 18 p.
Rahman, A.K.A. 1989. Freshwater Fishes of Bangladesh. The Zoological Society of Bangladesh, Department of Zoology, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000. 105 p.
Rahman, A.K.A. 2005. Freshwater Fishes of Bangladesh (Second edition). The Zoological Society of Bangladesh, Department of Zoology, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000. 394pp.
Shaw and Shebbeare, 1937, The Fishes of Northern Bangal. Journal of Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal Science. 31 p.
Talwar, P. K. and Jhingran, A. G., 1991. Inland Fishes of India and Adjacent Countries. Volume 1. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, Calcutta. 338 p.
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