Office-cum-laboratory Building of Shrimp Research Station of Bagerhat District
Office-cum-laboratory Building of Shrimp Research Station of Bagerhat District

Shrimp sector is playing a significant role in foreign exchange earning, employment generation and poverty reduction in Bangladesh. The two main centres of shrimp production are located in the Southwestern part composed of Khulna, Satkhira and Bagerhat districts; and the other one is located in the Southeastern part of the country composed of Chittagong and Cox’s bazaar districts. About 75% of the total shrimp farms are located in Khulna, Bagerhat and Satkhira districts. Hence, in view of the prospect of shrimp culture and the stipulate of the local inhabitants, Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute has been established Shrimp Research Station in Bagerhat district.

The station occupying a total of 8 acre (3.5 acre pond complex, 4.5 acre office-cum-admin building, hatchery, training dormitory, staff dormitory, water tank etc) areas. The office building possesses four well equipped specialized laboratories namely, Shrimp Health Management Lab., Quality Control Lab., Shrimp Feed and Nutrition Lab. and Water and Soil Quality Lab.

Shrimp Health Management Lab. is facilitated with the modern equipments such as Tissue Processor to determine trinoqular microscope, PCR, Gel electrophoresis and documentation and so on to enhance all sorts or research regarding Fish Physiology, Micro-biology as well as Molecular Biology whereas the Quality Control Lab. left no more behind as its being equipped with a most amazing device, the GCMS (Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometer) to analyze organochemicals in fish/shrimp body as well as in water, soil and feed. Simultaneously, Shrimp Feed and Nutrition Lab. and Water and Soil Quality Lab. are equally equipped with the most modern instruments to boost up the research activities along the line.

Author operate the GCMS in Shrimp Research Station of Bagerhat District
Author operate the GCMS in Shrimp Research Station of Bagerhat District

However, the hatchery complex of the station occupying an area of 3000 sq. feet is capable of producing 2,00,00,000 of Golda PLs per year. The hatchery building contains of 8 circular tanks along with 2 rearing and 4 bio-filtration tanks. There are also 1 overhead filtration and 1 overhead holding tank too. The pond complex the satiation sited behind the hatchery building occupying an area of 3.5 acre constitute of 9 research ponds.

N.B. M. A. Bashar: Scientific Officer, Shrimp Research Station, Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute

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Shrimp Research Station: Provide Solutions to Cope Shrimp Industry

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Md. Abul Bashar

Ex-student, Department of Fisheries, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh. More...

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