Selling of fish in Laxmipur market, Rajshahi
Selling of fish in Laxmipur market, Rajshahi

Fish market is a place inside or outside the country where the fishes and fish products which are of commercial importance are subjected to sale and it is a link between the trader and the consumers. These production and consumption is properly regulated, is known as fish marketing. On account of having a vast water and enormous fisheries resources in our country there are various fish market are also available here and there. The country is blessed enough by the ganges riverine system in northwestern part of the country, situated in Rajshahi which is an important source of freshwater fishes and other important fisheries item and for this reason various fish markets are grown up here. Some available fish markets in Rajshahi City Corporation region are listed below-

Auctioning in Shaheb bazar Fish market, Rajshahi
Auctioning in Shaheb bazar Fish market, Rajshahi
  • Shaheb Bazar fish market
  • Laxmipur fish market
  • New market fish bazar
  • Shalbagan fish market
  • Binodur fish market
  • Kajla fish market
  • Talaimari fish market
  • Sadhur mor fish market
  • University station bazar fish market
  • Siroil fish market
  • Uposhohor fish market
  • Khorkhori fish market
  • Court bazar fish market

Fish species available in the fish markets with their prices:
The fish species observed in the local fish markets are listed in the following tables with their prices.

Table: Fish species of local fish markets with prices in comparison with their weight.

Species name Average weight (kg) Wholesale price (BDT/kg) Retail price (BDT/kg)
Rui 1.50 190 200
Catla 1.50 180 190
Mrigel 0.80 120 130
Silver carp 0.80 100 110
Grass carp 0.80 100 110
Mirror carp 0.90 100 110
Common carp 0.80 105 115
Thai pangus 0.10 75 90
Thai koi 0.15 230 250
Tilapia 0.30 110 120
African magur 2.5 140 160
Rajputi 0.20 100 110
Shing 0.80 800 850
Magur 0.15 500 530
Tengra 0.04 400 450
Gulsha tengra 0.04 300 350
Air 1.5 580 600
Ilish (Barisal) 0.80 850 900
Ilish (Khulna) 0.55 400 450
Ilish (Pabna) 0.50 580 620
Ilish (Chittagong) 0.60 350 400
Guchi 0.08 320 350
Baim 0.40 300 330
Chital 2.00 400 430
Foli 0.12 170 180
Bata 0.20 180 200
Bhangon 0.70 120 150
Bele 0.08 260 280
Taki 0.15 160 180
Shol 0.20 150 160
Golda 0.07 420 450
Gura chingri 160 180
Mola 200 250
Chela 180 200
Batasi 250 280


Comparative infrastructure between two major fish markets:

Both Shaheb bazaar and Laxmipur fish markets are under the control and supervision of Rajshahi City Corporation. The area of Shaheb bazar fish market is more than that of Laxmipur fish market. Both markets remain opened seven days a week and the normal market activities undergo regularly. Information about these two fish markets are shown in the table below-
Table: Comparative study of fish markets.

Topic/Issues Laxmipur fish market Shaheb bazar fish market
Area 12 decimal 20 decimal
Roof Tin shade Cemented
Floor Made of cement Made of cement
Platform Less developed Well developed
Platform height About 50 cm About 75 cm
Water supply Insufficient Sufficient
Source of water supply Tubewell Tubewell and tap
Drainage system Poor Developed
Electricity supply Absent Present
Ice mill Absent Present
Toilet Present Present


Some general Activities of the local fish markets (Functional structure):
Usually, the market activities of the fish markets begin at 7.00 A.M. and end at 6.00 P.M., but in many cases the duration may increase depending upon selling and supply of fish as well as consumer’s demand. The daily market activities of fish markets are described below-

a) Landing of fish:
In the fish markets, fishes are landed from different local and distant places or areas. The sources of fish of these fish markets are listed below-

Fish group Source area of fishes
Indian major carp (cultural source) Khorkhori, Mohongonj, Tanor, Godagari, Bagmara, Nowhata, Keshorhat, Puttia, Naogaon, Niamatpur, Baneshor, Porsa etc.
Indian major carp (natural source) Chalar beel, Padma river, Joboi beel
Exotic fish Mohongonj, Tanol, Khorkhori, Godagari, Bagmara, Nowhata, Puthia, Keshorhat, Naogaon, Baneshor, Niamotpur.
Cat fish (cultural) source Mymenshing, Sirajgon, Parila, etc.
Catfish (Natural) source Padma,  Chalan beel, Joboi beel, Atrai.
Sping eel, Sneakhead, Gobies Padma, Chalan beel, Atrai
Group of fishes Sources
Mullet Meherehandi, Mohonpur, Khorkhori, Padma river etc.
Featherback Mahenda, Horiyan
SIS Padma river


b) Selling and buying of fish:
Open auctioning system is followed for selling fish from Aratdar to buyers. In Shaheb bazaar fish market, the buyers are mainly wholesalers and retailers. The amount of fishes sold in Shaheb bazaar fish market daily approximates 20-50 score (Mon),while in Laxmipur fish market this phenomenon is rarely found.

c) Activities associated with commissioning:
Commission agents of the fish markets play a significant role in selling fishes of the assembly traders like Faria, Bepari to the wholesalers on a fixed rate of commission as payment for the services rendered by them. Commission agents of both fish markets take 3-4% commission of the total selling price.

d) Aeration of fish during the market time:
The fishes were aerated in order to supply oxygen during the market time and it was found that some aerator device and hand was also used for this purpose. Pangus and carp fishes were found aerating during the visit time.

Aeration of fishes by using hand
Aeration of fishes by using hand

e) Exceptional Technique:
Retailer used usually some milk to keep fish shiny when the fishes became gloomy or redish in colour.

f) Service for buyer:
Fishermen of these markets give some additionsal services to the buyer. They cut or processed the fish for buyer.

Processing of fish for buyer
Processing of fish for buyer

g) Preservation of fish:
In both the fish markets fishes are preserved by the wholesalers and retailers. Hence, mainly two types of preservation methods are followed. These are-live fish preservation and icing. Different containers such as large aluminum pot, tin made try and drum, bamboo basket, plastic drum etc. are used in this purpose.

Preservation of fish by using ice
Preservation of fish by using ice

h) Supply of ice for storage:
In Saheb bazar, fishes are preserved mostly by ice and it is supplied from the nearby ice mill called Aktar ice mill. But it was found that the water sources of this mill were not so hygienic and taken from tap water.

Kotlar, P. and G. Armstrong, 2004. Principles of marketing, Tenth Edition. 5p.

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Fish Markets in Rajshahi City Corporation

Visitors' Opinions

S.M. Abu Naser

MS Student, Department of Fisheries, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh. Email:; More...

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