Angra labeo: Labeo angra
Angra labeo: Labeo angra

Systematic position
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii  (Ray-finned fishes)
Order: Cypriniformes (Carps)
Family: Cyprinidae
Genus: Labeo
Species: L. angra

Common names: Angra labeo

Cyprinus angra
Hamilton,  1822
Cyprinus hamiltonii
Gray, 1830
Cyprinus morala
Hamilton, 1822
Gobio angra
(Hamilton,  1822)
Labeo morala
(Hamilton,  1822)

Local names: Kharsa, Angrot, Kharish (Bangladesh); Thuthunahiaraia, Rewa, Buttar (India) (Rahman, 1989; Talwar and Jhingran,  1991).

Distribution: India, Bahgladesh, Nepal and Burma (Talwar and Jhingran,  1991).

Conservation status: Not threatened (IUCN Bangladesh,  2000).

Morphology: Body elongate and cylindrical. It’s dorsal profile more convex than that of ventral profile. Mouth small, lips thick, fimbriated and continuous. Eyes large not visible from underside of head. A pair of short maxillary barbel concealed in labial fold. Pectoral fin as long as head and caudal fin deeply forked. Lateral line complete with 42 moderate scales.

Live matured fish brownish along the back, side and abdomen yellowish with a black or bluish stripe along flanks from eye to caudal fin base.

Fin formula
D. 13(3/10);  P  10;  P  9(1/8);  A. 7(5/2)  (Rahman,  1989).
D ii-iii 10;  A ii 5;  P i 15;  V i 8  (Talwar and Jhingran,  1991).

Maximum length: 18.5 cm (Rahman,  1989), more than 22 cm (Talwar and Jhingran,  1991).

Habitat and niche: Abundant in streams of Sylhet, Mymensingh, Dinajpur and Rangpur districts; also in rivers and streams of other districts (Rahman, 1989).

Also farely common in Mahanadi rivers of Orissa (India) (Talwar and Jhingran,  1991).

Breeding: During monsoon months (July-August) in India (Talwar and Jhingran,  1991).



Gray JE.  1830. Illustrations of Indian zoology; chiefly selected from the collection of Major-General Hardwicke, F.R.S., 20 parts in 2 vols. Illustrations of Indian zoology; chiefly selected from the collection of Major-General Hardwicke, F.R.S., Pls. 1-202.

Hamilton F.   1822. An account of the fishes found in the river Ganges and its branches. Edinburgh & London. An account of the fishes found in the river Ganges and its branches.: i-vii + 1-405, Pls. 1-39. [Often seen as Hamilton-Buchanan or Buchanan-Hamilton; in work as Hamilton [formerly Buchanan].

IUCN Bangladesh. 2000. Red book of threatened fishes of Bangladesh, IUCN- The world conservation union. xii+116 pp.

Rahman AKA. 1989. Freshwater Fishes of Bangladesh, 1st edition, Zoological Society of Bangladesh, Department of Zoology, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000, pp. 117-118.

Talwar PK and Jhingran AG. 1991. Inland Fishes of India and Adjacent Countries, Vol. I, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi-Calcutta, p. 198.

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Angra labeo: Labeo angra (Hamilton, 1822)

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Md. Foyzul Hassan Fahad

Student, Department of Fisheries, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh. More...

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