Embryonic developmental stage of exotic grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) of Bangladesh are observed through a binocular microscope. All photographs (which are given bellow) are taken with the combination of binocular microscope, DSLR camera and adapter applying own techniques.


Zygote, a fertilized egg
Zygote, a fertilized egg
Single cell
1 cell
2 cells
2 cell
4 cells
4 cell
8 cells
8 cell
16 cells
16 cell
32 cells
32 cell
64 cells
64 cell
256 cells
256 cell
High stage
High stage
50% epiboly
50% epiboly
Germ ring
Germ ring
70% epiboly
70% epiboly
4 somites
4 somites
8 somites
8 somites
13 Somites
13 Somites
15 somites
15 somites
17 somites
17 somites
20 somites
20 somites
25 somites
25 somites


NB. Only some important as well as selected stages of embryonic development of grass carp are presented here.

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Photofeature: Embryonic Developmental Stages of Fishes

Visitors' Opinions

Balaram Mahalder

Technical Specialist, WorldFish Center, Bangladesh and South Asia. B.Sc. Fisheries (Honours) from FMRT, KU and MS in Aquaculture from BAU. Contact: balaramssoq@yahoo.com

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