Chitala chitala (Hamilton, 1822) English Name: Humped featherback, Clown knifefish Bengali Name: Chital (চিতল) IUCN (Bangladesh) Status: Endangered Cirrhinus cirrhosus (Bloch, 1795) English Name: Mrigal Bengali Name: Mirka (মিরকা), Mrigel (মৃগেল) IUCN (Bangladesh) Status: Not threatened Clarias
Fisheries Personnel Profile: Md. Baki Billah
Md. Baki Billah Lecturer Department of Zoology Jahangirnagar University Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh Contact: Telephone: +880-2-7791045-51 (PABX) Mobile: +880-1915105323 Fax: +880-2-7791052 E-mail: Field of Research Interest: Ecotoxicology, Molecular endocrinology, Population genetics Fish genetics and breeding, fish culture (Shell fish
Fishes of the River Halda
Bangladesh is a riverine country and more than 700 rivers are present in this country (BFRI, 2007). In ancient time river was the main source of fishes from where people consume and mitigate their demand. Fishes bred and live in
Book profile- Introduction to fish species diversity: Sunamganj haor region within CBRMP’s working area
“Introduction to fish species diversity: Sunamganj haor region within CBRMP’s working area” presents mainly a checklist of fish species of Sunamganj haor region within CBRMP’s working area and their profile (taxonomic position including English, Bangla and scientific name; fin formula; body
Fisheries Personnel Profile: Dr. Md. Nurullah
Dr. Md. Nurullah Principal Scientific Officer Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute Mymensingh-2201, Bangladesh. Contact: Phone: +88 01711045889 Email: Specialization: Fish processing and preservation HRD Employment History: Designation: Principal Scientific Officer Duration: 22.02.2001 to till now Institute/Organization: Bangladesh Fisheries Research
Fisheries Personnel Profile: Dr. Md. Gulam Hussain
Dr. Md. Gulam Hussain Senior Aquaculture/Fish Genetics Professional/Consultant and Former Director General of Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute (BFRI) Contact: Cell phone: 880 175 155980 E-mail:; Home: House #: 73; Road #: 13; Sector: 11; Uttara, Dhaka 1230; Bangladesh
Artificial Light: New Perspective in Aquaculture in Bangladesh
How does artificial light affect the growth of fish? To clarify this mechanism, it is important to mention the common endocrine mechanism in fish. The environmental factors such as temperature, rainfall, photoperiod, water current stimulate the hypothalamus of fish to