Introduction: The species Glossogobius giuris (Common name (English) ‘Tank Goby’, locally known as ‘Bele’ (in Bangla)) is widely distributed in the freshwater and estuaries of Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Myanmar and Far East (Doha, 1974). This species generally inhabits clear to
Photofeature: Freshwater Fishes of Sunamganj Haor Area (Part F-G)
Gagata cenia (Hamilton, 1822) English Name: Indian gagata Bengali Name: Cenia (ছেনিয়া), Jungla (জংলা), Kauwa (কাউয়া), Tengra (টেংরা) IUCN (Bangladesh) Status: Not threatened Garra gotyla (Gray, 1832) English Name: Goytala, sucker head Bengali Name: Ghor poia (ঘর পোয়া) IUCN
Tank goby: Glossogobius giuris
Synonyms: Gobius giuris: Hamilton, 1822; Day, 1878. Gobius gutum: Day, 1889. Glossogobius giuris: Koumans, 1953; Inger and Kong, 1962; Shaw and Shebberare, 1937; Munro, 1955; Ahmed, N. 1943; and Bhuiyan, 1964. Common name: Tank goby (English). Bangla name: