Attractive entrance of the Fish Museum and Biodiversity Center, BAU
Attractive entrance of the Fish Museum and Biodiversity Center, BAU

A total  of 265 freshwater fish species were recorded from Bangladesh. Among them, 230 species has been preserved and displayed in Fish Museum and Biodiversity Center, BAU.

According to wikipedia, Fish Museum and Biodiversity Center (FMBC) was established in 2009 at Bangladesh Agricultural University campus. It is one of the largest of its kind in South East Asia given the size and diversity of its exhibits and collections. Despite being less than a year old, the museum already boasts an impressive collection of riverine species from Bangladesh. Five rooms have already been renovated and include exhibits on extinct fossil and contemporary species, interactive exhibits and a media room.

Further exhibits are planned and the museum staffs are working tirelessly to secure supporting funds and further specimens for exhibiting. In future the museum will include interactive public aquaria and bespoke systems for research purposes for conservation based initiatives. It is intended that research facilities will include aquaria for maintaining large and small indigenous fish species, a cryogenic fish gene bank and DNA collections.

Some photographs of this museum are given bellow.

A gallery of Fish Museum and Biodiversity Center, BAU
A gallery of Fish Museum and Biodiversity Center, BAU
A turtle in Fish Museum and Biodiversity Center, BAU
A turtle in Fish Museum and Biodiversity Center, BAU
Different types of fishing gears in Fish Museum and Biodiversity Center, BAU
Different types of fishing gears in Fish Museum and Biodiversity Center, BAU
A skeleton in Fish Museum and Biodiversity Center, BAU
A skeleton in Fish Museum and Biodiversity Center, BAU
Different types of fishing gears in Fish Museum and Biodiversity Center, BAU
Different types of fishing gears in Fish Museum and Biodiversity Center, BAU
Attractive ceiling and wall of a gallery of the Fish Museum and Biodiversity Center, BAU
Attractive ceiling and wall of a gallery of the Fish Museum and Biodiversity Center, BAU
A skeleton in Fish Museum and Biodiversity Center, BAU
A skeleton in Fish Museum and Biodiversity Center, BAU
A turtle in Fish Museum and Biodiversity Center, BAU
A turtle in Fish Museum and Biodiversity Center, BAU
A gallery of ancient seas of Fish Museum and Biodiversity Center, BAU
A gallery of ancient seas of Fish Museum and Biodiversity Center, BAU
A photo-session of directors of FMBC and others in Fish Museum and Biodiversity Center, BAU
A photo-session of directors of FMBC and others in Fish Museum and Biodiversity Center, BAU
Visitors are watching a gallery of Fish Museum and Biodiversity Center, BAU
Visitors are watching a gallery of Fish Museum and Biodiversity Center, BAU

The FMBC can be visited with prior contact on every Friday and Saturday (10.00-12.00 mornings and 14.00 – 17.00 afternoons).


  • Dr. Mostafa A R Hossain, Director, FMBC, Faculty of Fisheries, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh


  • Fish Museum & Biodiversity Center – FMBC, Bangladesh, Wikipedia
  • Stirling University sets up Bangladesh fish museum, BBC online, 20 January 2011

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Md. Nahiduzzaman

Research Student, Faculty of Fisheries, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. More...

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