Mugil corsula: Hamilton, 1822; Day 1878; Day, 1889; Jones, 1950, Bhuiyan, 1964.
Rhinomugil corsula: Rahman, 1974.
Common name: Corsula mullet (English name).
Bangla name: Khorsula, Bata, Khalla.
Taxonomic position:
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Osteichthyes
Order: Perciformes
Family: Mugilidae
Genus: Rhinomugil
Species: R. corsula
Morphological description:
Body is sub-cylindrical in anterior region and moderately compressed in posterior. Dorsal profile is nearly straight. Head is flat in above and compressed at sides. Mouth position is ventral and eye is elevated. The first dorsal commences some what nearer to the base of the caudal than the tip of the snout. The second dorsal arises from a bit behind the origin of the anal. Pectoral reaches beyond the origin of the pelvic. Caudal is slightly emarginated. Scales is ctenoid. Body colour is grayish brown on surface, lighter along the abdomen and dorsal and caudal stained with gray. The morphological description of this species is similar to Rahman (2005), Bhuiyan (1964).
Fin formula:
D1. IV, D2. I/7-8, P1.15-16, P2. I/5, A. 3/9.
D1. 4, D2. 1/7-8, P1. 15, P2. 1/5, A. 3/9 (Shafi and Quddus, 1982).
D1. IV, D2. 1/7-8, P1. 15-16, P2. 1/5, A. 3/9 (Rahman, 2005).
D1. IV, D2. I 8, P1. 16, P2. I/5, A. III 9 (Talwar and Jhingran, 2001).
Scales number in the lateral series is 50 to 52. Scales number is mentioned by other writers are 23-25 scales before dorsal and 50-53 Scales along lateral series (Rahman, 2005). Scales in lateral series is 48-52 (Talwar and Jhingran, 2001).
Habit and habitat:
Found in Rivers and estuaries throughout Bangladesh. They swim with their eyes on the surface of water (Rahman, 2005; Bhuiyan, et.al. 1994).
Breeding time:
Breeding time starts in the month of April and continues till July (Bhuiyan, et.al. 1994).
Marketing status:
Rhinomugil corsula is specially seen in the market in the rainy season. The price of this species varied between 85-120 Tk/kg.
Economic importance:
This species is highly esteemed as food (Bhuiyan, 1964).
Ecological role:
Surface dweller fish and taken small fish, insects, leaves of plant and plays an important role in our ecology (Bhuiyan, et.al. 1994).
Bhuiyan, A.L. 1964. Fishes of Dacca. Asiatic Soc. Pakistan, Publ. No. 13, Dacca. pp. 88-90.
Bhuiyan, A.S., Islam, M.N. and Islam, M.S. 1994. Seasonal pattern of food and feeding habit of Rhinomugil corsula (Hamilton) from the river Padma. Univ. J.Zool. Rajshahi University.13: pp. 25-29.
Day, F. 1878. Fishes of India. William Dowson and sons., London. p. 354.
Day, F. 1889. Fishes. Fauna. Brit. India. William Dowson and sons., London. 1-2: p. 249.
Hamilton, F. 1822. Fishes of the Ganges. Archibald constable and company, Edinburgh. p. 221.
Jones, S. 1950. “Bibliograph of breeding habits and development of fishes of inland waters of India”. J. Zool. Soc. India. Calcutta, 2(2): pp. 109-125.
Rahman, A.K.A. 1974. A checklist of the freshwater fishes of Bangladesh. Bull. Fresh. Fish. Sta. Chandpur. No. 1. p. 14.
Rahman, A.K.A. 2005. Freshwater Fishes of Bangladesh. The Zoological Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka. pp. 273-274.
Shafi, M. and Quddus, M.M.A. 1982. Bangladesher Matshaw Sampad (in Bengali). Bangla academy, Dhaka. pp. 307-308.
Talwar, P.K. and Jhingran, A.G. 2001. Inland Fishes of India and Adjacent countries. Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi. 2: pp. 897-898.
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