B.Sc. Fisheries (Honours) first year admission activities has been started in different universities of Bangladesh. These are-

University of Rajshahi

Interested candidates for admission in the Department of Fisheries (RU), please select “G” unit. Number of Seat in this department is 35 (excluding quota).

“G” Unit: At a glance:

  • Preliminary admission form fee: Tk. 385.00 (including service charge) through SMS from 27 September 2010 (12:01 am) to 11 October 2010 (12am)
  • Minimum qualifications: Total GPA at least 8.00 among them SSC or equivalent (at least GPA 3.5, division: science, year: 2006, 2007 or 2008), HSC or equivalent (at least GPA 3.5, at least GP 2.00 in Biology/Agricultural studies, division: science, year: 2009 or 2010)
  • Date and time of admission test: 30 October, 2010, 1-2 pm
  • Mode of question: MCQ on Biology (70%), Chemistry (20%) and English (10%)

Procedure of SMS and more details: RU Admission Test Notice

Previous Admission test Question of this department: |05-06|06-07|07-08|08-09|09-10|

Official website of the Department of Fisheries, RU.
Official website of the University of Rajshahi.


University of Dhaka

Interested candidates for admission in the Department of Fisheries (DU), please select “Ka” unit.

Ka unit: at a glance

Apply Online: Start: Sep. 27, 2010 and End: Oct. 14, 2010
Last Date of Payment: Oct. 14, 2010
Admission Test: Nov. 05, 2010

More details

General instruction about DU admission test
Official website of the university of Dhaka

Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University
Faculty of Fisheries: Admission 2011

Bangladesh Agriculture University
Faculty of Fisheries: Undergraduate Admission 2011

Khulna University
Fisheries and Marine Resources Technology (FMRT) Discipline: Admission 2011

Sylhet Agricultural University
Faculty of Fisheries: Admission 2011

Patuakhali Science and Technology University
Faculty of Fisheries: Admission 2011

University of Chittagong
Institute of Marine Science and Fisheries: Admission 2010-2011

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University
Faculty of Fisheries: Admission 2010-11

Jessore University of Science and Technology
Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries: Admission 2010-11

Noakhali Science and Technology University
Department of Fisheries and Marine Science (FIMS): Admission 2010-11

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B.Sc. Fisheries (Honours) First Year Admission: 2010-11

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