Mohammad Abdul Kadir Tarafder
Managing Director
Sharnalata Agro Fisheries Ltd.
Radhakanai, Fulbaria, Mymensingh.
Mobile: 0171 168 205
Job Experience:
- Duration: 19 July 2004 to date
Position: Managing Director
Organization: Sharnalata Agro Fisheries Ltd., Radhakanai, Fulbaria, Mymensingh.
Duties and Responsibilities:- Hatchery operations of monosex tilapia
- Hatchery operations of air breathers (Koi, Shing, Magur, etc.)
- Hatchery and nursery operation of Pangus, Carps and Freshwater Prawn.
- Brood development of tilapia, koi, carps and catfishes.
- Breading of tilapia, koi, carps and catfishes.
- Farmers and entrepreneurs training of hatchery management.
- Office management.
- Duration: 10 December 2003 to 18 July 2004
Position: Production Officer
Organization: Napin Agro-Fisheries Ltd., House#77, Road#11A, Dhanmondi, Dhaka.
Duties and Responsibilities:- Nursery operation of Pangus, Carps and Freshwater Prawn.
- Brood development of carps and catfishes.
- Breading of carps and catfishes.
- Culture of giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii), carps, tilapia and pangus.
- Office management.
- Duration: 08 March 2000 to 07 December 2003
Position: Extension Officer
Organization: The Fourth Fisheries Project, Department of Fisheries, Bangladesh.
Duties and Responsibilities:- Responsible for overall implementation of aquaculture extension activities of the Project.
- Conduct the training session for the Farmers of Fishery Villages in co-operation with AFO and FAs.
- Conduct the follow-up training programme and advisory visits in the concerned villages.
- Conduct Farmer’s Rally.
- Conduct the baseline survey and other surveys.
- Organize training courses for the selected NGO members, School teachers, Fry traders and Dept. of Agricultural Extension (DAE) staff.
- Duration: 10, July 1999 to 15 February 2000
Position: Research Assistant
Organization: Research project entitled Domestication of an Endangered Species (Nandus nandus) through artificial breeding in the Faculty of Fisheries, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh
Duties and Responsibilities:- Collection of Nandus brood from different parts of the country.
- Brood management of Nandus fish.
- Induce bredding of Nandus.
- Conduct research on Early development stages at captivity, Nursing and Identification first feed, Rearing of F1 generation of Nandus.
- Preparation of Scientific papers
- Preparation of project reports.
Training Experience:
- 2010: Attended 15-day long training on Koi and Pangas hatchery management and culture at Viet Nam, supported by Innovision Consulting Ptv. Ltd., Katalyst and Can Tho University of Viet Nam.
- 2004 to 2010: Attended different short training organized by Department of Aquaculture, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute, Bangladesh Fisheries Research Forum.
- 2003, 14–21 November: Attended in 8-day training programme on Rice-cum-Fish Culture and Carp-Golda Mixed Culture conducted by the Fourth Fisheries Project, DoF at Rural Development Academy (RDA), Bogra, Bangladesh.
- 2002, 13–18 January: Attended in 6-day training programme on Essential Skills Course (Participatory Rural Appraisal, Monitoring and Evaluation, and Office Management) conducted by the Fourth Fisheries Project, DoF at Fisheries Training Centre, Parpatipur, Dinajpur, Bangladesh.
- 2000, Summer: Attended in 18-day training programme on Fourth Fisheries Project Extension Officer Development Programme (a 12 days Basic Extension Course and a 6 days Aquaculture Skill Course) conducted by the Fourth Fisheries Project, DoF, Bangladesh and Fisheries Training and Extension Project-II (FTEP II), DoF/DFID.
- 1997, 12-16 October: Attended in a 5-day study visit based training programme on Aquaculture Extension: NFEP-II Extension and Training Activities conducted by Northwest Fisheries Extension Project-II (NFEP-II), DoF/DFID at Parbatipur, Dinajpur, Bangladesh.
- 1997, 27 September–02 October: Attended in a 6-day study visit based training programme on Acquaintance with organization set up, programmes and activities and working procedure of the thana level extension conducted by the Department of Extension Education, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh in Hossainpur, Kishorgonj, Bangladesh.
- S. Pal, H. Rashid, M.A.K. Tarafder, N.T. Narejo and M. Das. 2003. First records of artificial spawning of Nandus nandus (Hamilton) in Bangladesh using carp pituitary gland: an endangered species bred in captivity. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 6(18): 1621-1625.
- M. Das, M.A.K. Tarafder and S. Pal. 2002. Early developmental stages of Nandus nandus (Ham.). Bangladesh J. Fish. Res., 6(1):11-18.
- M. Das, N. Akter, M.A.K. Tarafder and S. Pal. 2001. Predatory behaviour of pearch, Nandus nandus (Ham.). Bangladesh J. Fish. Res., 5(2):197-200.
- H. Khatoon, Z.P. Sukhan, M.A.K. Tarafder, M.M. Haque and M.H. Ali. 2001. Effectiveness of clove oil as an anesthetic with different solvents on Labeo rohita (Hamilton). Bangladesh Journal of Fisheries, 24(1-2): 69-72.
Academic Career:
- Degree: M. S. in Aquaculture
Institution: Bangladesh Agricultural University
Subject: Aquaculture
Year of Passing: 2000
Result: A (First)
- Degree: B. Sc. Fisheries (Hons.)
Institution: Bangladesh Agricultural University
Subject: Fisheries
Year of Passing: 1996 (held in 1999)
Result: Second Class
- Examination: H.S.C (Higher Secondary Certificate)
Institution: Anandamohan College (Dhaka Board)
Group/Subject: Science
Year of Passing: 1991
Result: First Division
- Examination: S.S.C (Secondary School Certificate)
Institution: Mymensingh Zilla School (Dhaka Board)
Group/Subject: Science
Year of Passing: 1989
Result: First Division
Master Thesis:
- Title: Embryonic Developmental Stages of Nandus nandus.
- Brief abstract: Fertilized eggs and larvae of laboratory reared Nandus nandus were studied to identify it’s early developmental stages. First cleavage (two cell), four cell, eight cell, sixteen cell and multi cell stages were found 30, 50,70, 105 and 160 minutes after fertilization respectively. Morula, early gastrula, middle gastrula, late gastrula and yolk plug stages were found 5, 8, 9, 11 and 13 hours after fertilization respectively. Hatching occurred within 20 ±2 hours after fertilization, and larvae were measured 1.60 mm in diameter. Larvae started wandering and searching for food after 56 hours of hatching. The yolk sac was completely absorbed when the larvae became 62 hours old.
Language Proficiency:
- Bengali (mother language): Excellent
- English (second language): Good
Computer Skills:
- Competent as a computer user of Microsoft Office (Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power point), e-mail and internet.
Membership, Interest and Skills:
- Membership:
- Member of Bangladesh ‘Krishibid’ Institution – a professional organization of agriculturists in Bangladesh.
- Member of Fisheries Graduate Association of Bangladesh (FAB), Bangladesh.
- Interests:
- Interested in nature conservation, music, traveling, cricket, internet and photography.
- Skills:
- Reliably able to maintain files and office documents systematically and have a good sense of priority and other organizational issues.
- Able to maintain good coordination and communication with relevant personnel and organization.
- Reliably able to retrieve reference materials from all possible sources.
- Able to take responsibility in absence of senior officials.
- Able to work under pressure and to produce quality output in stressful conditions.
- Have skills in contact management using standard office equipment such as telephone, fax and photocopier.
- Enjoy working in a team, communicative and cooperative, confident and serious about success.
Personal Details:
- Name: Mohammad Abdul Kadir Tarafder
- Father’s Name: Mohammad Samsul Huda Tarafder
- Mother’s Name: Mst. Hamida Khatun
- Date of Birth: January 1, 1974
- Nationality: Bangladeshi (by birth)
- Sex: Male
- Marital Status: Married
- Religion: Islam
- Present Address: Sharnalata Agro Fisheries Ltd., Radhakanai, Fulbaria, Mymensingh
- Permanent Address: 41, Boundary Road, Mymenshingh-2200.
- Professor Dr. Monoranjan Das
Dean, Faculty of Fisheries
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
Mobile: 0171 424 587
- Professor Dr. Md. Shahidul Haq
Department of Fisheries Management
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
Mobile: 0172 112 184
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Fisheries Personnel Profile: Mohammad Abdul Kadir Tarafder