Md. Anisur Rahman

Dr. Md. Anisur Rahman
Senior Scientific Officer
Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute Riverine station, Chandpur-3602

Phone: 880-2-8650655
Mobile: 01711-458520


Service Status

  • Senior Scientific Officer
    ‘Hilsa Fisheries Management Research, Bangladesh’
    Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute Riverine station, Chandpur-3602, Bangladesh under the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock.
  • Scientific Officer
    Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute (BFRI),
    Joining at 28 December 1988


Job Responsibilities
As BFRI is a research organization, responsibilities are mainly oriented on research planning and designing, reporting and evaluation with little financial and administrative works etc. I worked as a researcher and thus I have to perform mainly data collection, data processing, analytical report writing and interpretation, presentation in the seminar and workshops etc. The main functions performed are listed below:

  • To prepare research proposal with budget;
  • To prepare a research work plan and activity chart for particular time period;
  • To prepare experimental design for each individual experiment;
  • To review the previous literature from national and international journals for the proposed research works;
  • To verify the justification and duplication of any work;
  • To collect data from the sampling sites according to the activity schedule;
  • To maintain and preserve data file in the computer using different software and in the record file as hard copy;
  • To process and analyze data to obtain final result of the experiment;
  • To coordinate all other co-researchers due to that the works are performed as a team work;
  • To compile data from all sampling sites;
  • To write monthly and final reports after analysis and interpretation of the data;
  • To present the research findings in the seminars and workshops;
  • To prepare a final report after completion of a two or five years research project;
  • To write proceedings after conduction of a seminar, symposium or workshop;
  • To provide and conduct demonstration work on the basis of research results;
  • To prepare the research results as a standard paper for the publication in the reputed national and international journals;
  • To organize and communicate to different agencies for the smooth running and dissemination of research works and results;
  • To work in the laboratory and maintain the quality of chemicals and equipment;
  • To publish leaflets and booklets on the basis of the research findings;
  • To organize the whole research team for the smooth running of the project work


Educational Qualifications

  • PhD
    Fisheries Management, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh
    Awarded, 2009
  • M.Sc. Fisheries
    Inland Fisheries Management, University of Hull, UK.
    First Class, 1997
  • M.Sc. Fisheries
    Fisheries Biology and Limnology, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh
    Second Class, 1986
  • B.Sc. Fisheries (Honours)
    Faculty of Fisheries, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh
    Second Class, 1985
  • HSC (Science group)
    Jessore Educational Board, Bangladesh
    Second Division (58.80%), 1981
  • SSC (Science group)
    Jessore Educational Board, Bangladesh
    First Division (61.90%), 1979


Completed one month long Internship as an obligatory part of graduation program at the Graduate Training Institute, in the Bangladesh Agricultural University campus, Mymensingh. In the program we learnt about service rules, acts and regulations. We visited many fisheries important places such as Fish harbor, Chttiagong, BFDC (Bangladesh Fisheries Development Corporation), Rangamati and Chittagong, Fish Farm, Maskanda, Fish Hatchery, Mymensingh during January 1987.



  • “Fisheries Data Analysis” for two weeks in Bangladesh.
  • “Institutional strengthening in Fisheries sector” for two weeks in Bangladesh.
  • “Economics of fisheries management” for two weeks in Bangladesh.
  • “Electrophoresis on Hilsa (Tenualosa ilisha) fish for four weeks in the Philippines.
  • “Monoculture of P. monodon” for two weeks in Bangladesh.
  • “Fisheries Project development, planning and evaluation” for two weeks in Bangladesh.
  • “English Language Course” of 474 hours in the British Council, Dhaka.
  • “Pre-sessional Course in English Language” for overseas students in September 1994 in the University of Hull, England.
  • “Computer Training in Basics” in the University of Hull, England.
  • “Computer Training Course” at the Redaz Computers Systems, Dhaka.
  • “Population Dynamics and Stock Assessment of Hilsa (Tenualosa ilisha) in Australia (CSIRO/ACIAR/BFRI) in October 1997.
  • “Length-frequency data analysis and Gillnet selectivity of Hilsa (Tenualosa ilisha) in Australia  (CSIRO/ACIAR/BFRI) in November 1998.
  • “Research Management Information System (MIS)” for two weeks at BFRI,Mymensingh, Bangladesh in November 2000.


Scholarships and Award

  • Obtained National Science and Technology (NST) award on “Breeding of Clarias  batrachus (Magur) in natural environment (Paddy field)” after graduation.
  • Obtained ODA (Overseas Development Administration, now DFID) scholarships for completing post graduation (M.Sc. in Inland Fisheries Management) course from UK.


Other Experiences

  • Training: Provide training to the fishermen, fish traders and rural (some tribal) people of the country.
  • Seminar-workshop: Organize seminars, symposium and workshops (Regional, National and  International).
  • Attended as guest teacher to teach the students of Fisheries and Marine Resources Technology (FMRT) discipline in Khulna University, Khulna.
  • Participate sometimes in different meetings for the amendment of fish conservation law and help making other strategic decision regarding development of fisheries of Bangladesh.
  • Cruise: Conduct cruise in the sea, (Bay of Bengal, adjacent to Indian Ocean), coasts (Cox’s bazaar, Sandwip, Hatia island, Kuakata and Sundarban area) and main rivers (Jamuna, Padma;part of Ganges, Bishkhali, Payra, Shibsa, Rupsha, Meghna and Meghna estuary) of the country using GPS .
  • Tagging of hilsa fish was done for migration and behavior study.
  • Rearing of hilsa (a migratory open water fish) in the pond to study their growth, age (validity test) and behavior.
  • Use FiSAT (FAO-ICLARM STOCK ASSESSMENT TOOLS) software for stock assessment and PASGEAR software for gear selectivity study.
  • Long term working experience with CSIRO, Australian Scientists on fisheries biology, (Some ecology) and management.
  • “Hilsa Fishery Management Action Plan for Bangladesh” has been drafted for the first time in Bangladesh, which is being implemented now.


Compuetr Skill

  • Operating software- Windows 98, 2000, XL etc
  • Application software- Ms-Word, Ms-Excel, Power point, Ms- Access, MIS, FiSAT, PASSGEAR, Internet explorer, Multimedia etc.


Language known

  • Bengali (reading, writing & speaking)
  • English (reading, writing & speaking) and IELTS band 6.0
  • Arabic (reading)


Extra Curriculum

  • Life member of Bangladesh Agriculturist Association.
  • Full member of Asian Fisheries Society, (Philippines).
  • Full member of Bangladesh Fisheries Graduate Society.
  • Full member of Zoological Society of Bangladesh (Dhaka University).
  • Full member of Asiatic Society of Bangladesh.
  • Full member of Bangladesh Fisheries Research Forum.
  • Member of Inland Fisheries Society of India
  • Member of American Fisheries Society (AFS,membership number is 0053798, expired on 12/31/2003).


Personal Information

  • Father’s Name: Alhaz Abdus Samad Mia
  • Mother’s Name: Mrs. Sayra Samad
  • Mailing  Address: C/O; Abdul Malek, Flat- A4, House- 13/1, Road No.- 1,Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka- 1205, Bangladesh
  • Permanent Address: Vill- Buzruk Sreekundi, PO & Upazila- Magura, Dist- Magura, Bangladesh.
  • Date of Birth: 29 April 1964
  • Place of Birth: Magura, Bangladesh.
  • Nationality: Bangladeshi
  • Religion: Muslim
  • Marital Status : Married
  • Name of Spouse: Mrs. Farida Khatun
  • Children: Two
  • Physique Measure: Height-163 cm, weight range- 58-62Kg
  • Driving License No.: Cha Pa-0253787 Ha Sha, Issued at 13 Feb. 1994



  • Dr. Md. Aminul Islam
    Department of Fisheries Biology and Genetics
    Faculty of Fisheries, Bangladesh Agricultural University
  • Dr. Md. Mahfuzul Haque
    Department of Fisheries Management
    Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2201
  • Dr. Somen Dewan
    Department of fisheries Management
    Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
  • Dr. D. A. Milton
    Senior Fisheries Ecologist
    CSIRO Marine and Environment Atmosphere
    PO Box 120, Cleveland, QLD 4163, Australia


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Fisheries Personnel Profile: Dr. Md. Anisur Rahman

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