Dr. Mohammad Lokman Ali

Dr. Mohammad Lokman Ali
Assistant Professor and Chairman
Department of Aquaculture
Patuakhali Science and Technology University
Dumki, Patuakhali-8602.

Mobile: 01716-379131
E-mail: lokman.fri@gmail.com


Professional Experience:

  • Name of the post: Assistant Professor
    Institute/Organization: Patuakhali Science and Technology University
    Service Length: From June 2010 to date
  • Name of the post: Guest lecturer
    Institute/Organization: Patuakhali Science and Technology University
    Service Length: 1 years
  • Name of the post: Chief Technical Consultant
    Institute/Organization: Bangladesh Youth Employment Pilot, funded by USAID
    Service Length: 1 years 6 month
  • Name of the post: Consultant (Prawn)
    Institute/Organization: Regional Fisheries and Livestock Development, Barisal Component
    Service Length: 2 years
  • Name of the post: Scientific Officer
    Institute/Organization: Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute
    Service Length: 9 years 5 months


Academic Career: 

  • Degree: Ph. D
    Organization: Bangladesh Agricultural University
    Class/division and position: Satisfactory
  • Degree: M.S. in Aquaculture
    Organization: Bangladesh Agricultural University
    Class/division and position: First Class 1st
  • Degree: B.Sc. Fisheries (Honours)
    Organization: Bangladesh Agricultural University
    Class/division and position: First Class 2nd
    Year:1997 (held in 2000)
  • Degree: H.S.C
    Organization: Dhaka Board
    Class/division and position: First Division
  • Degree: S.S.C
    Organization: Dhaka Board
    Class/division and position: First Division


Research Work:

  • Title of Ph. D. work:
    Impact of heavy metal and water quality on breeding and culture of giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rogenbergii).
  • Title of the thesis for the degree of M.S. in Aquaculture:
    M. Lokman Ali. 2002. Studies on the effects of feeds on the reproduction of freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rogenbergii. M. S. Thesis. Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, pp. 63.


Research Project:

Principal Investigator (PI):

  • Served as a Principal Investigator (PI) of a completed research project “Impact of micro nutrient on breeding of freshwater prawn and on farm nursery demonstration.” The research project was conducted under core research program of BFRI from July 2006 to June 2007.
  • Served as a Principal Investigator (PI) of a completed research work “Effect of different feed on growth and per .” The research project was conducted under core research program of BFRI from July 2006 to June 2007.
  • Served as a Principal Investigator (PI) of a completed research project “Demonstrations of prawn polyculture technology for rural farmers of   Mymensingh, Netrakona and Bogora region.” The research project was funded by Japan (2005-2006).
  • Served as a Principal Investigator (PI) of a completed research project “Development of low cost PL Production technique and on farm demonstration of nursery and backyard hatchery of  prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii.” The research project was conducted under core research program of BFRI from July 2005 to June 2006.
  • Served as a Principal Investigator (PI) of a completed research project entitled “Improvement of nursery and culture management techniques of freshwater prawn, (Macrobrachium rosenbergii).” The research project is being conducted under core research program of BFRI from July 2004 to June 2005.
  • Served as a Principal Investigator (PI) of a completed research project “Improvement of mass seed production and grow-out system of prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii).” The research project was conducted under core research program of BFRI from July 2003 to June 2004.


  • Served as a Co- Investigator of a completed research project “Quality seed production of carps and prawns in coastal region, Patuakhali” The research project was conducted under core research program of BFRI from July 2009 to June 2010.
  • Served as a Co- Investigator of a completed research project “Demonstration of Improved Carp Nursery Culture Technology at Khepupara Upazila, Patuakhali” The research project was funded by Bangladesh Agricultural research Council (BARC) from July 2009 to June 2010.
  • Served as a Co- Investigator of a completed research project “Quality seed production of carps and prawns in coastal region, Patuakhali” The research project was conducted under core research program of BFRI from July 2009 to June 2010.
  • Served as a Co-investigator of a completed research project “Development of prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) backyard hatchery.” The research project was conducted under core research program of BFRI Riverine Station, Chandpur from January, 2001 to April 2002.
  • Served as a Co-investigator of a completed research project “Improvement of backyard seed production of prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) and development of grow-out system.” The research project was conducted under core research program of BFRI from April 2002 to June 2003



Journal Article:

  • M. Lokman Ali, M.G. Hussain, C. T. Ahasan and M.A. Mazid ( 2003). Impact   of silver barb (Barbades gonionotus Bleeker) on growth and survival of prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) in polyculture system. J. Bangladesh Agril.  Univ. 1(1): 99-104.
  • M. Lokman Ali (2004). Effect of temperature on rearing period and mortality of freshwater prawn, macrobrachium rosenbergii  larvae. Bangladesh  J. Environ. Sci. 10: 414-416.
  • M. Lokman Ali, M. M. Rashid, S.U. Ahmed, K.R. Hasan  and M. M. Alam. (2004). Effect of high and low cost brood feeds on the hatching and survival rate of freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rogenbergii larvae.  J. Bangladesh Agril.  Univ. 2(1): 135-139.
  • M. Lokman Ali, and M.A. Mazid ( 2004). Use of natural zooplankton as an Artemia substitute in the production of freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii post-larvae. Bangladesh  J. Environ. Sci. 10: 257-260.
  • M. Lokman Ali, M.G. Hussain and M.A. Mazid ( 2004). Studies on the comparative growth of male and female prawns (Macrobrachium rosenbergii De Man) and their sex ratio. The Bangladesh Veterinarian. 21(1): 52-57.
  • M. Lokman Ali (2004). Effects of sunlight on survival and rearing period of freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man) larvae. Bangladesh  J. Environ. Sci. 10: 253-256.
  • M. M. Uddin, M. A. B. Habib  and M. Lokman Ali (2004). Culture of Chlorella ellipsoidea in different concentration of potato powder medium. J. Bangladesh Soc. Agril. Sci. Technol. 2 (1&2): 181-185
  • M. Lokman Ali, C. T. Ahasan and M. Zaher. (2005). Effects of feed probiotic, mussel meat and conventional nursery feed on  growth and survival of freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man). J. Bangladesh Soc. Agril. Sci. Tech. 2 (1&2): 75-77.
  • M. H. Ali, J. U. Miah and M. Lokman Ali  (2005). Survival and growth of an indian major carp rohu (Labeo rohita) fry under different doses of inorganic fertilizers impact used in combination with cattle dung. J. Bangladesh Soc. Agril. Sci. Tech. 2 (1&2): 69-74
  • M. Lokman Ali, S. A. Khair and M.G. Hussain. ( 2003). Impact of Genetically Improved Farm Tilapia (GIFT) on the growth and survival of prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) in prawn polyculture system. J. Train. & Devlop. 16(1&2): 91-96.
  • M. Lokman Ali, M. M. Rashid, S.U. Ahmed, K.R. Hasanand M. M Alam. (2003). Effect of high and low cost brood feeds on gonado-somatic index and fecundity of freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rogenbergii. Bangladesh J. Fish. Research. 8(1): 11-17
  • M. Lokman Ali (2004). Demonstration of prawn backyard hatchery technology at farmer’s level: a profitable business for increasing family income. Bangladesh J. Exten.  Educat. 16(2): 123-128
  • R. Parven, G.U. Ahmed and M. Lokman Ali, ( 2004). Seasonal variation of disease of some small indegenous fishes from Oxbaw lake Fisheries of Bangladesh. Pakistan J. Zoology. 37(1): 53-59.
  • M. Lokman Ali (2005). Evaluation of egg custerd for larval culture of freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii larvae. J. Bangladesh Agril  Univ. 4(1): 110-114.
  • S. L. Bhuiya, M. A. Hossain, G. U. Ahmed  and M. Lokman Ali ( 2005). Effect of varying dietary levels of  saponin on histologycal changes in gonad of Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Bangladesh J. Fish. 29(1&2): 45-48.
  • M. Lokman Ali and A.K.M.R. Amin ( 2004). Effects of brood size on larvae rearing of giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii.. Bangladesh J. Fish. 28(1&2): 99-104
  • M. Lokman Ali, M. S. Hossain, M. Zaher. and R. Parven. ( 2007). Effects of different diets on growth and survival of freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) post-larvae. Bangladesh  J. Environ. Sci. 14(2): 54-58.
  • M. A. A. Mamun, M. A. Hossain, M. S. Hossain and M. L. Ali. 2010. Effects of different types of artificial substrates on nursery production of freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man) in recirculatory system J. Bangladesh Agril. Univ. 8(2): 333–340
  • M. L. Ali, M. A. Sattar and M. A. Baten. 2011. Copper contamination of different prawns farms at satkhira district. J. Environ. Sci. & Natural Resources, 4 (2): 105-109.

Manual :

  • K.R. Hasan, G.C. Haldar, M. A. Haque and M. Lokman Ali. (2002). Development of Macrobrachium backyard hatchery. A manual of five years research progress. M.A. Mazid (Editor), Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute, Riverine Station, Chandpur-3602, Bangladesh. pp. 66
  • M. Lokman Ali and M.A. Mazid (2005). Improved nursery management technology of freshwater prawn. Extension Manual no. 32. Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute, Mymensingh. 48p.
  • M. Lokman Ali and M. Zaher (2006). Polyculture of freshwater prawn and fish in pond. Extension Manual no. 39. Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute, Mymensingh. 16p.
  • M. Lokman Ali, Y. Mahmud, W.A. Pramanik, M. Zaher And M. A. Mazid (2009). Improved nursery management and polyculture technology of freshwater prawn. Extension Manual no. 34. Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute, Mymensingh. 20p


Participation in national training: 

  • Training on “Quality Assurance & Food Safety” sponsored by Bangladesh Quality Support Program-Fisheries, UNIDO held at Graduate Training Institute, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, 11-15 July 2010.
  • “Training on Maintenance & Repair of scientific equipments” sponsored by Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute, Mymensingh, 26- 28 September 2005.
  • “Statistical Analysis by using Computer Package” sponsored by Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, Dhaka, held at Graduate Training Institute, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, 17-29 April 2004.
  • “Training on Rural Development through Self-improvement” sponsored by The Hunger Project – Bangladesh, 19-22 January 2004.
  • “Training on Fish Nutrition and Fish Feed Preparation”, sponsored by Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute, Mymensingh, 18- 22 May 2003
  • “Computer Fundamentals and MS- word” sponsored by Graduate Training Institute, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, , 10-22 August 2002.
  •  “A short course on communicative English” sponsored by Department of Language, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, during September to October 2002.
  • “Data Analysis: Excel and Mstat-C” sponsored by Graduate Training Institute, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh,  24 August to 5th  September 2002.
  • “Activities and working procedure of Thana level extension and Rural development organization” sponsored by Department of Agriculture Extension Education, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, held at Karimgonj Upazilla, Kishoregonj. 5-10 September 1998. “NFEP Extension and Training activities” sponsored by North-West Fisheries Extension Project (NFEP), Dinajpur, 10-14 May 1998.


Major Subjects Studied:

  • Courses of B. Sc. Fisheries (Hons.):
    Fisheries Zoology, General Ichthyology, Aquatic Ecology, Harvesting and Preservation of Fish, Fish Physiology, Fishery Systematic, Physico-chemical Limnology, Fish Parasitology, Fisheries Microbiology, Fish Population Dynamics, Freshwater Aquaculture, Fish Nutrition, Biochemical Limnology, Fish Processing, Coastal Aquaculture, Hatchery Management, Fish Pathology, Oceanography and Marine Biology, Fisheries Products and Quality Control, Fisheries Management, Prevention and Control of Fish Disease, Fish Feed Technology, Fish Farm Design and Construction, Fishery Economics, Biochemistry, Statistics, Rural Sociology, Agricultural Extension.
  • Courses of M.S.  in  Aquaculture:
    Advance Fish Feed Technology,  Freshwater Aquaculture, Fish Health Management, Aqua Farm Operation, Mariculture, Advanced Coastal Aquaculture, Integrated Aquaculture, Aquaculture Nutrition, Advanced Fish Pathology and Parasitology.


Language Proficiency:

  • English: Efficient in Speaking, reading and writing.
  • Bengali: Efficient in Speaking, reading and writing.
  • Arabic : Efficient in  reading and writing.


Computer skills obtained:

  • Skilled in using Word processing and able to use other programs, such as:
    • Microsoft Excel,
    • Mstat-C,
    • SPSS
    • Microsoft  PowerPoint


Personal information:

  • Permanent Address:  Village & Post office:  Bogarchar, Upzilia: Bakshigonj, District: Jamalpur
  • Nationality: Bangladeshi (by brith)
  • Date of Birth:  31 December  1975



Name and address of two persons who are not related by blood or marriage to whom a reference may be made:

  • Prof. Dr. Md. Mohsin Ali
    Department of Aquaculture
    Bangladesh Agricultural University Mymensingh- 2202
    Mobile. +88 01729322598
  • Dr. Sultan Mahmud
    Faculty of Fisheries
    Patuakhali Science and Technology University
    Mobile. +8801720650263
    Email: sultan_77@yahoo.com


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Fisheries Teacher Profile: Dr. Mohammad Lokman Ali

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