In this current world, everyone is familiar with Covid-19 pandemic. COVID-19 has caused extreme damage to the economies of every country. Our country is no exception. Especially in the case of fisheries, being an agrarian country, fish farmers and fishmongers have suffered irreparable damage. At present, the demand for fish in Bangladesh is about 41 lakh tons per year. Fisheries contribute 3.75 percent of our total domestic production and 25.30 percent of our national agriculture production. But this Covid-19 pandemic has caused different types of problems in the fisheries sector. Below is an attempt to highlight some point about this.

Decreasing the growth of fish

In Covid-19 conditions, the growth of fish is being affected in various indirect ways. Due to the nationwide lockdown, suppliers could not supply enough fish feed to the market for the shortage of vehicles. About 14.1% fish farming equipment supply is being disrupted. As a result, the growth of fish is being hampered due to lack of nutrition.

Economic hardship of fish farmers and sellers

Because of lockdown, the fishermen are not able to supply the fish properly in the market. The Probability of non-sale of fish is about 20.6%. So on the one hand the fishermen are suffering economically and the business of fishmongers is also losing as well.

Increasing of fish price and fish feed

As the production and supply of fish in Covid-19 situation has decreased, the sellers increase the market price of fish to keep their profit margin right. The price of ordinary fish has increased by BDT 20-30 per kg. The same thing can be noticed in the case of fish food. The price of a bag of Mustard oilcake has increased from BDT 1,500 to 2,200. The price of paddy husk (rice bran) has increased from BDT 800 to 1100 per bag.

Increased transportation cost

As a nationwide lockdown to prevent corona virus infections, traffic is reduced at once. Fewer vehicles result in higher fares. Rickshaw fares have increased several times. CNG fares have double. Van rent has quadrupled. Some bus drivers want to increase fares by 60%. This is making it difficult for fish farmers to reach the market.

Losing employment

 More than 11% of the total population of our country is directly and indirectly involved in the fisheries sector. On an average, about 6 lakh people are being employed in fish farming every year. But now People involved in the sector, such as vendors, processors, supplies or transport workers are losing their job due to the disruption of public life in the Covid-19 situation.

Inhibition of fish seed and fry production

March to May is usually the best time to release fish fry in the pond. But due to lockdown, fish farmers are not able to collect fish fry from hatcheries in a timely manner.  About 40% of fish farmers could not collect fish fry from hatcheries. As a result, there is a shortage of fish farming during Covid-19 situation.

Deficiency in meeting the demand for protein

Fisheries are one of the main sources of protein for the people of our country. About 60% of the dietary animal protein comes from fish. Fish also contains amino acids, vitamins, minerals, fats and antioxidants that improve the body’s immune system. But the Covid-19 pandemic has led to declining fish production and rising fish price. On the other hand, financial instability of buyers is reducing the number of fish on their daily diet.  As a result, people especially adolescents and pregnant women are lacking in sufficient protein.

Obstacles to earning foreign currency

 In the last 2018-19 financial year, 73.171 metric tons of fish and fish products earned BDT 4250 crore. In the 2019-20 financial year, fish worth 1 crore 15 lakh USD has been exported. This year it has been 63 lakh USD. Export of fisheries items is reducing due to lockdown in different countries in many times. As a result, the export rate is declining. For example, exports of live fish have declined by 45% and frozen fish exports declined by 13.43%.

Spreading rumours

There are also rumors that the Covid-19 virus is spread through fish. For example, the spread of Covid-19 from monosex tilapia is being propagated in various media. However, no evidence has been found that the Covid-19 virus spreads through fish or aquatic animals. However, if the infected person maintains the fish without proper hygiene, then this fish is likely to be infected by Covid-19.

NB. 1 crore = 10 million and 1 lakh = 0.1 million


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The impact of Covid-19 pandemic on fisheries sector of Bangladesh

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Kazi Naima Aktar

Undergraduate Student, BSc Fisheries (Honours) Level-1 Semester-1 Jan-Jun 2020, Session: 2019-2020

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