The Roseline Shark was recorded from an aquarium shop in Dhaka city (Galib, 2010). It is also known as Red Lined Torpedo Barb, Bleeding Eye Barb or Denison’s Barb and native to fast-flowing hill streams and rivers of the state
High Fin Shark, Myxocyprinus asiaticus (Bleeker, 1864)
The High Fin Shark is commonly known as ‘Chinese High Fin Branded Shark’. This species was introduced in Bangladesh in the year of 2009 from Thailand by the aquarium fish importers (Galib and Mohsin, 2010). Chinese high-fin banded sharks originate
Rainbow Shark, Epalzeorhynchos frenatus (Fowler, 1934)
The Rainbow Shark is a Cyprinid originated in Thailand and Indonesia and now importing in Bangladesh from India and Thailand (Galib and Mohsin, 2010). This species is commonly known as Rambo among the aquarium fish traders of Bangladesh and found
Ten Vulnerable Fishes of Bangladesh: Recorded from Chalan Beel
A total of 54 native freshwater fish species of Bangladesh have been declared threatened by IUCN Bangladesh (2000). Among them 12 species are recorded as critically endangered, 28 species are endangered and rest 14 species are vulnerable. Out of 54
Twelve Endangered fishes of Bangladesh: Recorded from Chalan Beel
A total of 54 native freshwater fish species of Bangladesh have been declared threatened by IUCN Bangladesh (2000). Among them 12 species are recorded as critically endangered, 28 species are endangered and rest 14 species are vulnerable. Out of 54
Five Critically Endangered Fishes of Bangladesh: Recorded from Chalan Beel
A total of 54 native freshwater fish species of Bangladesh have been declared threatened by IUCN Bangladesh (2000). Among them 12 species are recorded as critically endangered, 28 species are endangered and rest 14 species are vulnerable. Out of 54
Aquarium Fishes of Bangladesh: Part-2
More than 70 species of exotic and native ornamental fish fishes are recorded from Dhaka and Rajshahi city. Short descriptions of some species are given bellow- 01. Pearl Gourami: Trichogaster leeri Origin: Asia, Thailand, Indonesia Size: 13 cm Lifespan: 3-4