Top Ten Smallest fishes of Bangladesh are given below – No. Scientific Name English Name Bangla/Local Name Max. SL (cm)* 10 Parambassis lala Highfin Glassy Perchlet Lal Chanda 3.8 9 Nangra ornata Ornata Catfish Gang Tengra 3.7 8 Badis chittagongis
Photofeature: Freshwater Fishes of Sunamganj Haor Area (Part F-G)
Gagata cenia (Hamilton, 1822) English Name: Indian gagata Bengali Name: Cenia (ছেনিয়া), Jungla (জংলা), Kauwa (কাউয়া), Tengra (টেংরা) IUCN (Bangladesh) Status: Not threatened Garra gotyla (Gray, 1832) English Name: Goytala, sucker head Bengali Name: Ghor poia (ঘর পোয়া) IUCN
Goby, Gobiopterus chuno (Hamilton, 1822)
Systematic position Phylum: Chordata Class: Actinopterygii (Ray-finned fishes) Order: Perciformes (Perches) Family: Gobiidae (Gobies) Subfamily: Gobionellinae Genus: Gobiopterus Species: G. chuno Synonym: Gobius chuno Hamilton, 1822 Conservation status: Not threatened in Bangladesh (IUCN Bangladesh, 2000). Morphology: Body elongated with depressed