A survey has been carried out in order to explore the existing fish fauna of the river Padma near Rajshahi. One species of Chondrichthyes and 72 species of Osteichthyes of fishes were recorded. Details are given in Fish and Other Fisheries Items of the river Padma Near Rajshahi of Bangladesh.
The photograph, taxonomic position, Scientific name, Local name, Availability, reproduction and breeding season of the recorded species are presented in this serial feature.
Puntius ticto (Local name: Tit-punti)

Taxonomic Position:
Order- Cypriniformes, Family: Cyprinidae, Genus- Puntius
Availability, reproduction and breeding season:
Available round the year, Peak breeding season monsoon in shallow waters, Gravid female available May-June, fry available during June-September
Puntius sophore(Local name: Jat punti, Jati punti)

Taxonomic Position:
Order- Cypriniformes, Family: Cyprinidae, Genus- Puntius
Availability, reproduction and breeding season:
Available round the year, Peak breeding season monsoon in shallow waters, Gravid female available during May-June, fry available during June-September
Aspidoparia jaya (Local name: Jaya, Choto-peoli)

Taxonomic Position:
Order- Cypriniformes, Family: Cyprinidae, Genus- Aspidoparia
Availability, reproduction and breeding season:
Available round the year, Peak breeding season monsoon in shallow waters, Gravid female found during May-August and December-January season, fry available during June-September
Aspidoparia morar (Local name: Peoli)

Taxonomic Position:
Order- Cypriniformes, Family: Cyprinidae, Genus- Aspidoparia
Availability, reproduction and breeding season:
Available round the year, Peak breeding season monsoon, Gravid female available in May-August, fry available during July-September
Labeo rohita (Local name: Rui, Rohit)

Taxonomic Position:
Order- Cypriniformes, Family: Cyprinidae, Genus- Labeo
Availability, reproduction and breeding season:
Available round the year, breeding season monsoon in shallow waters, Gravid female found during April-July, fry available during July-September
Labeo calbasu (Local name: Kalibaus)

Taxonomic Position:
Order- Cypriniformes, Family: Cyprinidae, Genus- Labeo
Availability, reproduction and breeding season:
Available throughout the year, breed during monsoon, Gravid female found during April-July, and fry in July-September
Laneo bata (Local name: Vangna, Bata)

Taxonomic Position:
Order- Cypriniformes, Family: Cyprinidae, Genus- Labeo
Availability, reproduction and breeding season:
Available throughout the year, breed mostly in rainy season. Gravid female found during May-August and fry during June-September
Labeo boga (Local name: Bhangon, Bhangon buta)

Taxonomic Position:
Order- Cypriniformes, Family: Cyprinidae, Genus- Labeo
Availability, reproduction and breeding season:
Breeding season monsoon, fry found in August-September
Catla catla (Local name: Katla, Katol)

Taxonomic Position:
Order- Cypriniformes, Family: Cyprinidae, Genus- Catla
Availability, reproduction and breeding season:
Available throughout the year, breeds in monsoon and summer time, Gravid female found during May-July, Fry found during early rainfall
Cirrhina mrigala (Local name: Mrigal, Mirka)

Taxonomic Position:
Order- Cypriniformes, Family: Cyprinidae, Genus- Cirrhina
Availability, reproduction and breeding season:
Available throughout the year, breed in monsoon, Gravid female found in June-August and fry in July-September period
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