Systematic position
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii (Ray-finned fishes)
Order: Cypriniformes (Carps)
Superfamily: Cobitoidea
Family: Cobitidae (Loaches)
Subfamily: Cobitinae
Genus: Lepidocephalichthys
Species: L. irrorata

Synonym: Lepidocephalus irrorata (Hora, 1921)

Common/local names
English: Loktak loach
Bangladesh: Puiya (পুইয়া)

Distributions: Bangladesh (Rahman, 1989 and 2005) and India (Manipur and Meghalaya) (Talwar and Jhingran, 1991).

Conservation status: Data Deficient in Bangladesh (IUCN Bangladesh, 2000).

Morphology: Body elongate with arched dorsal profile and almost straight ventral profile. Scaled upper surface of the head.  Mouth inferior and eyes are very small. Sub-orbital spine elongated. Four pairs of barbels. Dorsal fin much nearer to the caudal base. Caudal slightly forked and almost truncate.

Body color pale-olive with minute dark spots on sides. Fins are whitish and profusely spotted. Dark streak from eye to snout.

Fin formula:
D. 2/7; P1. 1/6; P2. 1/6; A. 2/5 (Rahman, 1989 and 2005)
D ii 6-7; A ii-iii 5; P i 6-7; V i 6 (Talwar and Jhingran, 1991)

Maximum lengths: 3 cm (Rahman, 1989 and 2005) and 34 cm (Talwar and Jhingran, 1991).

Habitats: Recorded from Muhuri river of Feni and streams of Sylhet (Rahman, 1989 and 2005).

Fishery info: Of no interest to fisheries (Talwar and Jhingran, 1991).



Hora SL (1921) Fish and fisheries of Manipur with some observations on those of the Naga Hills. Records of the Indian Museum (Calcutta) 22(3/19): 165-214.

IUCN Bangladesh (2000) Red book of threatened fishes of Bangladesh, IUCN- The world conservation union. xii+116 pp.

Rahman AKA (1989) Freshwater Fishes of Bangladesh, 1st edition, Zoological Society of Bangladesh, Department of Zoology, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000, pp. 158-159.

Rahman AKA (2005) Freshwater Fishes of Bangladesh, 2nd edition, Zoological Society of Bangladesh, Department of Zoology, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000, pp. 178-179.

Talwar PK and Jhingran AG (1991) Inland Fishes of India and Adjacent Countries, Vol. 1, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi-Calcutta, pp. 526-527.


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Loktak loach, Lepidocephalichthys irrorata Hora, 1921

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Roknuzzaman Nayan

Student, Department of Fisheries, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh. Email: More...

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