Journal of Agriculture & Rural Development
Journal of Agriculture & Rural Development

Journal of Agriculture & Rural Development is published form School of Agriculture and Rural Development, Bangladesh Open University, Gazipur-1705, Bangladesh. ISSN of this journal is 1810-1860.

Mailing Address
School of Agriculture and Rural Development
Bangladesh Open University

Principal Contact
Dr MA Taleb
Dean & Editor
School of Agriculture and Rural Development
Bangladesh Open University
Phone: +880-2-9291110
Fax: +880-2-9291122

Author Guidelines

  1. The journal publishes original research papers, short communications, review papers/articles, case studies and book reviews in the field of distance education (in agriculture and applied sciences), agribusiness, agricultural engineering, animal science, crop science, fisheries science, forestry, environmental science, rural and youth development, veterinary science and related fields. The journal is currently available online at
  2. Two copies of the manuscript typed on A4 size offset paper with double space and adequate margins (left and top 3.80 cm, right and bottom 2.54 cm) should be submitted. All pages should be numbered on the top (title page is 1). The article should not exceed 10 journal pages with Figures and Tables.
  3. Submission is representation that the manuscript has not been published previously and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. A covering letter should clearly identify the person (with address, fax, telephone number and e-mail address) responsible for correspondence.
  4. Elements comprising the manuscripts should be ordered as follows: Title page, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements, Literature cited, Tables and Figures caption list.
  5. Title page: This should include the title of the article, authors’ names and affiliations, complete mailing address, fax, e-mail and telephone number of one of the author who will review the proof and suggested running head.
  6. Abstract: This should be on the 2nd page of the manuscript. Title should also be written on the top of the abstract. The abstract should be written within 150 words.
  7. Keywords: A list of 3-6 key words is to be provided directly below the abstract. Key words should express the precise content of the manuscript and consists of words or phrases.
  8. Acknowledgements: All acknowledgements (including those for grant and financial support) should be typed in one separate paragraph that directly precedes the reference section.
  9. Literature cited: Literature cited are identified in the text as Sardar (2003), (Sardar 2003), (Sardar and Sarker 2003) and for multi-author citation as Sardar et al. (2003) or (Sardar et al. 2003). For multiple papers of the same author(s) published in the same year should be cited as Sardar (2003a), Sardar (2003b) or Sardar et al. (2003a) or (Sardar et al. 2003b) etc. All Citations in the text should be typed double-spaced in a separate section at the end of the paper and arranged in alphabetic order. Abbreviations should conform to those in Index Medicus. Citation may be listed as follows:
    Journal article
    Sardar, M. A. and Sarker, K. R. 1988. Bioassay of pesticides on the life stages of red mite, Tetranychus bioculatus (Wood-Mason) (Prostigmata : Tetranychidae). Acarologia 29 (3), 279-284.
    Mollah, J. U. and Islam, W. 2003. Insecticidal activity of Ipomoea maximum L. against the pulse beetle, Callososrmchus maculatus F. J Agric Rural Dev 1(2), 49-54.
    Proceedings Paper
    Publiese, R. 1995. The loneliness of the distance learner. In “Invitational Research Symposium on Distance Education”. American Center for the study of Distance Education, The Pennsylvania State University. pp. 220-225.
    Internet Source
    Chin, K. S. 2000. Introduction to quail farming. (2000, February 16).
    Newspaper Article
    Anisul, H. 2003. 03 August 2003. Success in the production of test-tube baby . In “The Daily Star”, Dhaka. p. 4.
    Magazine article
    Gill, J. S. 2004. Weed management for improved crop production. In “Far Eastern Agriculture”, 2 (2), 16-17.
    Nakamura, M. 1990. A Livestock and Poultry Disease Control Programme for Bangladesh, USAID/BRAC, Dhaka. pp. 23-25.
    Alam, A. K. M. A. 2001. Studies on the quality of vegetable seeds available in the market. Unpublished [MS Thesis], Department of Horticulture, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh. 50 pp.
    Snodgrass, R. E. 1994. “Principles of Insect Morphology”, McGraw Hill Book Company, USA. 364 pp. Simpson, K. and Day, N. 1996. “The Princeton Field Guide to the Birds of Australia.” Princeton University Press, New Jersey. 511 pp.
    Cohen, S., Ward, P. A. and Bigazzi, P. E. 1974. “Mechanisms of Cell-mediated Immunity” (R. T. McCluskey and S. Cohen, Eds.). J Wiley and Sons, New York. 600 pp.
    Book Section
    Clark, L. R., Geier, P. W., Hughes, R. D. and Morris, R. F. 1982. Numerical change in insect populations. In “The Ecology of Insect Populations in Theory and Practice” (L. R. Clark, P. W. Geier, R. D. Hughes and R. R. Morris, Eds.), Methuen & Co. Ltd. USA. pp. 7-25.
    Wooding, F. B. P. and Flint, A. P. F. 1994. Placentation. In “Marshall’s Physiology of Reproduction” (G. E. Lamming, Ed.), Vol. 3, Pregnancy and Lactation, Part One, Ovulation and early pregnancy, Chapman & Hall, London. pp. 233-460.
  10. Tables: Tables should be typed on different sheets and numbered consecutively with Roman numerals. Tables should be self-explanatory and includes a brief descriptive title.
  11. Illustrations/Figures/Photographs: Illustrations should be drawn or with computer and be in a form ready for plating. A brief legend should be provided for every diagram and photograph on a separate sheet of paper and should not be incorporated in the figure. The illustrations should be numbered on the back with a pencil. The place of inclusions of the figures in the text should be clearly indicated. Figures should be numbered in the order in which they are mentioned in the text. Photographs should be clear, black and white on glossy print.
  12. Number of tables, illustrations and photographs should be kept at absolute minimum. Same results should not be presented both in tables and figures.
  13. Short Communications: Short Communications should contain short description of objective of the work, materials and methods and results and discussion without any headings. Literature cited will be included under the respective heading. Short communications are concise manuscripts of two or less journal pages i.e. about 3-5 pages of A4 size paper including Tables and Figures.
  14. All measurements must be given in metric units.
  15. Authors will receive galley proofs, which they are requested to correct and return as soon as possible. New matter should not be inserted in the text at the time of proof reading. Both hard copy and CD typed in MS Word should be submitted.
  16. No paper will be accepted for publication if it is not prepared following the style specified for the journal. Recent issues of the journal may be consulted for style.
  17. Manuscripts should be sent to:
    Dr MA Taleb, Editor
    Journal of Agriculture & Rural Development
    School of Agriculture and Rural Development
    Bangladesh Open University
    Phone: +880-2-9291110
    Fax: +880-2-9291122

Fisheries related scientific papers, short communication and review are published on Fisheries section under different volumes of the journal. Recent documents are listed here-

Vol 7, No 1&2, 2009

  • Title: Use of Duckweed as Feed for Fishes in Polyculture
    Authors: ANMA Kabir, MA Hossain, MS Rahman
    Pages: 157-160

Vol 6, No 1 (2008)

  • Title: Reproductive Ecology of Mola (Amblypharyngodon mola)
    Authors: ASMM Hoque, MR Rahman
    Pages: 165-174

Vol 5, No 1&2 2007

  • Title: Parasitic Diseases of Exotic Carp in Bangladesh
    Authors: M Arifa Akter, M Delwer Hossain, M Redwanur Rahman
    Pages: 127-134
  • Title: Influence of Dietary Phosphorus and Zinc Levels on Whole Body Mineral, Liver Mineral, and Liver Vitamin-C Contents of Fingerling Rainbow Trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss
    Authors: MS Alam Sarker, Shuichi Satoh
    Pages: 135-142
  • Title: Optimal Stock, Harvest and Effort Level of Bangladesh Trawl Shrimp Fishery: A Nonlinear Dynamic Approach
    Author: M Shamim Uddin Khan
    Pages: 143-149
  • Title: Costs and Earnings of Fishing Efforts of Marine Set-Bag-Net (MSBN) Fisheries of Bangladesh
    Authors: MJ Rahman, M Zaher, AKY Haroon
    Pages: 176-178

Vol 4, No 1 (2006)

  • Title: Fish Parasitological Studies in Bangladesh: A Review
    Author: KJ Chandra
    Pages: 9-18


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Journal Profile: Journal of Agriculture & Rural Development

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