International Journal of Natural Sciences
Coverpage of the International Journal of Natural Sciences

The International Journal of Natural Sciences (iJNS) is an independent, quarterly basis online (ISSN: 2221-1020) and print (ISSN: 2221-1012) version, open access, peer reviewed, non-profit   journal that publishes original research, short communications, review articles or essays, and book reviews relevant to Natural Sciences.  It is published by the Department of Medicine and Surgery, Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Science, Sylhet Agricultural University , Bangladesh. iJNS now indexed with BanglaJOL (supported by INASP), METS, Agris, CrossRef, ScopeMed, EBSCOhost, Open-J-Gate etc. iJNS will be published quarterly. This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Articles and Short Communications status of the journal is open submissions, indexed and peer reviewed

Author Guidelines:
All manuscripts are written in English. Submissions should be accompanied by a statement from the authors that the work has not been previously published in any form and all authors are in agreement with its submission. Authorship should be restricted to those who have made significant contributions to the research (i.e. conceptualization, experimental design, data collection and analysis, writing).The manuscript should include the following: title, author’s name(s) and biography, company or institute, abstract and key words. The main parts of the manuscript should consist of introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusion, figures and tables with captions and descriptions, in which detailed quantity, amount and unit will be given.

  • General
    Manuscripts should be submitted as Microsoft Word and pdf compatible documents. The manuscripts should be double-spaced, with a minimum of 2.5 cm margins on all sides.
  • Title Page:
    The title page should include title, author(s)’ name and affiliation, email address of the corresponding author and a suggested running head (Maximum 50 characters). When the title contains reference to an organism, give taxonomic affiliation in parentheses. Please do NOT use case capitals for either the title or authors names.
  • Abstract: 
    An informative abstract shorter than 250 words is included. Informative abstracts include the purpose of the research, the main methods used, the most important results, and the most significant conclusions.
  • Keywords:
    Supply 4 to 8 keywords that describe the main content of the article. Select words different than those in the title and list them alphabetically.
  • Text:
    Should be precise, clear, and concise. Avoid verbiage, excessive citations of the literature (especially to support well known statements), discussions marginally relevant to the paper, and other information that adds length but little substance to the paper. All tables and figures should be relevant and necessary; do not present the same data in tables and figures, and do not use short tables for information that can be easily presented using text.
  • Material and Methods
    • The nomenclature, the source of material and equipment used, with the manufacturers’ details in parenthesis, should be clearly mentioned. The procedures adopted should be explicitly stated to enable other workers to reproduce the results, if necessary. New methods may be described in sufficient detail and indicating their limitations. Established methods can be just mentioned with authentic references and significant deviations, if any given, with reasons for adopting them. While reporting experiments on human subjects and animals, it should be clearly mentioned that procedures followed are in accordance with the ethical standards laid down by the national bodies or organizations of the particular country. Whenever needed, appropriate certification should be provided at the time of submission of the manuscripts.
    • The statistical analysis done and statistical significance of the findings when appropriate should be mentioned. Unless absolutely necessary for a clear understanding of the article, detailed description of statistical treatment may be avoided. Articles based heavily on statistical considerations, however, need to give details particularly when new or uncommon methods are employed. Standard and routine statistical methods employed need to give only authentic references.
  • Results
    • Only such data as are essential for understanding the discussion and main conclusions emerging from the study should be included and arrange in unified and coherent sequence so that the report develops clearly and logically.
    • Data presented in tables and figures should not be repeated in the text. Only important observations need to be emphasized or summarized.
    • The same data should not be presented both in tabular and graphic forms.
    • Interpretation of the data should be taken up only under the Discussion and not under Results.
  • Discussion
    • The discussion should deal with the interpretation of results without repeating information already presented under Results. It should relate new findings to the known ones and include logical deductions. It should also mention any weaknesses of the study.
    • The conclusions can be linked with the goals of the study but unqualified statements and conclusions not completely supported by the data should be avoided. Claiming of priority on work that is ongoing should also be avoided. All hypotheses should, if warranted, clearly be identified as such; recommendations may be included as part of the Discussion, only when considered absolutely necessary and relevant.
  • Acknowledgment:
    Acknowledgment should be brief and made for specific scientific/technical assistance and financial support only and not for providing routine departmental facilities and encouragement or for help in the preparation of the manuscripts (including typing or secretarial assistance).
  • Tables:
    Tables should have no vertical lines and only three horizontal lines (under the title, under the headings of the columns, and at the end of the table). Fill blank spaces with a dash and explain its meaning at the end of the title or in a footnote.
  • Illustrations
    • Preparation: Similar figures should be arranged into plates whenever possible; leave very little space between adjoining illustrations or separate them with a thin white line. Line art should be scanned at 900 dpi, photographs (halftone or color) at 300 dpi, and figures with line art and halftones at 600 dpi. Crop the illustrations to remove non printing borders. Make lines thick enough and text large enough to compensate for reduction. Dimensions of the original artwork should not exceed 28 cm x 21.5 cm; the printed area of the journal page measures 20.3 x 14 cm. Submission: TIFF or JPG files of figures should be of high quality and readable in Adobe Photoshop. Do not embed figures in the manuscript document.
    • The figures will be evaluated during the editorial reading of the article and if necessary instructions will be provided for the submission of adequate illustrations. Authors must pay the additional cost of printing color illustrations (approximately US $200 per page and for domestic paper: 2000 tk / page).
    • All technical measuring units must be in accordance with international standard (IS).
  • Citation / References
    Should be listed in accordance with the sequence of quoting at the related part from earlier to later. The format of literatures quoted please refer to iJNS already published. Manuscripts should be prepared in MS Word or pdf and sent to the Executive Secretary office by E-mail; however, printed sheets sent by post may be accepted as well.
    Number references consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. Identify references in text, tables and legends by Arabic numerals in square brackets,example[1,2,3…etc], (not superscript numbers). References cited only in tables or in legends to figures should be numbered in accordance with a sequence established by the first identification in the text of the particular table or illustration. Use the style of the examples below:

    • For an article: Jackson GC (1997). Frances W. Horne-illustrator of Puerto Rico’s plants and birds. Caribb. J. Sci. 33(3-4):125-41.
    • Reid G, Jass J, Sebulsky MT, McCormick JK (2003). Potential use of probiotics in clinical practice. Clin Microbiol Rev 16:658-72.
    • For an article in a book: Brown GW (1964). The metabolism of Amphibia. In Physiology of the Amphibia, ed. JA Moore, 54-98. New York: Academic Press.
    • For a book: Roughgarden  J (1995). Anolis lizards of the Caribbean: Ecology, evolution and plate tectonics. New York: Oxford Univ. Press.
    • For a technical report: Cohen DM and JG Nielsen (1978). Guide to the identification of genera of the fish order Ophidiiformes with a tentative classification of the order. NOAA Tech Rept. NMFS Cir. 417:1-72.
    • For a Web document: Mari Mutt JA (1998). Print vs. the Internet: On the Future of the Scientific Journal.
  • The editor reserves the right to revise some expressions in the manuscript when it is philologically necessary. Authors who tend not to accept such revision should declare in advance.
  • Authors’ Contributions:
    All authors are encouraged to specify their individual contributions at the bottom of the title page or on a separate page. The iJNS will not publish an item unless it has the signatures of all the authors. Participation solely in the acquisition of funding or the collection of data does not justify authorship. General supervision of the research group is also not sufficient for authorship. Any part of an article critical to its main conclusions must be the responsibility of at least one author. Cover Letter can be downloaded from here
  • Undertaking by Authors:
    We, the undersigned, give an undertaking to the following effect with regard to our article entitled
  • Submitted for publication in iJNS
    • The article mentioned above has not been published or submitted to or accepted for publication in any form, in any other journal.
    • We also vouchsafe that the authorship of this article will not be contested by anyone whose name(s) is/are not listed by us here.
    • I/We declare that I/We contributed significantly towards the research study i.e., (a) conception, design and/or analysis and interpretation of data and to (b) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content and on (c) final approval of the version to be published.
    • I/We hereby acknowledge iJNS conflict of interest policy requirement to scrupulously avoid direct and indirect conflicts of interest and, accordingly, hereby agree to promptly inform the editor or editor’s designee of any business, commercial, or other proprietary support, relationships, or interests that I/We may have which relate directly or indirectly to the subject of the work.
    • I/We also agree to the authorship of the article in the following sequence:-
    •  Authors’ Names (in sequence)        Signature of Authors
    1. _______________________          ______________________
    2. _______________________          ______________________
    3. _______________________          ______________________
    4. _______________________          ______________________
    5. _______________________          ______________________
    6. _______________________          ______________________
    7. _______________________          ______________________
    8. _______________________         ______________________
  • Important notes:
    • All the authors are required to sign independently in this form in the sequence given above. In case an author has left the institution/country and whose whereabouts are not known, the senior author may sign on his/her behalf taking the responsibility.
    • No addition/deletion/ or any change in the sequence of the authorship will be permissible at a later stage, without valid reasons and permission of the Editor.
    • If the authorship is contested at any stage, the article will be either returned or will not be processed for publication till the issue is solved.
  • Submission Preparation Checklist:
    • As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission’s compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
    • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
    • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
    • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
    • The text is double-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
    • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
    • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
    • You may submit manuscript from here
  • Privacy Statement
    • The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.



  • Journal submission: BDT 3000 (domestic) and US $ 250 (foreign)
  • Account details: Dutch Bangla Bank Limited, Branch: Sylhet, Account name: International Journal of Natural Science (IJNS), Account number: 121.110.16680


Executive Board:

  • President: Chairman, Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, FVAS, SAU, Bangladesh
  • Executive Board:
    • Dr. Md. Mukter Hossain, Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, FVAS, SAU, Bangladesh
    • Dr. M. Bashir Uddin, Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, FVAS, SAU, Bangladesh
    • Dr. Ferdaus M.A. Hossain, Dept. of Dairy and Poultry Science, FVAS, SAU, Bangladesh

Editorial Board

  • Editor-in-Chief
    • Prof. Dr. MMR  Howlader, Dept. of Physiology  and Pharmacology, FVAS, SAU, Bangladesh
  • Executive Secretary
    • Dr. Md. Mukter Hossain, Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, FVAS, SAU, Bangladesh
  • Editorial Members
    • Prof. Dr. Nazir Ahmed, Dept. of Theriogenology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan
    • Prof. Dr. Keiichi Okazaki, Dept. of Agriculture, Niigata University, Japan
    • Prof. Dr. Emdadul Haque Chawdhury, Dept. of Pathology, BAU, Bangladesh
    • Prof. Dr. Md. Ekhlasur Rahman, Dept. of Pediatrics, Dhaka Medical College, Bangladesh.
    • Prof. Dr. Mamunur Rashid, Dept. of Pharmacy, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh
    • Prof. Dr. Giasuddin Ahmed, Dept. of Aquaculture, BAU, Bangladesh
    • Dr. Sabir Bin Muzaffar, Dept of Biology, University Arab Emirates, UAE.
    • Prof. Dr. Mahfujur Rahman, Dept. of Botany, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh
    • Prof. Dr. ATM Mahbub-E-Elahi, Dept. of Microbiology, SAU, Bangladesh
    • Dr. Sankar P. Mondal, CEO, Stop AI, USA
    • Dr. M. Asad-ud-Doullah, Agronomy and Seed Science, SAU, Bangladesh
    • Dr. Mehedi Hasan Khan, Dept of Biochemistry, SAU, Bangladesh
    • Dr. MM Rahman, CNU, Republic of Korea
  • Assistant Editors
    • Dr. M. Bashir Uddin, Dept. of Medicine and Surgery, SAU, Bangladesh
    • Dr. Ferdaus MA Hossain, Dept. of Dairy and Poultry Science, SAU, Bangladesh


Journal Contact:

  • Mailing Address
    International Journal of Natural Sciences (iJNS)
    Department of Medicine and Surgery
    Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Sciences
    Sylhet Agricultural University

Principal Contact

  • Dr. Md. Mukter Hossain
    Executive Secretary
    Dept. of Medicine and Surgery
    Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Science
    Sylhet Agricultural University
    Phone: +88-0821-761952
    Fax: +88-0821-761980


Research Article related to fisheries which has been published on the journal:

Volume: 1, Issue: 2

  • Title: Effects of diluents, dilution ratios and cryoprotectants for the cryopreservation of Thai Sharpunti (Barbodes gonionotus) spermatozoa
    Authors: Uddowla MH, Salma U, Rahman MM, Hossain MSand Mollah MFA
    Abstract  and   Full Text
  • Title: Nutritional value of wild, cultured and frozen prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii (De Man, 1879)
    Authors: Ferdose Aand Hossain MB
    Abstract    and   Full Text

Volume: 1, Issue: 3

  • Title: Seasonal status of white spot syndrome virus in broodstocks, nauplii and postlarvae of black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) in Bangladesh
    Authors: Iqbal MM1*, Kabir MA2, Alan CB3, Mamun MAA4 and Hossain MM5
    Abstract   and   Full Text

Volume: 1, Issue: 4

  • Title: Health condition of juvenile exotic carp Cyprinus carpio  from various fish farms of Mymensingh area, Bangladesh
    Authors: Ahmed1* GU, Akter2 MN, Islam3 MR and Rahman1 KMM
    Abstract   and     Full Text
  • Title: Antibiotic sensitivity and In vitro antimicrobial activity of plant extracts to Pseudomonas fluorescens isolates collected from diseased fish
    Authors: Foysal MJ, Rahman MM* and Alam M
    Abstract   and   Full Text




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Journal Profile: International Journal of Natural Sciences

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