Journal of the Bangladesh Agricultural University (JBAU) is an official publication of the Bangladesh Agricultural University Research System (BAURES), BAU, Mymensingh-2202. ISSN of this journal is 1810-3030.
Principal Contact:
Prof. Dr. Md. Ruhul Amin
Executive and Managing Editor
Bangladesh Agricultural University Research System (BAURES)
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
Phone: +88-091-67417
Fax: +88-091-61510
Mailing Address
Bangladesh Agricultural University Research System (BAURES)
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Author Guidelines:
Contributions are accepted for consideration on the understanding that the submitted manuscript should be original, has not been published before (except as part of a thesis or lecture note or report, or in the form of an abstract); that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere; that its publication has been approved by all co-authors as well as by the authorities at the Institute where the work has been carried out. The author(s) are requested to follow the latest issue of the Journal before preparation and submission of manuscript.
Length of article: Microsoft Word files are required for all manuscripts. The manuscript should be as short as possible, and no longer than 5000 words, while review articles may cover up to 7000 words, in case of short communications, the limit is 1500 words.
Typescript: Manuscripts should be typed with double-spacing throughout, and with a margin of at least 3 cm on both side having font size of 12 on one side of A4-sized paper. All pages should be numbered consecutively. If the typescripts are produced by word processor, a good quality printer should be used. All manuscripts must be written in clear and grammatically correct English and spelling. Non-English speaking authors who do not have a good command in English are advised to seek assistance from someone who has. Scientific language, nomenclature and standard international units should be used.
Bioethics: Experiments on in vivo animal work should conform to the legislation in the country (e.g., Ethics Committee approval and authorization from institute and/or government) where the experiments were carried out. A manuscript containing information that suggests that animals were subjected to adverse, stressful, or harsh conditions or treatments will not be considered for publication unless the authors demonstrate convincingly that the knowledge gained was of sufficient value to justify these conditions or treatments.
Submission: Three hard copies of the manuscript should be submitted to the Executive Editor, Journal of the Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh Agricultural University Research System (BAURES), Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh, Tel. no. 880-91-67417, E-mail:, along with a cover letter and should include the name, address, fax and telephone numbers, and email address of the corresponding author. The letter should also contain a statement justifying why the work should be considered for publication in the journal, and that the manuscript has not been published or simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere.
Acceptance: The acceptance of a paper implies that it has been reviewed and recommended by at least two reviewers, of which one is from the Editorial Board as a super reviewer. Authors will generally be notified of acceptance, rejection, or need for revision within shortest possible time from receipt. The accepted papers will be published in the coming issue of JBAU.
Layout of the Manuscript: The main body of the paper should be divided into unnumbered sections. Choice of headings will depend on the content, but the text of the article is recommended in the following order: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, (or Results and Discussion), Conclusion (if any), Acknowledgements (if any) and References.
Title: The title should be concise and informative and contain all keywords necessary to facilitate retrieval by modern searching techniques. Additional keywords not already contained in the title or abstract should be listed (not exceed 5 words) beneath the abstract. A short title of less than 50 letter spaces, to be used as a running head at the top of the printed page, should be supplied. The title page should include: title of the article, short title, full name(s), institution(s) and address(es) of the author(s) with detailed postal, e-mail address, phone and fax numbers of the corresponding author.
Author: The number of author of an article should not exceed four. However, in case of research conducted through foreign fund or foreign collaboration, two more foreign authors can be allowed along with maximum limit of local author(s).
Abstract: The abstract (preferably less than 400 words) should state concisely the scope of the work and the principal findings and should not just recapitulate the results. It should be complete enough for direct use by abstracting services. Acronyms and references should be avoided.
Introduction: Include a clear description of the aims of the investigation (without summarising the work itself) and a brief statement of previous relevant work with references.
Experimental: State clearly, in sufficient detail to permit the work to be repeated, the methods and materials used. Only new techniques and modifications to known methods need to be described in detail but known methods must have adequate references. Include the name, postal town and country of the supplier or manufacturer of any chemical or apparatus not in common use. Give the statistical design (including replication) of each experiment where appropriate.
Tables and Figures: Tables and Figures should be placed on separate sheet, must be numbered with arabic numerals accompanied by a title and the number of columns and rows in the Table should be kept to a minimum. Each Table and Figure must be referred to in the text, and the preferred position of the Table and Figure in the text should be indicated. Do not use decorative borders, shadowing or other 3-dimensional effects. Proportionally smaller sizes of type, symbols, grid marks and curve thicknesses should be used for lesser reductions. Symbols can be used but explanations of symbols should be given in the caption to the figure, and lettering of graphs should be kept to a minimum.
Photographs: Photographs must be of the highest quality, black and white with a full range of tones and of good contrast. Colour photographs may be accepted if they are essential, but the cost of production must be borne by the author(s).
Results: Present these concisely, using tables or illustrations for clarity; do not list the results again in the text. State clearly the form of the experimental error and the statistical significance of the results. Do not overstate the precision of the measurements. Histograms or bar charts, unless prepared carefully, are inferior to tables.
Discussion: The Results should be followed by a concise section to discuss and interpret them. Do not just repeat the results. A combined Results and Discussion section sometimes simplifies the presentation.
Conclusions: Do not merely repeat content of preceding sections. The Discussion and Conclusions sections may be merged.
Acknowledgements: Keep these to the absolute minimum, should be a brief statement at the end of the text and may include source of financial support. Avoid thanks for permission to publish.
References: References are cited by the author and year system without numbering; all entries in this list must correspond to references in the text. In the text, the names of 2 co-authors are linked by ´and´; for 3 or more, the first author´s name is followed by ´et al.´. Where more than one reference is cited in the text, they should be listed chronologically. No editorial responsibility can be taken for the accuracy of the references. The titles of papers and the first and last page numbers must be included for all references. Papers that have not been accepted for publication cannot be included in the list of references and must be cited in the text as ´unpublished data´ or ´personal communication´; the use of such citations is discouraged. The reference list should be given alphabetically in the following style:
Bhattacharya, K. R. 1985. Parboiling of rice. In B.O. Juliano, ed. Rice chemistry and technology, 2nd ed, p. 289-348. St Paul, MN, USA, Am. Assoc. Cereal Chem.
De Datta, S. K. 1981. Principles and practices of rice production. New York, J. Wiley and Sons. 618pp.
Deinum, B. 1966. Influence of some climatological factors on the chemical composition and feeding value of herbage. Proceedings of the 10th International Grassland Congress, Helsinki, 415-418.
Feng, H. and Tang, J. 1998. Microwave finish drying of diced apples in a spouted bed. J. Food Sci., 63(4): 679-683.
Handling charge: For publication of each accepted full length paper and short communication, the author(s) shall have to pay Tk. 1500.00 for Full Paper and Tk. 1000.00 for Short Communication. In addition, contributors shall have to pay an amount of Tk. 500.00 during submission of the manuscript for the purpose of reviewing the same. Editorial board, if necessary, may charge extra cost.
Proof and Reprints: Proofs will send to the author(s). Author(s) are requested to take care during correcting the manuscript on the basis of the comments of the reviewers/overviewers and return to the Executive Editor within three days from receipt. The authors will be supplied a copy of the journal along with 10 reprints free of charge. Additional reprints and journals may be purchased by order when sending back the proof.
Different types of fisheries related scientific papers are published in fisheries section of different volumes of this Journal. Such as-
Vol 8, No 1 (2010)
- Section: Fisheries
- Title: Effects of rice bran on growth and survival of Thai sharpunti Barbodes gonionotus in earthen ponds
Author: M Moniruzzaman, MFA Mollah
Pages: 161-171 - Title: Reproductive characteristics of Liza parsia (Ham.) inhabiting southwest coast of Bangladesh
Authors: M Begum, MA Islam, HK Pal, MJ Alam
Pages: 173-178 - Title: Impacts of different rice-fish-prawn culture systems on yield of rice, fish and prawn and limnological conditions
Author: Ashfaqun Nahar
Pages: 179-185
- Title: Effects of rice bran on growth and survival of Thai sharpunti Barbodes gonionotus in earthen ponds
Vol 7, No 1 (2009)
- Section: Fisheries
- Title: Fecundity of guchibaim, Mastacembelus pancalus
Author/s: MM Rahman, MI Miah
Pages: 133-137 - Title: Nursery rearing of Thai sarpunti, Barbonymus gonionotus larvae using three different supplementary feeds
Authors: AKS Ahammad, MMR Khan, MA Hossain, I Parvez
Pages: 139-144 - Title: Comparison of growth performance between cryopreserved and fresh sperm-originated fry of Barbonymus gonionotus
Authors: F Rahman, MRI Sarder, MA Rouf
Pages: 145-149 - Title: Comparative study of mud crab (Scylla serrata) fattening practices between two different systems in Bangladesh
Authors: M Begum, MMR Shah, Abdullah-Al Mamun, MJ Alam
Pages: 151-156 - Title: Fungal disease of freshwater fishes in Natore district of Bangladesh
Authors: MAB Siddique, MA Bashar, MA Hussain, ASM Kibria
Pages: 157-162 - Title: Evaluation of the efficacies of selected antibiotics and medicinal plants on common bacterial fish pathogens
Authors: T Rahman, MMR Akanda, MM Rahman, MBR Chowdhury
Pages: 163-168 - Title: Effect of peripheral canal on growth, survival and production of shrimp (Penaeus monodon) in traditional rice-shrimp culture system in south-west coastal region, Bangladesh
Authors: ML Islam, M Moniruzzaman, MJ Alam, AFM Shofiquzzoha
Pages: 169-174 - Title: Effects of feeding schedule on growth, production and economics of pangasiid catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus) and silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) polyculture
Authors: S Khan, MS Hossain, MM Haque
Pages: 175-181 - Title: Effects of different dietary levels of vitamin E on the ovarian development and breeding performances of Clarias batrachus (Linnaeus)
Authors: A Roy, MFA Mollah
Pages: 183-191 - Title: Embryonic and larval development of guchibaim, Mastacembelus pancalus (Hamilton)
Authors: MM Rahman, MI Miah, MAH Taher, MM Hasan
Pages: 193-204 - Title: In vitro protein digestibility of different feed ingredients in Thai koi (Anabas testudineus)
Authors: H Ali, MM Haque, MMR Chowdhury, MI Shariful
Pages: 205-210 - Title: Cryopreservation of spermatozoa of Mrigal, Cirrhinus cirrhosus with a view to minimize inbreeding and hybridization
Authors: MRI Sarder, SM Rafiquzzaman, R Sultana, M Faridul Islam
Pages: 211-218
- Title: Fecundity of guchibaim, Mastacembelus pancalus
Vol 7, No 2 (2009)
- Section: Fisheries
- Title: Socio-economic status of crab collectors and fatteners in the southwest region of Bangladesh
Authors: MAG Molla, MR Islam, S Islam, MA Salam
Pages: 411-419 - Title: Investigation on health condition of a freshwater eel, Monopterus cuchia from Ailee beel, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
Authors: GU Ahmed, N Akter, SA Nipa, MM Hossain
Pages: 421-426 - Title: Effects of stocking density on the growth and breeding performance of broodfish and larval growth and survival of shol, Channa striatus (Bloch)
Authors: MFA Mollah, MSA Mamun, MN Sarowar, A Roy
Pages: 427-432
- Title: Socio-economic status of crab collectors and fatteners in the southwest region of Bangladesh
Vol 6, No 2 (2008)
- Section: Fisheries
- Title: Optimization of stocking rates of tiger shrimp under modified improved culture system
Authors: ML Islam, MJ Alam
Pages: 341-348 - Title: Morphometric characters and their relationship in estuarine catfish
Authors: M Begum, Abdullah Al-Mamun, ML Islam, MJ Alam
Pages: 349-353 - Title: Formulation of quality fish feeds from indigenous raw materials and their effects on growth and maturity of Mystus gulio
Authors: M Begum, HK Pal, MA Islam, MJ Alam
Pages: 355-360 - Title: Induced breeding of the riverine catfish Rita rita
Authors: MFA Molla, MR Amin, MN Sarowar, M Muhammadullah
Pages: 361-366 - Title: Assessment of the livelihood status of the fish farmers in some selected areas of Bagmara upazilla under Rajshahi district
Authors: MH Ali, MD Hossain, ANGM Hasan, MA Bashar
Pages: 367-374 - Title: Culture possibility of scheilbeid catfish using formulated feed in natural pond
Authors: MA Razzaque, MA Mazid, MN Islam, MA Mansur
Pages: 375-380 - Title: Evaluation of the status of use of chemicals and antibiotics in freshwater aquaculture activities with special emphasis to fish health management
Authors: MAR Faruk, MM Ali, ZP Patwary
Pages: 381-390
- Title: Optimization of stocking rates of tiger shrimp under modified improved culture system
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