Journal of Environmental Science and Natural Resources
Journal of Environmental Science and Natural Resources

Journal of Environmental Science and Natural Resources (ISSN 1999-7361) published by the Bangladesh Society for Conservation of Environment and Natural Resources.


The aim and objectives of the journal are:

  • To provide a national forum for the profession of Environmental Science and Natural Resources in the country;
  • To advance the knowledge and application of Environmental Science and Natural Resources;
  • To promote and keep high ethical and professional standards in all Environmental Science and Natural Resources related activities;
  • To promote and expand teaching, research and training in Environmental Science and Natural Resources and dissemination of Knowledge of Environmental Science and Natural Resources;
  • To help the Government and other agencies in building up strong Environmental Science and Natural Resources organizations;
  • To advance and protect the interest and status of the professionals of Environmental Science and Natural Resources profession in the country;
  • To organize and hold Environmental Science and Natural Resources related conferences, seminars, discussion sessions and exhibitions and publish proceedings of such conferences, seminars and discussions;
  • To promote and publish Environmental Science and Natural Resources journal; periodicals, newsletter and Directories.


The journal will publish original research and review papers in all fields of pure and applied Ecology (Plant, Animal and Human ecology), Environmental Sciences (all aspects of pollutions, conservation of environment, management of environment, rural and urban environment, social environment, population and environment, environmental economics, and various environmental issues), Atmospheric Sciences (Climatology, Meteorology, Micrometeorology, Agricultural Meteorology, and Boundary Layer Climate), Greenhouse Gas Exchanges, Global Warming Issues, and conservation and management of Natural Resources, Biodiversity, and issues related to Sustainable Development. Both theoretical and experimental studies will be included. Case histories of environmental problems of different countries/regions and reports of recent meetings and conferences will also be published. Papers presented at international symposia or conferences on subjects of interest to the Journal will be accepted at the request of organizers, for publication in special volumes/issues. The Journal will also publish Book REVIEWS and will notify the forthcoming meetings. The Journal will be published twice in a year (June and December).


Publication Frequency:

The publishing schedule is planned for two (2) issues per year i.e. one in June and another in December.


Open Access Policy:
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


Author Guidelines:

Only original papers will be considered for publication. The authors may be asked to declare that the manuscript has not been submitted to another journal for consideration at the same time.

Three copies of manuscripts (one original and two photocopies), complete in all respects including figures, should be submitted to the Executive Editor, Dr. Md. Abdul Baten, Professor and Head, Department of Environmental Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh 2202, Bangladesh.

Please note that all national authors (and coauthors) are requested to be Members of the Society for Conservation of Environment and Natural Resources (SCENR) at the time of submission of the manuscripts. Overseas authors are also encouraged to subscribe to the Journal. Details of membership and subscription can be obtained from the Managing Editor.

The authors must ensure that the manuscripts have been prepared strictly according to the format of the Journal in all respects, failing which the manuscripts may not be processed.

Preparation of Manuscripts
The manuscripts should be prepared only in English. Manuscripts should be typewritten, only on letter or A-4 size paper, with double spacing having font 12 of Times New Roman and minimum 2.5 cm margin on all the four sides. They should be carefully checked for the typographical errors, especially the numerals and diacritical marks in words from different languages.

The title page should comprise; full title of the paper, initials and surname of author(s), name of the laboratory where the work was carried out, and the address to which all correspondence concerning the manuscript should be made. Please add Telephone and Fax numbers as well as Email address wherever possible.

An Abstract should be placed before the Introduction. No summary is required at the end of the paper. The abstract should include sufficient information on the objectives, study area, methods, results and major conclusions. Up to eight keywords, not repeated from the title of the paper, should be placed after the abstract. All acknowledgements should be put at the end before References. The main text of the paper should start from a new page. It should be reasonably subdivided into sections and if necessary, subsection. No part of the manuscript should be underlined except for Latin names of organisms (genera and species). No word or phrase should be abbreviated. However, if abbreviations are absolutely necessary, they should be placed in parentheses after the words/phrases when they appear first in the text. The tables should be typed on separate sheets and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. Each table should be provided with a short title. The basis for the nomenclature of taxa should be indicated in the methods section.

All diagrams, graphs and photographs should be referred to in the text as figure, and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. All the figures should be provided with a detailed caption and all captions should be typed together on a separate sheet. In case, illustrations have been prepared with the help of a computer, only high quality laser prints should be submitted. Prints made by dot matrix printers are not acceptable. Photographs should be sharp, well-contrasted, glossy prints trimmed at right angles. The amount of lettering on a drawing should be reduced as far as possible by transferring it to the captions. Figures should not be folded in any case. The drawings and photographs should be identified on back by author’s name and figure number. The orientation should be indicated.

Only metric units (S.I. Units) should be used. Other units may be given in parentheses only if they are absolutely necessary, Abbreviations of units are same for the singular and plural, and are never followed by a period. Mathematical symbols may be either handwritten or typewritten. Greek letters and unusual symbols should be identified separately in the margin. Distinction should be made between confusing letters like letter O and zero (o); between the letter l, the number one and prime; between K and kappa.

References to literature should be given in the text by the author’s name and year: e.g. ‘Tensely (1935)’ when forming part of a sentence or ‘(Tensely, 1935)’ when forming an addition to a sentence. If a paper has three or more authors, then it should be referred to by the surname of the first author and expression et al.

References at the end of the paper should list in alphabetical order under the first author’s name all works referred to in the text. These should include the names of authors/editors full title of the paper, unabbreviated title of the journals, and the name and place of the publisher, and total number of pages in case of books, collective volumes and Proceedings. Some examples are listed below:

Tensely, A.G. 1953. The use and abuse of vegetation concepts and terms. Ecology, 16: 284- 307.

Harper, J. L.; Williams, J.T. and Sager, G.R. 1965. The behavior of seed in soil. Journal of Ecology, 51:273-275.

Mitsch, W.J. and Gooselike, J.G. 1986. Wetlands. Van No strand Reinhold, New York. 539 pages.

Aberg, B. and Hungate, F.P. (Editors). 1967. Radio ecological Concentration Processes. Pergamon Press, Oxford. 1040 pages.

Simpson, G.G. 1969. The first three billion years of community evolution. Pages 162-177, In: Woodwell, G.M. and Smith, H.H. (Editors). Diversity and Stability in Ecological Systems. Brookhaven Symposia in Biology 22. Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York.

Please note that it is the author’s responsibility to obtain written permission to quote copyrighted material which has appeared in another publication.

PRINTING COST: Please pay Taka 1800/- along with your article [Taka 300/- Reviewer Charge + Taka 1500/- Printing cost]. Money may be deposited at: SOCIETY FOR CONSERVATION OF ENVIRONMENT & NATURAL RESOURCES, SB/AC No. 19180, Pubali Bank Limited, Agricultural University Branch, Mymensingh 2202).

Authors are encouraged to submit their manuscripts prepared on IBM-compatible computers with operating system MS DOS (version 3.3 or higher) and word processing with MS-Word (5.0 or higher). The CD must be clearly labeled with the name of the author(s), title of the paper, DOS version, and file format (word processing software used). At least one hard copy of the manuscript and the original figures must be submitted with the CD. If the windows versions of word processing packages or various graphic and statistical packages are used, please contact the Managing Editor from whom further details can be obtained.

Page proofs will be sent to the corresponding author. The corrected proofs should be returned to the Executive Editor without delay. Alterations in the proofs, other than those necessitated by the printer’s errors, should be kept to the minimum.

Ten reprints of each paper will be provided free of charge. Additional copies may be purchased if ordered when the proofs are returned after correction. Gratis reprints are dispatched by Registered Sea Mail/ Surface Mail within about 4 weeks after the publication of the respective issue of the Journal.

There are no page charges. However, the authors may be required to pay part costs of reproduction of illustrations exceeding about 20% of the text and of colour plates.

No manuscript or figure will be returned following publication unless a request for return is made when the manuscript is originally submitted.

The copyright in published papers is vested with the publisher. The authors of accepted contributions may be asked to formally sign an agreement to transfer the copyright to the publisher.


Submission Preparation Checklist

  • As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission’s compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is double-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.


Editorial Board


  • Prof. Dr. M. Tazul Islam
    Graduate Training Institute
    Bangladesh Agricultural University
    Mymensingh 2202, Bangladesh

Executive Editor

  • Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Baten
    Department of Environmental Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University
    Mymensingh 2202, Bangladesh

Members of Editorial Board

  • Prof. Dr. Md. Bahanur Rahman
    Faculty of Veterinary Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University
    Mymensingh 2202, Bangladesh
  • Prof. Dr. Masum Ahmad
    Faculty of Agriculture, Bangladesh Agricultural University
    Mymensingh 2202, Bangladesh
  • Prof. Dr. Md. Abul Hashem
    Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Bangladesh Agricultural University
    Mymensingh 2202, Bangladesh
  • Prof. Dr. Khandaker Md. Mostafizur Rahman
    Faculty of Agricultural Economics & Rural Sociology,
    Bangladesh Agricultural University
    Mymensingh 2202, Bangladesh
  • Prof. Dr. Md. Zainal Abedin
    Faculty of Agricultural Engineering & Technology,
    Bangladesh Agricultural University
    Mymensingh 2202, Bangladesh
  • Prof. Dr. Md. Abul Mansur
    Faculty of Fisheries, Bangladesh Agricultural University
    Mymensingh 2202, Bangladesh
  • Prof. Dr. Afrose Sultana Chamon
    Department of Soil, Water & Environment, University of Dhaka
  • Dr. Mohibul Hasan
    Banglaedesh Rice Research Institute, Gazipur
    Prof. Dr. Md. Aktarul Islam Chowdhury
    Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering,
    Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet
  • Prof. Dr. G. K. M. Mustafizur Rahman
    Dept. of Soil Science, Bangabandhu Agricultural University, Gazipur

Managing Editor

  • Dr. M. A. Farukh
    Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Science
    Bangladesh Agricultural University
    Mymensingh 2202, Bangladesh



Journal Contact
Mailing Address

  • Department of Environmental Science
    Bangladesh Agricultural University
    Mymensingh 2202

Principal Contact

  • Professor Dr. Md. Abdul Baten
    Executive Editor
    Department of Environmental Science
    Bangladesh Agricultural University
    Mymensingh 2202
    Phone: +88-091-67401-6 Ext. 257





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