Water quality analysis by the students
Water quality analysis by the students

A field visit to the Beel Mail (a famous flood plain situated in Mohonpur Upazila of Rajshahi district, Bangladesh) has been conducted by the B.Sc. Fisheries (Hons.) Part-1 students of the Department of Fisheries, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh on November 13, 2009. The team was guided by Dr. Md. Akhtar Hossain, Associate Professor and Chairman and Dr. Saleha Jasmine, Associate Professor of the department.

The students were carried out ecological study (i.e. study of physical, chemical and biological parameters) of the flood plain. Several FGDs (Focus Group Discussions) and interview of the fishermen were also conducted to understand the present status of harvesting and production of fishes as well as for identifying existing problems and constraints faced by them.

FGD (Focus Group Discussion)
FGD (Focus Group Discussion)
Interview of the fisherman
Interview of the fisherman

Acknowledgment: Students of B.Sc. Fisheries Part-1 Students of the Department of Fisheries, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.

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Field visit to the Beel Mail by RU Fisheries Students

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Shams Galib

Shams works in freshwater ecosystems, primarily on fish diversity in terms of their availability, and richness; he is also interested in aquatic invasive species and their impacts on ecosystem. Email: thegalib@gmail.com. More...

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