Book Profile: Sundarbans Mangrove Fish and Fisheries
Cover page of the Book entitled Sundarbans Mangrove Fish and Fisheries

The book entitled “Sundarbans Mangrove: Fish and Fisheries” presents mainly mangrove overview, sundarbans mangrove forest, fisheries of sundarbans, coastal aquaculture and sundarbans, environmental impacts and sundarbans ecosystem, fisheries products from the sundarbans, analysis of mangrove and SRF (Sundarbans Reserve Forest) managements. Moreover review of fisheries research on the sundarbans and code of conduct and practices for the management and sustainable, use of mangrove ecosystem and guidelines for mangrove ecosystem survey is included in this book.

This book would be helpful to those specifically working for biodiversity and conservation and ecology of Sundarbans and to the teachers and students of the natural sciences as well as to the general readers.



Book Profile: At a glance


Sundarbans Mangrove: Fish and Fisheries


Ecology, Resources, Productivity an Management Perspectives


M. Enamul Hoq; BSc Fisheries (honours),MSc, PhD


Graphic Media, 85 Fakirapool, Dhaka 1000

Copy write

Enamul Hoq 2008

First Published

July 2008



Total Pages


Total Tables


Total Figures



BDT. 350.00 or US$. 10.00


Chapters: The following chapters are included in the book.

Chapter No.

Chapter Title

Chapter 1

Mangrove Overview

Chapter 2

The Sundarbans Mangrove

Chapter 3

Fisheries of Sundarbans

Chapter 4

Coastal Aquaculture and Sundarbans

Chapter 5

Environmental Impacts and Sundarbans Ecosystem

Chapter 6

Fisheries Products from the Sundarbans

Chapter 7

Analysis of Mangrove and SRF (Sundarbans Reserve Forest) Management

Chapter 8

Review of Fisheries Research on the Sundarbans

Chapter 9

Code of Conduct and Practices for the Management and Sustainable Use of Mangrove Ecosystem and Guidelines for Mangrove Ecosystem Survey

Chapter 10

Appendices, Glossary, References.

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Book Profile of Sundarbans Mangrove: Fish and Fisheries

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