Mohammad Abu Baker Siddiqui

Mohammad Abu Baker Siddiqui

Fisheries Biodiversity Officer
Coastal and Wetland Biodiversity Management Project
Department of Environment
Khan Bari, Hospital Road
Kulaura, Moulvibazar, Bangladesh.

Contact :
Mobile: 01718 233188, 01670 585876
E-mail: abubaker16 at gmail dot com

Career Objectives:
A result-oriented professional with strong analytical skills able to continue any job related to research, education, business and administration by innovative solutions. My interests are mainly on resources utilization, coastal and wetland biodiversity conservation and management, effect of climate change on fish and aquatic ecosystem, culture technology (fresh and marine water), livelihood and developmental issue. I am looking to use my skills and background in sector of aquaculture, marine science, coastal zone, research and development organization in the world.


  • Extensive hardworking and dedicated to the responsibility.
  • Strong desires for leading an honest life with dignity.
  • Self-motivated, capable of taking responsibility.
  • Faster learning attitude.

Educational Qualification:

  • Name of degree: M.S. in Aquaculture
    Institutions: Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh
    Year of passing: 1999
    Duration: One year and six months
    Grade: A, First
    Marks obtained: 71.81 %
  • Name of degree: B.Sc. Fisheries (Hons.)
    Institutions: Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh
    Year of passing: 1995 (Held in 1998)
    Duration: Four years
    Class: Second
    Marks obtained: 58.68 %
  • Name of Certificate: H. S. C.
    Institutions: Madhupur College
    Year of passing: 1990
    Duration: Two years
    Division: First
    Marks obtained: 67.6 %
  • Name of Certificate: S. S. C.
    Institutions: Madhupur Rani Bhabani High School
    Year of passing: 1988
    Duration: Ten years
    Division: First
    Marks obtained: 67.9 %

Key Capabilities:

  • Practical experience as ‘Fisheries Biodiversity Officer’ on the biggest wetland (Hakaluki Haor) of Bangladesh under Coastal and Wetland Biodiversity Management Project, Department of Environment, Ministry of Environment and Forest, People’s Republic of Bangladesh.
  • Experience on participatory wetland biodiversity conservation and management involving the local community.
  • 6.3 Years working experiences as Extension Officer, under Fourth Fisheries Project, Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries & Livestock, Bangladesh.
  • Experienced as a Trainer, Training Facilitator and Extension worker.
  • Practical experience on project implementation cycle management; from planning to evaluation.
  • Experience on participatory project implementation.
  • One year working experiences as a Research Assistant under BAURES Research Project, 98/31/AU, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh.
  • Experience on marketing of Aquaculture Management products like medicine, feed additives, toxin binder etc.
  • Practical experience on preparation of need base feed formulation for the fish and shrimp farmers.
  • Practical experience on how to maintain a marking channel and staff management.
  • Experience on contract farming of shrimp culture in the coastal belt of South-west region of Bangladesh.

Employment History:

  • Period: 2nd August 2009 to till date
    Position: Fisheries Biodiversity Officer, National Professional Project Personnel (NPPP) National Consultant
    Organization: Coastal and Wetland Biodiversity Management Project (CWBMP), Department of Environment (DoE), Ministry of Environment and Forests, The People’s Republic of Bangladesh. Funded by UNDP and GEF
    Responsibilities: Responsible for motivating, mobilizing and involving community members in developing fisheries resources, concentrating the biodiversity through fish diversification, eco-friendly pisciculture, fish diseases identification and solution, coastal and wetland fisheries sanctuary management, integrated rice fish culture, assessing EIA, liaison with PMU, reporting, recommended further development of project strategy and perform any other ECA management duties assigned by NPD or project team.
  • Period: 4 May 2009 to 30 July 2009
    Position: Consultant
    Organization: PRICE (A branch of CHEMONICS, USA), Suit 601, House 12, Road 19/A, Block M, Banani, Dhaka-1213, Bangladesh. Phone: 88-02-9880607, Fax: 88-02-9880607
    Responsibilities: Training Materials & Module development. Help the field officers to organize shrimp/prawn farmer’s in a group to build up “Contract Farming” and facilitation of Training courses on improved shrimp/prawn culture technologies for sustainable livelihood in coastal area of Bagerhat district. Provide training, advocacy, extension work, follow-up visit, data collection and report writing.
  • Period: 1st January 2008 to 30 April 2009.
    Position: Assistant Manager (Sales & Technical)
    Organization: Budagro, 465/8, West Rampura, Dhaka-1219. Phone: 88-02-8280391, 8359774, Fax : 88-02-7281923, 8280386, e-mail :, Web :
    Responsibilities: Aquaculture was my concern department & I would responsible for the technical support all over the customers, traders & farmers who were related to our business. Design training module and trained up our technical team. I have pursuing the suitable aquaculture management products in global company for import and marketing. I have played a vital role to prepared literature, leaflet and folders of our products. I was trying to contribute to the consistent improvements of our customer’s business in fisheries sector. I also have developed a knowledgeable and efficient farmers who posses the ability to the development of our economy by the production of fish & shrimp with the help of modern technology and I commit to provide them the superior quality services that they require making their business a success for long-term mutual benefit.
  • Period: 1st July 2006 to 30 November 2007.
    Position: Territory Officer
    Organization: Eon Agro Industries Ltd., 53 Mohakhali C/A (5th floor), Dhaka-1212. Phone: 88-02-9897865, 9860231, 8825085. Fax: 88-02-8825481, 8835708. E-mail:, Web:
    Responsibilities: To assist in training and technical support all over the customers, traders, retailers and farmers who are used the aqua products of the company. I have visited fish/shrimp farms, hatcheries, feed mills, ponds, traders and consultants to share the knowledge of fish/shrimp culture, fish/shrimp health management and marketing. I help the feed formulation to various farmers depend on their ability & culture systems. To supervised the Marketing Officers & Sales Officers at my Territory.
  • Period: 14 March 2000 to 30 June 2006.
    Position: Extension Officer (Fisheries)
    Organization: Fourth Fisheries Project, Department of Fisheries (DoF), Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, The People’s Republic of Bangladesh.
    Responsibilities: To conduct a base line survey on rural community of the concerned fisheries village. Implementation of aquaculture extension activities of Fisheries Village program, Training Materials & Module development as instructed by the Project Management. Organize fish farmer’s in a group to build up “Fishery Village” and facilitation of Training courses on improved fish culture technologies for sustainable livelihood. Provide training, advocacy, extension work, follow-up visit, data collection, report writing, office management and supervise the tasks of the subordinates. Assist to the open water fisheries management program.
  • Period: November 1998 to October 1999.
    Position: Research Assistant
    Organization: BAURES Research Project, 98/31/AU, Department of Aquaculture, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh.
    Responsibilities: Conducting research, data collection & analysis for the “Effect of two levels of iso-nitrogenous inputs of cow and poultry manures on plankton production and fish growth”. Compare the result of algal culture in selective and different dosages of cow and poultry manures. Find out the differentiation of the growth of cultured fishes

Professional Training Received:

  • Title: Fisheries Extension System
    Organized by: Northwest Fisheries Extension Project-II, funded by DFID.
    Duration: One Week
  • Title: Administration, Office Management and Communication
    Organized by: GTI, funded by BAU, Mymensingh.
    Duration: Two Weeks
  • Title: Fourth Fisheries Project Extension Officer Development Programme
    Organized by: FTEP-II, funded by DoF/DFID.
    Duration: Three Weeks
  • Title: Essential Skills Course on Participatory Rural Appraisal, Monitoring and Evaluation, Office Management.
    Organized by: Fourth Fisheries Project, funded by DoF/DFID.
    Duration: One Week
  • Title: Carp & Galda Shrimp Mixed Culture and Rice-Fish Culture Course.
    Organized by: Fourth Fisheries Project, funded by DoF/DFID.
    Duration: One Week
  • Title: Nursery Management Course.
    Organized by: Fourth Fisheries Project, funded by DoF/DFID
    Duration: One Week
  • Title: Community Based Open Water Fisheries Management Course.
    Organized by: Fourth Fisheries Project, funded by DoF/DFID
    Duration: One Week
  • Title: The Art of Professional Selling.
    Organized by:, funded by Eon Group, 53 Mohakhali C/A (5th floor), Dhaka-1212.
    Duration: One Day


Scientific Paper:

  • M.M. Rahman, A.B. Siddique, M.M. Hasan, M.B.A. Talukder and R.K. Adhikary. 2009. Evaluation of the effects of organic manures on plankton production. Int.J. Ani.Fish. Sci. 2(2): 164-169. Abstract

Articles published in news papers/magazine:

  • “Shitey Machher Jatno” (Care of fish in winter), published in The Daily Prothom Alo, on the date of 02.12.2006.
  • “Pangus Chasher Trips” (Trips on Pangus culture), published in The Daily Prothom Alo, on the date of 23.12.2006.
  • “Machh Chashe Pani o Oxygen Bebosthapona” (Management of water and oxygen in fish culture), published in The Daily Jugantor, on the date of 20.01.2007.
  • “Machher Pusti o Arthanaitik Dik” (Nutrition and economic value of fish), published in The Monthly Krishikhamar, on the month of November, 2007, page 17.

Media coverage:

  • “Teknaf Upakule Hangor Nidon” (Destroy of Sharks in Teknaf Peninsula), published in The Daily Prothom Alo on the date of 09.11.2009.
  • “Kulaura o Rajnagor e Bishya Jibobaichitra Dibash Palito” (Day observation on world biodiversity day at Kulaura and Rajnagor), published in The Weekly Manob Thikana, on the date of 08.02.2010.
  • “Hakalukite 45 prajatir 46 hajar pakhi rayechhe” (There are 46 thousand of birds in 45 species in Hakaluki Haor), published in The Daily Naya Digonto on the date of 14.02.2010.
  • “Kulaura Hakaluki Haor e ECA committee er Sava” (A meeting of ECA committee of Hakaluki Haor at Kulaura), published in The Daily Jugantor, on the date 23.03.2010 and The Daily Bangla Bazar Pratika on the date of 24.03.2010.
  • “Hakaluki Haor er Jibobaichitra Rakhyay IPM Proshikhyan” (IPM training on biodiversity conservation of Hakaluki Haor), published in The Daily Sabuj Sylhet on the date of 10.04.2010, The Daily Jalalabad, 09.04.2010, The Daily Jugoberi, 07.04.2010, The Daily Weekly Sanglap, 11.04.2010 and The Daily Prothom Alo, 18.04.2010.
  • “Hakaluki Haor e Shato shato Mon Pona Machh Nidon” (Destroy of huge fry in Hakaluki Haor), published in The Daily Samakal on the date of 12.05.201 and The Weekly Manob Thikana, 17.05.2010.
  • “Hakaluki Haor Theke Bipol Pariman Karent Jal Atok” (Seized of huge current jal from Hakaluki Haor), published in The Daily Sabuj Sylhet, 15.05.2010 and The Daily Samakal, 15.05.2010.
  • “Kulauray Pacharkaly Pickup Vansah Punamach Atok” (Pickup vans seized at Kulaura smuggling of fish fry), published in The Daily Sylhet er Dak, 20.05.2010, The Daily Jalalabad, 21.05.2010 and The Daily Bangla Bazar Patrika, 20.50.2010.
  • “Hakaluki Haor Theke Kafri Jal Atok o Jarimana” (Seized Kafri jal and fined from Hakaluki Haor), published in The Daily Sabuj Sylhet, 23.05.2010.
  • “Hakaluki Haor e Dara Porche Jhatka Illish” (Caught Jhatka in Hakaluki Haor), published in The Weekly Kulaurar Dak Patrika, 26.05.2010,The Weekly Patakurir Desh, 31.05.2010 and The Daily Sabuj Sylhet, 04.06.2010.
  • “Bishya Paribesh Dibash Palito” (Day observation of world environment day), published in The Weekly Sanglap, 06.06.2010, The Daily Sylhet Bani, 07.06.2010, The Dily Sabuj Sylhet, 08.06.2010 and The Weely Kulaurar Dak, 09.06.2010.
  • “ Jatiyo Matsya Saptaho Udjapone Paribesh Adhidaptorer Sahayata” (Help of department of environment for the observation of National Fish Week 2010), published in The Sabuj Sylhet on 23 July 2010.
  • “Hakaluki Haor e Daraparche Prochor Ilish” (Captured of huge Ilish in Hakaluki Haor), published in The Daily Jugantor, 25th July 2010, page 3 and 14 (2nd edition)
  • “Hakaluki Haor e Illish (Illish in Hakaluki Haor)” published in The Amader Samoy on 21 August 2010 and The Daily Ittefaq on 23 August 2010.
  • “Bilupto pray mach Ek thuitta” ( Endangerd Fish Ek thuitta), published in The Daily Jugantor on 25 August 2010.
  • “Bilopta haye jachchhe Hakalukir Rani Machh” (Endangerd Fish Rani), published in The Daily Jugantor on 02 September 2010.
  • “Juri Nadite Bish Proyoge Machh Nidhoner Avijog”(Claim for Fish killing in Juri River by poisoning), published in The Daily Sabuj Sylhet on 21 October 2010.


  • Member of Krishibid Institutions, Bangladesh. Reg. No. 06-95-14060

General Information:

  • Father’s Name: Mohammad Yeaqub Ali
  • Mother’s Name: Mosammat Tasiron Nechha
  • Permanent Address: C/O. Mohammad Yeaqub Ali, Vill. Pirujpur, P.O. Kakraid, Upazila : Madhupur, Distric- Tangail-1996, Bangladesh.
  • Date of Birth: 2nd June 1973
  • Nationality: Bangladeshi by birth
  • Sex: Male
  • Marital Status: Married
  • Religion: Islam (Sunni)
  • Blood Group: A+
  • Passport No.: C 1068084
  • Driving License No. (Honda): NaTa0193970Sa
  • National ID No.: 6125202112460


  • Mostafa Ali Reza Hossain
    Ph.D. (Stirling, UK), Post-Doc. (Kyoto, Japan)
    Fish Biodiversity & Conservation

    Department of Fisheries Biology and Genetics
    Bangladesh Agricultural University
    Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
    Phone: +880 91 67401-06 Ext.-2910 (Off.), 4917 (Res.)
    Fax: +880 91 61510
    Mobile: +880 1711 045364
    E-mail: marhossain at yahoo dot com
  • Dr. Harunur Rashid
    Associate Professor
    Department of Fisheries Management
    Bangladesh Agricultural University
    Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
    Phone: +88-01924-429971
    Fax: +88-091-61510
    Email: at gmail dot com
  • Md. Jafar Siddique
    National Project Director
    Coastal and Wetland Biodiversity Management Project
    Department of Environment
    Paribesh Bhaban
    E/16, Agargaon, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar
    Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh.
    Mobile: 01715044740
    E-mail: jafar.siddique at yahoo dot com

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