Dr. M. Manjurul Alam

Dr. M. Manjurul Alam
Associate Professor
Department of Fisheries
University of Rajshahi
Rajshahi 6205, Bangladesh.

E-mail: mamillat@yahoo.com
Phone: +88 0721 751355; +88 01712172018

Research interest: Fish biology

Professional experience

Academic (23 October 2000 – to Date)

  • Preparing and delivering lectures in under graduate and post graduate levels.
  • Demonstrating practical classes in under graduate level.
  • Organizing field visits.
  • Monitoring tutorial exam and group discussions.
  • Supervising research works in under graduate and post graduate levels.


  • Reviewer, University Journal of Zoology, Rajshahi University-2011.
  • Reviewer, University Journal of Zoology, Rajshahi University-2010.
  • Reviewer, University Journal of Zoology, Rajshahi University-2009.


Courses delivering

Under Graduate Level

  • General Ichthyology
  • Fisheries Systematics
  • Physico-chemical Limnology
  • Hatchery Management, and
  • Aquaculture Engineering and Farm Management.

Post Graduate Level

  • Advanced Fish Morphology
  • Fisheries Systematics and Evolution
  • Aquafarm Operation.


Supervised research works

Honours level

  • Nusrat Jahan (2009) Study of morphometric characters of four freshwater SIS collected from waterbodies of Gomostapur, Chapainawabganj.
  • Md. Akhtaruzzaman (2008) Fish diversity on the beel Ichhanio of Palashbari upazila under Gaibandha district.
  • Sadia Tamanna (2008) A survey of fishing gears at Godagari point of Padma river.
  • Md. Akhteruzzaman (2007) Status of fish diversity at Pantmarri Beel in Barind Tract.
  • Md. Abdul Halim (2007) Fish diversity of Beel Garka at Santhia Upazila under Pabna District, Bangladesh.
  • Dill Gulrukh Nahar (2006) Effect of bottom mud on the growth of Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch, 1792).
  • Md. Minul Islam (2006) Some aspects of the biology of freshwater fish Puntius sophore (Hamilton, 1822)
  • Ismat Ara Jakia (2005) Effect of feed on the growth of Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch, 1792).
  • Md. Asaduzzaman (2005) Fishery of Notopterus notopterus at Rajshahi City and adjacent area.
  • Sushanto Bormon (2005) Some aspects of the biology of freshwater fish Notopterus notopterus (Pallas, 1769)
  • M. Farhaduzzaman (2004) Parasites of an Indian Major Carp Labeo rohita (Hamilton, 1822) from Rajshahi City.
  • Md. Amanullah Khan (2004) Parasites of an Exotic Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (Valencinnes, 1844) from Rajshahi City.

MS level

  • Md. Amran Hossain Chowdhury (2011) Effect of climatic factors on Beel fishery: A case study of Chokvernea Beel at Joyupurhat District.
  • Md. Masud Mia (2011) Some aspects of the biology of Pseudeutropius atherinoides (Bloch, 1794)
  • Shorifa Begum (2010) Parasitic infestation of two freshwater spiny eel collected from water bodies of Rajshahi.
  • Sharmin Akter (2009) Some aspects of biology of the Tilapia, Oreochromis nilotica (Linnaeus, 1758)
  • Md. Saiadul Mofasshalin (2009) Parasitic infestation in three minor Carp fishes collected from different water bodies of Rajshahi.
  • Sushanto Bormon (2009) Study of the natural food production in prawn baled polyculture in the northern part of Bangladesh.
  • M. Farhaduzzaman (2008) Parasitic infestation in three Carp fishes collected from water Areas of Rajshahi.
  • Md. Amanullah Khan (2008) Parasitic infestation in three species of catfish collected from water bodies of Rajshahi.

M.Phil. level

  • Md. Abu Bakar Siddique (2009) Biology and fishery of Puntius ticto (Hamilton, 1822) (ongoing).
  • Md. Shiadul Mofasshalin (2009) Parasitic infestations and diseases of four Indian minor carps with impact assessment (ongoing).
  • S.A.M. Mahbubur Rahman (2006) Biology of Channa punctatus (Bloch) with reference to its fishery at Rajshahi and Chapai Nawabgonj (converted to Ph. D.).

Ph.D. level

  • S.A.M. Mahbubur Rahman (2006) Biology of Channa punctatus (Bloch), its fishery and commercial potentiality (ongoing)



Published Papers in Scientific Journals:

  1. Siddique MAB, Hussain MA, Hossain MA and Alam MM (2011) Seasonal abundance of zooplankton and growth performance of prawn and fish in ponds of Rajshahi. Univ. j. zool. Rajshahi Univ. 29: 13-19.
  2. Alam MM, Bormon S, Jahan SN, Hussain MA and Hossain MA (2011) Co-species suitability for prawn farming in carp polyculture ponds of Rajshahi district in Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Prog. Sci. & Tech. 9(1): 053-056.
  3. Siddique MAB, Hussain MA, Hossain MA, Alam MM and Mofasshalin MS (2010) Study on the physicochemical parameters and seasonal abundance of phytoplankton of some prawn-carp polyculture fishponds. Bangladesh J. Prog. Sci. & Tech. 9(2): 243-246.
  4. Haque ASMT, Hussain MA, Siddique MAB and Alam MM (2010) Transportation and marketing system of freshwater prawns at rajshahi city. Bangladesh J. Prog. Sci. & Tech. 9(2): 247-250.
  5. Farhaduzzaman AM, Alam MM, Hossain M, Hussain MA and Rahman MH (2010) Prevalence of Parasites in the Indian Major Carp, Labeo rohita (Hamilt0n) in Rajshahi, Bangladesh. Univ. j. Zool, Rajshahi Univ. 28: 65-68.
  6. Asaduzzaman M, Tayebi KA, Alam MM, Ali MS and Barman AC (2010) Marketing system of fishes and socioeconomic condition of fish retailers in Rajshahi city. J. Agrofor. Environ. 3(2): 207-211.
  7. Hussain MA, Hossain MA, Siddique MAB, Alam MM, Rahman SAMM (2009) Transportation and marketing system of some fish fry and fingerlings at Rajshahi. Bangladesh J. Prog. Sci. & Tech. 7(1): 57-60.
  8. Khatun MR, Hussain MA, Alam MM and Hossain MA (2008) Size frequency distribution, length-weight relationship and condition factor of the freshwater fish Botia dario (Hamilton) (Cypriniformes: Cobitidae). Bangladesh J. Prog. Sci. & Tech. 6(2): 541-542.
  9. Jahan MS, Islam MR, Rahman MR and Alam MM (2007) Induced Breeding of Pila globosa (Swainson 1822) (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia) for Commercial Farming. Univ. j. zool. Rajshahi Univ. 26: 35-39.
  10. Alam MM, Rahman MR, Huq KA and Parween S (2006) Intensity of Helminth Parasitic Infestation in Three Freshwater Fish Species of Rajshahi. South Asian J. Agric. 1(1): 1-3.
  11. Huq KA, Paul J, Mohsin ABM and Alam MM (2005) Livelihood status of the fisheries community in Mangla, Bagerhat. J. Sci. Foundation. 3(2):49-56.
  12. Huq KA, Alam MM, Mohsin ABM, Islam MS and Hossain MAR (2004) A review on the causes destruction of the sundarban mangrove fisheries of Bangladesh. Progress. Agric. 15(2): 113-122.
  13. Alam MM and Parween S (2001) Survivability of Channa punctatus (Bloch) in different kinds of container. Pakistan J. Zool. vol., 33(3): 259-260.
  14. Alam MM and Bhuiyan AS (1999) Determination of Optimum PG Dose for Induced Spawning of Labeo rohita (Hamilton, 1822). Univ. j. Zool, Rajshahi Univ. 18:103-108.


Published Abstracts/Paper in Proceedings:

  1. Nahar DG, Alam MM and Hussain MA (2010) Effect of bottom mud on the growth of Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch, 1892). In: Hossain MA, Hossain MI and Hossain MY (eds.) Fisheries activities in northern Bangladesh: Sustainable livelihood and climate change aspects., 23 October 2010, Department of Fisheries, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205. p. 41.
  2. Islam MT, Hussain MA and Alam MM (2010) Study of biodiversity, fishing activities and socio-economic condition of fishermen of Ghukshi beel at Naogaon district. In: Hossain MA, Hossain MI and Hossain MY. (eds.) Fisheries activities in northern Bangladesh: Sustainable livelihood and climate change aspects., 23 October 2010, Department of Fisheries, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205. p.33.
  3. De M, Hussain MA and Alam MM (2010) Past and Present fisheries status of Bangali river and impact of Sariakandi fish pass. In: Hossain MA, Hossain MI and Hossain MY (eds.) Fisheries activities in northern Bangladesh: Sustainable livelihood and climate change aspects., 23 October 2010, Department of Fisheries, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205. p. 32.
  4. Khan MA, Alam MM and Hussain MA (2010) Parasitic infestation in three species of catfishes collected from waterbodies of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. In: Hossain MA, Hossain MI and Hossain MY (eds.) Fisheries activities in northern Bangladesh: Sustainable livelihood and climate change aspects., 23 October 2010, Department of Fisheries, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205. pp.31.
  5. Farhaduzzaman AM, Hussain MA and Alam MM (2008) Survey of Parasites of Labeo rohita in Rajshahi. Abstract published in 3rd Biennial Fisheries Conference & Research Fair, 16-17 January, 2008. Organized by Bangladesh Fisheries Research Forum (BFRF), p.72.
  6. Hussain MA and Alam MM (2008) Study on limnology of a rearing pond in Rajshahi. Abstract published in Sixteenth Biennial International Zoological Conference, 27-29 February, 2008. Organized by Zoological Society of Bangladesh and Department of Zoology, University of Rajshahi, p. 44.
  7. Khan MA, Alam MM, Hussain MA and Parween S (2008) Parasitic infestation of Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (Valenciennes, 1844) at Rajshahi, Bangladesh. Abstract published in Sixteenth Biennial International Zoological Conference, 27-29 February, 2008. Organized by Zoological Society of Bangladesh and Department of Zoology, University of Rajshahi, p. 45.


Books writing

As Author

  1. Alam MM, Hussain MA and Hossain MA (2011) Bionomics of Notopterus notopterus (Pallas, 1769), LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, Germany. 163pp.

As Contributing Author of Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna of Bangladesh

  1. Alam MM (2007) Chitala chitala (Hamilton, 1822). In: Siddiqui KU, Islam MA, Kabir SMH, Ahmad M, Ahmed ATA, Rahman AKA, Haque EU, Ahmed ZU, Begum ZNT, Hassan MA, Khondker M and Rahman MM (eds.). Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna of Bangladesh, Vol. 23 Freshwater Fishes. Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka. pp. 2-3.
  2. Alam MM (2007) Cirrhinus reba (Hamilton, 1822). In: Siddiqui KU, Islam MA, Kabir SMH, Ahmad M, Ahmed ATA, Rahman AKA, Haque EU, Ahmed ZU, Begum ZNT, Hassan MA, Khondker M and Rahman MM (eds.). Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna of Bangladesh, Vol. 23 Freshwater Fishes. Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka. p. 52.
  3. Alam MM (2007) Mystus tengara (Hamilton, 1822). In: Siddiqui KU, Islam MA, Kabir SMH, Ahmad M, Ahmed ATA, Rahman AKA, Haque EU, Ahmed ZU, Begum ZNT, Hassan MA, Khondker M and Rahman MM (eds.). Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna of Bangladesh, Vol. 23 Freshwater Fishes. Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka. p. 120.
  4. Alam MM (2007) Rita rita (Hamilton, 1822). In: Siddiqui KU, Islam MA, Kabir SMH, Ahmad M, Ahmed ATA, Rahman AKA, Haque EU, Ahmed ZU, Begum ZNT, Hassan MA, Khondker M and Rahman MM (eds.). Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna of Bangladesh, Vol. 23 Freshwater Fishes. Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka. p. 123.
  5. Alam MM (2007) Silonia silondia (Hamilton, 1822). In: Siddiqui KU, Islam MA, Kabir SMH, Ahmad M, Ahmed ATA, Rahman AKA, Haque EU, Ahmed ZU, Begum ZNT, Hassan MA, Khondker M and Rahman MM (eds.). Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna of Bangladesh, Vol. 23 Freshwater Fishes. Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka. pp. 135-136.
  6. Alam MM (2007) Pseudolaguvia ribeiroi (Hora, 1921). In: Siddiqui KU, Islam MA, Kabir SMH, Ahmad M, Ahmed ATA, Rahman AKA, Haque EU, Ahmed ZU, Begum ZNT, Hassan MA, Khondker M and Rahman MM (eds.). Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna of Bangladesh, Vol. 23 Freshwater Fishes. Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka. pp. 154-155.
  7. Alam MM (2007) Clarias batrachus (Linnaeus, 1758). In: Siddiqui KU, Islam MA, Kabir SMH, Ahmad M, Ahmed ATA, Rahman AKA, Haque EU, Ahmed ZU, Begum ZNT, Hassan MA, Khondker M and Rahman MM (eds.). Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna of Bangladesh, Vol. 23 Freshwater Fishes. Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka. pp. 156-157.
  8. Alam MM (2007) Aplocheilus panchax (Hamilton, 1822). In: Siddiqui KU, Islam MA, Kabir SMH, Ahmad M, Ahmed ATA, Rahman AKA, Haque EU, Ahmed ZU, Begum ZNT, Hassan MA, Khondker M and Rahman MM (eds.). Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna of Bangladesh, Vol. 23 Freshwater Fishes. Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka. pp. 169-170.


Participation in seminar/conference etc.

  • Participated in the seminar of  Word Environmental Day (WED 2010), organized by the Institute of Environmental Science, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh on 5 June, 2010.
  • Participated in Sixteenth Biennial International Zoological Conference of the Zoological Society of Bangladesh, organized by the Department of Zoology, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh from 27-29 February, 2008.
  • Participated in Sixteenth Annual General Meeting and National Conference on “Exotic Species and their Impact on Environment” organized by the Zoological Society of Bangladesh  in the Department of Zoology, Dhaka University, Bangladesh on 30 March, 2007.
  • Participated in XIXth National Annual Conference on “Solid Waste Management: Solution and Concerns” at Chandigarh, India, organized by National Environmental Science Academy (NESA), New Delhi, India from 16-18 September, 2006.
  • Participated in Fifteenth Biennial National Conference of the Zoological Society of Bangladesh organized by the Department of Zoology, Dhaka University, Bangladesh on 2-3 December, 2005.
  • Participated in a three days seminar on “Teaching Method” organized by SUFER Project, DFID and University Grants Commission of Bangladesh from 10-12 November, 2001.
  • Participated in Seminar on Tilapia Production Strategies for Bangladesh”, Jointly organized by Management of Aquatic Ecosystems through Community Husbandry (MACH) project;International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM), Bangladesh; CARITAS Bangladesh and Farmer-to-Farmer Program (FTF), Winrock International, Dhaka, Bangladesh at BRAC Center INN, Mohakhali, Dhaka, Bangladesh on 10 December 2001.
  • Participated in two days symposium on “Celebration and Festival on “Centenary of the Rediscovery of Mendelism (1900-2000) and Cracking of the Human Genetic Code (2000)” organized by Department of Genetics and Breeding, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi 6205, Bangladesh from 27-28 January, 2001.



  • Participated in 25 days workshop on Strengthening Fishery Education Syllabus, organized by DFID Project in the School of Environment Resources and Development, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok, Thailand from 08 September to 02 October 2002.
  • Participated in a Workshop on “Climatology and Meteorology” organized by the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh in collaboration with American Institute of Bangladesh Studies from 27 July–09 August 2001.
  • Participated in a three days residential training course  in NFEP-2 (North-West Fisheries Extension Project-2), Parbatipur, Dinajpur, Bangladesh from 12-14 December 1998.


Awards achieved

  • Obtained Teaching Award on “Fish Physiology” sponsored by Support for University Fisheries Education and Research (DFID), University Grants Commission of Bangladesh in 2002.
  • Achieved the “Motihar Hall Gold Medal Award-2000” of Rajshahi University, Bangladesh as the recognition of scholar student of the Hall.
  • Achieved the “TAJIS Gold Medal Award-2000” of Tangail Zila Samiti of Rajshahi University, Bangladesh as the recognition of securing first class in B. Sc. (Honours) in Zoology in 1995.
  • Achieved the “TAJIS Gold Medal Award-2000” of Tangail Zila Samiti of Rajshahi University, Bangladesh as the recognition of securing first class in M. Sc. (Fisheries) in Zoology in 1996.


Professional affiliation

Life member:

  • The Zoological Society of Bangladesh.
  • The National Environmental Science Academy (NESA), India.


  • The Rajshahi University Fisheries Association (RUFA), Department of Fisheries, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh.


Academic background

Field: Fish Biology
Research title: Bionomics of Notopterus notopterus (Pallas, 1769)
Status: Awarded
Year: 2009
Institute: University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh

Field: Zoology (Fisheries)
Research title: Hatchery Management and Induced Spawning of Labeo rohita (Hamilton,1822)
Result: First class
Year: 1996
Institute: University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh

Field: Zoology
Result: First class
Year: 1995
Institute: University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh

Field: Science
Result: First division
Year: 1991
Education board: Dhaka, Bangladesh

Field: Science
Result: First division
Year: 1989
Education board: Dhaka, Bangladesh


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