Mahammad Abdus Sattar

Mahammad Abdus Sattar
Fisheries Specialist
National Land Zoning Project
Ministry of Land


Adjunct Faculty
Faculty of Fisheries, Bangabandu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural university (BSMRAU) Salna, Gazipur-1706, Bangladesh.

Tel: 88-02-9677801 (Office)
Fax: 88-02-9677681 (Office)
Fax: 88-041-860015(Office)
Tel: 88-02-8831031 (Residence), Dhaka.
Fax: 88-02-9205338 (BSMRAU), Gazipur.
Mailing address: Aptt. # A-3, (Rosedale), Plot # 7/A, Road # 136, Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh.

Career Objective:
To make sense of success with a sign of approaching perfection and obtain dignity by utmost effective effort in environment related organization and build up career where my environmental biology, aquaculture system and fisheries management of wetland fisheries resources technical skills and climate change potentials can be utilized effectively.

Job Experience:

  • October 2012 – Until Now
    Fisheries Specialist, National Land Zoning Project, Ministry of Land, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • Nov 2010 –February 2012
    Deputy Director, Department of Fisheries, Khulna Division, Khulna.
  • Feb 2009-Oct 2010
    District Fisheries Officer, Gazipur and Adjunct Faculty, BSMRAU, Gazipur.
  • Feb 2001-Jan 2009
    Project Director (DFID & GoB), Northwest Fisheries Extension Project, Parbatipur, Dinajpur and District Fisheries Officer, Dinajpur.
  • Jan 2000-Jan 2001
    District Fisheries Officer, Kishoregonj.
  • Sept1997-Jan 2000
    District Fisheries Officer, Faridpur and additional charge as “Senior Assistant Director”, Third Fisheries Project, Dhaka Division, Faridpur
  • Feb1995-Aug 1997
    District Fisheries Officer, Jessore.
  • Jan 1992- Jan 1995
    District Fisheries Officer, Bhola and additional charge as Chairman, FAO-BOBP Sub- Project-C: Motorization of Chandi Boat.
  • Jan 1988- Jan 1991
    District Fisheries Officer, Dhaka.
  • March 1984- Dec 1987
    District Fisheries Officer, Naogaon.
  • Sept 1982- Feb 1984
    Deputy Assistant Director, Department of Fisheries, Khulna Division and Deputy Fish culturist, Department of Fisheries, Khulna Division.
  • Jan 1981- Aug 1982
    Technical Officer Hqs. Department of Fisheries, Bangladesh, Dhaka.
  • Nov 1978- Dec 1980
    Fisheries Unit Extension Officer, Madaripur, Faridpur.



  • Md. Abdus Sattar, 1987. Paragrass as Feed for the Herbivorous Carp (Puntius gonionotus).  Thesis No. AE-37, Submitted to AIT, Bangkok
  • Apu, N.A., Nathan, D., Sattar, M.A. 1997. Establishing a common property regime in oxbow lakes in Bangladesh by ensuring long term Security of tenure and by providing incentives for cooperation between fisheries, proceeding of ICLARM/Danida, National Workshop on policy for Sustainable Inland Fisheries Management, Dhaka, Bangladesh, March 1997.
  • Sattar, M.A. 1997, Present Status of Fish Hatchery in Jessore District. M.R. Hasan, M.M.Rahman and M.A. Sattar (Editors), Workshop on Quality Control in Induced Breeding, Department of Fisheries, Jessore, Bangladesh, pp. 1-6.
  • Penman D.J., Mair, G.C., McAndrew, B.J., Hussain, M.G., Sattar, M.A., Basavaraju, Y. and Tuan, P.A., 2002. Genetic management and improvement strategies for exotic carps in Asia: a project overview. Proceedings of a DFID-AFGRP/BFRI Workshop, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Feb- 2002.
  • Sattar, M.A. and Das T.K., 2002. Brood stock management of Chinese carps and dissemination strategy at NFEP, Parbatipur, Proceedings of a DFID-AFGRP/BFRI Workshop, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Feb- 2002.
  • Sattar, M.A. and Das T.K., Rabbani, M.G., McAndrew, B.J., and Penman D.J., 2003. Broodstock Management and Replacement strategies for Chinese Carps in Bangladesh by Growth Performance and Evaluation. Proceedings of DFID, UAS, UOS, Workshop, Bangalore, India, February 2003.
  • Mazid M.A., and Sattar M.A.,2003, Genetic Management of Aquaculture Broodstock in Bangladesh. Proceedings of DFID, IoA, Workshop, Stirling, UK, November2003.
  • Sattar, M.A. and Das T.K., Hussain, M.G., and Kohinoor,A.H.M., 2004, The Perils of Hybridisation and Inbreeding in Fishes of Bangladesh and their Prevention. Proceedings of DFID, AIT. Workshop, Pattaya, Thailand, February 2004.
  • Sattar, M.A. John B. Taggart., Penman D.J., Ann E. Gilmour., Almas A, Gheyas, Hussain, M.G. and McAndrew, B.J., 2005. Detection of hybridization between Chinese carp species (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix and Aristichthys nobilis) in hatchery broodstock in Bangladesh, using DNA microsatellite loci. Aquaculture 247 (2005), pp.267-273.
  • Sattar, M.A. (Edition), 2006, Deshio projatir Chato Mach Chash Shahayika, Northwest Fisheries Resources Development and Management Project (3rd Phase) Parbatipur, Dinajpur, Development of Fisheries, Government of Bangladesh, pp. 48.
  • Sattar, M.A. Gheyas A.A., Cairney M., Gilmour A. E., Das T.K., McAndrew, B.J.,and Penman D.J., and Taggart., B. 2006. Characterization of microsatellite loci. in silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), and cross-amplification in other cyprinid species. Molecular Ecology Notes (2006). 6, pp. 656-659, Journal compilation @ 2006 Black well Publishing Ltd.
  • Almas A. Gheyas, John A. Woolliams, John B. Taggart., Mohammed A. Sattar, Topan K. Das, Brendan J. McAndrew, David J. Penman. 2009. Heritability Estimation of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) harvest traits using microsatellite based parentage assignment Aquaculture 294 (2009), pp.187-193.


Educational and Professional Training Background:

  • Qualification obtained: S.S.C
    Years: 1963-68
    Institution: Kotchandpur High School, Jhenaidah, Bangladesh.
    Subject of Study: Bengali, English, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, General Science
    Result: 2nd Division
  • Qualification obtained: H. S. C
    Years: 1968-71
    Institution: Govt. B.L. College, Daulatpur, Khulna Bangladesh
    Subject of Study: Bengali, English, Physics, Chemistry, Higher Mathematics, Biology, General Science
    Result: First Division
  • Qualification obtained: B.Sc. Fisheries (Hons)
    Years: 1971-75
    Institution: Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh.
    Subject of Study: Fisheries Ecology, Fisheries Biology, Fish Population Dynamics, Limnology, Aquaculture and Management
    Result: Higher Second Class
  • Qualification obtained: M.Sc. Fisheries (Thesis Group)
    Years: 1976-77
    Institution: Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh.
    Subject of Study: Advanced Limnology, Fish Physiology, environment, Biostatistics.
    Result: Higher Second Class
  • Qualification obtained: M.Sc. (Fisheries)
    Years: 20/09/77  to 31/10/78
    Institution: National Science and Technology Fellow, Ministry of Education, Govt. of Bangladesh.
    Subject of Study: Frog culture under controlled condition in Bangladesh.
    Result: Higher Second Class
  • Qualification obtained: M.Sc. in the Division of Agricultural and Food Engineering (Thesis Group)
    Years: 1985-87
    Institution: Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok, Thailand.
    Subject of Study: Advance Aquaculture System, Fish Biology, Fish Nutrition, Waste Recycling, Aquaculture Planning.
    Result: First Class (3.35GPA)
  • Qualification obtained: Post Graduate Certificate on Project Management
    Years: 11.12.93 to 31/03/94
    Institution: Bradford University, United Kingdom.
    Subject of Study: Planning and Appraisal of Projects, Human Resource Planning and Institutional Development.
    Result: First Class (62% Mark)
  • Qualification obtained: Post Graduate Certificate on Training Management
    Years: 25.4.94 to 01.07.94
    Institution: Wolverhampton University, United Kingdom
    Subject of Study: Identifying Training and Development Need, Designing Training and Development Strategy, Providing Learning Opportunities, Evaluating the effectiveness of Work Based Project 1-HRD.
    Result: First Class (AUC 5.OP)
  • Qualification obtained: M.Sc. in Project Management Development (Thesis Group)
    Years: 1994-95
    Institution: University of Manchester, United Kingdom.
    Subject of Study: Project Management Strategy Development for 3rd World Countries.
    Result: Higher Second Class


National and International Seminars and Programmes:

  • Attended 11 International Seminars and 31 National Seminars.
  • Observation tour programme in the Philippines, Hongkong, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Scotland and India.


Language Proficience:

  • Bengali: Read – Excellent, Write – Excellent and Speak – Excellent
  • English: Read – Excellent, Write – Excellent and Speak – Good


Computer Skills:

  • Microsoft Word.
  • Microsoft Excel.
  • Microsoft Access.
  • Microsoft Power Point.
  • Windows – 95/98/2000/XP/ Windows-7 ultimate.
  • E-mail & Internet Browsing.


Professional and Socio-Economic Activities:

  • Participated in the war of liberation of Bangladesh in 1971 as on active Freedom Fighter ( dt-10-5-99) and Certificate no-mo-168131 dt-5.6.2011.
  • Life Member, Bangladesh Krisibid Institution (KBD Reg. no-06-75-1210).
  • Life Member, ABCS (British Council, Dhaka), Reg. no-148.
  • Associate Member, IPD (London), Reg. no-10962559.
  • Life Member, Bangladesh Red crescent Society, Reg. no-Madaripur-1979.
  • Life Member, Fisheries Society of Bangladesh.
  • Permanent Alumni, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok.
  • Vice- President, Khulna Divisional Society, Dhaka.
  • Founder, Vice- President, Fisheries Graduate Society, Bangladesh, Dhaka.
  • Founder, Member, Fisheries Cadre Association, Bangladesh, Dhaka.
  • Counselor, Anti Drug Movement, Bangladesh.
  • Life Fellow, Bangladesh Paribesh Andolon (Bangladesh Environment Movement).


Personal Details:

  • Father`S Name: Late Maulavi Shaheb Ali Biswas
  • Mother`S Name: Late Mrs. Fareza Begum
  • Date of Birth: 01.03.1953.
  • Place of Birth: Kotchandpur, District: Jhenaidah, Bangladesh.
  • Nationality: Bangladeshi.

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Fisheries Personnel Profile: Mahammad Abdus Sattar

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