South Asian  conference on “Natural resource conservation in the developing countries under the changing climate” will be held in the Rajshahi University (28-29 February 2012) and Khulna University (01 March 2012) Campuses (Bangladesh) followed by an Excursion (02 – 04 March 2012) to the World Largest Mangrove Forest (Sundarbans) under the DelPHE R 4 Project.
Conference Background

  • A project entitled, Capacity building to address climate change in Bangladesh and Ghana with special reference to conservation of saline and drought tolerant species is running since 01 Sep 2009 under the Development Partnerships in Higher Education (DelPHE-R4) Programme to build capacity of the Department of Zoology, Rajshahi University (DZRU), Bangladesh; Fisheries and Marine Resource Technology Discipline, Khulna University (FMRTDKU), Bangladesh and The University of Ghana, Volta Basin Research Project (UG-VBRP). School of Environment, Natural Resources and Geography, University of Bangor (SENRGUB), UK is actively helping the all three south institutions to build their capacities. The Animal & Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield (APSUS), UK is also involved in this programme.
  • DelPHE is the programme of Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) and is funded by the Department For International Development (DFID) coordinated by the British Council.
  • In this project a Regional Conference was proposed for wider networking beyond the partner higher education institutions creating platform for open dialogues and initiating regional research projects etc. on regional problems and solution.


  • To disseminate the project research outputs in the SAARC/ South East Asian countries.
  • To exchange views and ideas among the scientists about climate change related issues.
  • To find out ways to overcome the problems of natural resource conservation under the changing climate.
  • To promote international collaboration among the scientists, policy designers and implementers as well as among various other relevant agencies.
  • To find out the future prospects of this research and/or to expand new horizons in this research.


There will be following 12 sessions in the conference:

  1. Institutional Capacity Building and Conservation.
  2. Climate Change and Conservation.
  3. Exploration of Natural Resources.
  4. Sustainable Agriculture and Fisheries.
  5. Sustainable Development and Biodiversity.
  6. Pollution and Emission: Protection and Conservation.
  7. Environmental Management and Governance.
  8. Conservation priority: Invertebrates vs Vertebrates.
  9. Insect Conservation: Prospects and Problems.
  10. Pest, parasites, predator and pathogens: Conservation Strategy.
  11. Biotechnology and Conservation.
  12. Traditional Conservation Practices: Society and Culture.

If you are interested  to join this conference and excursion please submit your abstract and Pre-registration form to or

Deadline for Pre-Registration and submission of abstracts is the 1st February 2012

Please click to download: Pre-registration Form (MS Word) and Sample Format of Abstract (MS Word)

  • For Conference:
    • Registration/payment for all speakers participants who will contribute presentations to the conference will be made by the Organizing Committee (DelPHE R-4 Funding).
    • However, general participants (other than speakers) need to pay as follows: General participants: BDT. 500.00 (US $ 10) and Guests/Spouse: BDT. 1000.00 (US $ 20)
  • For Excursion:
    • Participants of all categories will have to pay as follows (Subsidized Rate): Participants (All Categories): BDT. 5,500.00 (US $ 70.00), Guests/Spouse: BDT. 6,000.00 (US $ 75.00)
    • Participants of all categories should confirm their trips for Sundarbans before the 10th February 2012 with clearance of money (if any). However, please note that altogether 65 participants only could be accommodated for this trip. Accordingly, priority will be given on first come first served basis.

Program in details:

Dates Time Events & venue
28 Feb 2012 Morning Inaugural Session, Rajshahi University.
28 Feb 2012 Afternoon Policy Making Sessions (1. Institutional Capacity Building and Conservation), Rajshahi University.
29 Feb 2012 Morning Parallel Session (2.Climate Change and Conservation 3. Exploration of Natural Resources 5. Sustainable Development and Biodiversity), Rajshahi University.
29 Feb 2012 Afternoon Parallel Sessions (6. Pollution and Emission:  Protection and Conservation 7. Environmental Management and Governance 8. Conservation priority: Invertebrates vs Vertebrates 9. Insect Conservation: Prospects and Problems 10.  Pest, parasites, predator and pathogens: Conservation Strategy.11. Biotechnology and Conservation 12. Natural Resource Conservation: Society and Culture), Rajshahi University.
29 Feb 2012 Evening Cultural Show, Rajshahi University.
01 Mar 2012 Morning Departure for Khulna University.
01 Mar 2012 Afternoon Arrival at Khulna University and attend Session (4. Sustainable Agriculture and Fisheries).
01 Mar 2012 Night Boarding in Vessel, Khulna/Mongla.
02-03 Mar 2012 Days and Nights Sundarbans
04 Mar 2012 Morning/Afternoon Arrival at Khulna and departure for Dhaka, Benapole, Rajshahi/other places.

Accommodation (ordinary/shared room) for all participants will be arranged by the Organizing Committee (DelPHE R-4 Funding) subject to availability and on `first come first serve`basis. However, Participants of all categories should confirm their requirements before the 1st February 2012. If, however, any participant requires luxurious hotel/motel accommodations, he/she may contact hotels and will have to pay by herself/himself. Hotels list are here.

Contact Parson:

  • Dr. Bidhan Chandra Das
    Conservation Biology & Climate Change Research Unit
    Department of Zoology
    University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh
    Mobile: +88 01556308987
    Phone: +88-0721-750041-3216 (Office), +88-0721-750310 (Residence)


Reference/More info:


Important Notes:
Information about the conference and excursion may be changed by the authority. It will not be possible to update any changed information in this page instantly. To be sure, please visit the Conference Website.

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South Asian conference on “Natural resource conservation in the developing countries under the changing climate” will be held

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