Chairperson and guests of the workshop
Chairperson and guests of the workshop

Final workshop on “Community Based Fish Culture in Seasonal Floodplains in Bangladesh” was held on March 29, 2010 at the Conference Room of Chamber of Commerce and Industries, Rajshahi.

The action research project was implemented by WorldFish Center (Bangladesh and South Asia Office), Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC) and Department of Fisheries (DoF) from March, 2005 to March, 2010. The purpose of the project was to develop technological and institutional framework based on the outcomes of action research carried out in seasonal floodplains through community based fish culture approach in different river basins of Bangladesh.

Representatives from a large number of key relevant stakeholders participated in the program. In the very beginning, the program stated with recitation from the Holy Quran and Holy GITA followed by Welcome address by Mr. Israil Golder, District Fisheries Officer (DFO), Rajshahi.In the inaugural session, key note paper was presented by Dr. Benoy Kumar Barman, Research Coordinator of the WorldFish Center, Bangladesh and South Asia Office. Dr. Natasja Sheriff (Project Leader, CB Fish Culture in Seasonal Floodplains in Bangladesh, Penang, Malaysia) delivered her valuable speech next to the key note presentation. Dr. Sheriff nicely shared her experience gained from this project implemented in different countries. Among the different activities she pointed out the differences in cropping pattern, ownership, resource use including the conflicts in benefit sharing.  Later, honorable Chief Guest of the workshop, Mr. William J. Collis, Director, The WorldFish Center, Bangladesh and South Asia Office delivered his speech focusing different aspects of fisheries with special emphasis of climate change issue. At the last part of inaugural session, Mr. Abu Bakkar Siddique, Deputy Director, Department of Fisheries, Rajshahi division delivered his valuable speech.

Dr. Natasja Sheriff delivering her speech
The Project Leader, Dr. Natasja Sheriff delivering her speech
Dr. Benoy Kumar Barman and Dr. Natasja Sheriff during their speech
Dr. Benoy Kumar Barman and Dr. Natasja Sheriff during their speech

In the technical session of workshop, Dr. Md. Akhtar Hossain (Associate Professor and Chairman, Department of Fisheries, University of Rajshahi) presided over the session. Research findings on different aspects of the project like technical, institutional framework, innovations etc. were nicely presented by Dr. Benoy Kumar Barman, Mr. A.B.M. Mahfuzul haque and other researchers. In this session, Mr. Israil Golder nicely explored the role of the Department of Fisheries to disseminate the community based approach for aquaculture in seasonal floodplains. He also provided some recommendations with a view to mobilization of the community, increasing man power, establishment of nursery through pen, cage and hapa towards the smooth supply of fish seeds. Different stakeholders also shared their ideas and experiences in this technical session.   Finally, Dr. Hossain, Chairperson of this session acknowledged all the presenters and participants well for their contributions. He also emphasized for the development of RU-WorldFish collaboration

Dr. Khondker Murshed-e-Jahan of WorldFish Center played a significant role to organize both the inaugural and technical session of this workshop

Before starting the technical session, participants enjoyed a video document based on the project activities made by the beneficiaries.  In this workshop, Mr. Israil Golder (DFO, Rajshahi) and Mr. Md. Saidur Rahman (UFO, Mohonpur, Rajshahi) were also awarded by WorldFish Personnel for their valuable contributions.

Dr. Benoy Kumar Barman presenting his research findings in technical session
Dr. Benoy Kumar Barman presenting his research findings in technical session
Dr. Md. Akhtar Hossain of Rajshahi University delivering his speech
Dr. Md. Akhtar Hossain of Rajshahi University delivering his speech
Preparation of presentation by Mr. A.B.M. Mahfuzul Haque in the technical session
Preparation of presentation by Mr. A.B.M. Mahfuzul Haque in the technical session
A portion of participants in the workshop
A portion of participants in the workshop

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Final Workshop on Community Based Fish Culture in Seasonal Floodplains in Bangladesh

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Shams Galib

Shams works in freshwater ecosystems, primarily on fish diversity in terms of their availability, and richness; he is also interested in aquatic invasive species and their impacts on ecosystem. Email: More...

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