A survey has been carried out in order to explore the existing fish fauna of the river Padma near Rajshahi. One species of Chondrichthyes and 72 species of Osteichthyes of fishes were recorded. Details are given in Fish and Other Fisheries Items of the river Padma Near Rajshahi of Bangladesh.
The photograph, taxonomic position, Scientific name, Local name, Availability, reproduction and breeding season of the recorded species are presented in this serial feature.
Channa gachaua (Local name: Cheng)
Taxonomic Position:
Order- Channiformes, Family: Channidae, Genus- Channa
Availability, reproduction and breeding season:
In last few years availability is very less. Breed during monsoon. Gravid female available during April-July and fry in June-October
Chanda nama (Local name: Chanda)
Taxonomic Position:
Order- Perciformes , Family: Centropomidae, Genus- Chanda
Availability, reproduction and breeding season:
Available throughout the year, breed in the monsoon. Gravid female available during April-July and fry in June-September
Chanda baculis (Local name: Phopha chanda)
Taxonomic Position:
Order- Perciformes , Family: Centropomidae, Genus- Chanda
Availability, reproduction and breeding season:
Available throughout the year, breed in the monsoon. Gravid female available during April-June and fry in June-September
Chanda ranga (Local name: Lal chanda)
Taxonomic Position:
Order- Perciformes , Family: Centropomidae, Genus- Chanda
Availability, reproduction and breeding season:
Available throughout the year, breed in the monsoon. Gravid female available during April-July and fry in June-September
Anabas testudineus (Local name: Koi)
Taxonomic Position:
Order- Perciformes , Family: Anabantidae, Genus- Anabas
Availability, reproduction and breeding season:
Available throughout the year, breed in the monsoon. Gravid female available during March-July and fry in May-September
Colisa fasciatus (Local name: Kholsha)
Taxonomic Position:
Order- Perciformes , Family: Anabantidae, Genus- Colisa
Availability, reproduction and breeding season:
Available throughout the year, breed in the monsoon. Gravid female available during April-June and fry in June-September
Colisa sota (Local name: Chuna kholisha)
Taxonomic Position:
Order- Perciformes , Family: Anabantidae, Genus- Colisa
Availability, reproduction and breeding season:
Available throughout the year, breed in the monsoon. Gravid female available during April-June and fry in June-September
Glossogobius giuris (Local name: Baila, Bele)
Taxonomic Position:
Order- Perciformes , Family: Gobidae, Genus- Glossogobius
Availability, reproduction and breeding season:
Available throughout the year, breed in the monsoon. Gravid female available during January-February and fry in July-September and February-march
Pama pama (Local name: Bhola, Poa)
Taxonomic Position:
Order- Perciformes , Family: Sciaenidae, Genus- Pama
Availability, reproduction and breeding season:
Available throughout the year, breed in the monsoon. Gravid female available during April-June and fry in May-September
Mastacembelus armatus (Local name: Gonti, Baim)
Taxonomic Position:
Order- Mastacembeliformes, Family: Mastacembelidae, Genus- Mastacembelus
Availability, reproduction and breeding season:
Available throughout the year, breed in the monsoon. Gravid female available during May-July and fry in June-October
Mastacembelus pancalus (Local name: Guchi)
Taxonomic Position:
Order- Mastacembeliformes, Family: Mastacembelidae, Genus- Mastacembelus
Availability, reproduction and breeding season:
Available throughout the year, breed in the monsoon. Gravid female available during April-June and fry in June-September
Macrognathus aculeatus (Local name: Tara baim)
Taxonomic Position:
Order- Mastacembeliformes, Family: Mastacembelidae, Genus- Mastacembelus
Availability, reproduction and breeding season:
Available throughout the year, breed in the monsoon. Gravid female available during April-June and fry in June-September
Tetraodon cutcutia (Local name: Potka)
Taxonomic Position:
Order- Tetraodontiformes, Family: Tetraodontidae, Genus- Tetraodon
Availability, reproduction and breeding season:
Breed in the monsoon. Gravid female not recorded, fry available in July-October
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