Imran Parvez
Assistant Professor
Department of Fisheries Biology and Genetics
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University (HSTU)
Dinajpur-5200, Bangladesh
Phone: 0088-0531-51734
Fax: 0088-0531-61311
Mobile: 0088-01914503031
Email: imran_bau2007 at yahoo dot com and imranfbghstu at gmail dot com
Research Interest:
- To know the distribution, abundance, reproductive biology and genetic variability’s of threatened endemic fish species for their conservation
- Domestication and seed production of threatened indigenous fishes of Bangladesh to introduce new commercial fish species in Bangladesh Aquaculture
Area of specialization:
- Fish Habitat and Biodiversity Conservation
- Fish Reproductive Biology and Seed Production through Artificial Breeding
- Molecular Biology and Population Genetics
Professional responsibilities:
Teaching Experience (from January 2006 to till date):
Organization: Department of Fisheries Biology and Genetics, HSTU, Dinajpur, Bangladesh
Program: Undergraduate
- Semester: January – June
Courses: *FBG 401 & 402: Genetics and Fish Breeding, *FBG 301 & 302: Fish Physiology and FFBG 101: Fisheries Zoology - Semester: July – December
Courses: FBG 405: Principles of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, *FBG 204 & 205: Principles of Genetics
Note: * means both theoretical and practical classes
Research Experience
Current Research Projects
- The Distribution, Abundance and Reproductive Biology of Threatened Endemic Fish Species of Dinajpur: Potential for Gene Pool Conservation in Bangladesh. (2009-2012)
Position: Principal Investigator
Funded By: Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute (BFRI), Mymensingh, Bangladesh
- Investigation on the reproductive potential of endangered Labeo ariza for its gene pool conservation (2010-2011)
Position: Project Director
Funded By: University Grants Commission’s (UGC) of Bangladesh
- Adaptations to Climate Change: food security, water resources and rural resilience in western Bangladesh (2010-2013)
Position: Member in the Project team
Funded By: British Council, UK
- Optimization of tilapia stocking density for cage culture (2010-11)
Position: Project Coordinator
Funded By: Institute of Research and Training (IRT), HSTU, Dinajpur
Research Project Completed
- Study of biodiversity of endangered species, Puntius sarana (Hamilton) and its genetic improvement (2004-2005)
Position: Worked as a “Research Fellow” under the supervision of Professor Dr. Md. Mukhlesur Rahman Khan, Department of Fisheries Biology and Genetics, BAU, Mymensingh.
Study of Inbreeding Problems of Thai Pangas, Pangasius hypophthalmus in Bangladesh Using Allozyme Electrophoresis (2004-2005)
Position: Worked as a “Research Fellow” under the supervision of Professor Dr. Md. Mukhlesur Rahman Khan, Department of Fisheries Biology and Genetics, BAU, Mymensingh.
Work experiences:
- Present Position: Assistant professor
Organization: Department of Fisheries Biology and Genetics, HSTU, Dinajpur
Period: June 2008 to till date
Major Responsibilities: Teaching, Research and Administrative
- Previous Position: Lecturer
Organization: Department of Fisheries Biology and Genetics, HSTU, Dinajpur
Period: 07 December 2005 to 06 June 2008
Major Responsibilities: Teaching and Research
Published Papers and Short Communication in Scientific Journals:
Published Papers
- Ahammad, A.K.S., M.M.R. Khan, A. Hossain, M.E. Islam and I. Parvez, 2009. Nursery rearing of silver barb, Puntius gonionotus (Bleeker, 1850) using three different supplementary feeds in Bangladesh. J. Bangladesh Agril. Univ. 7(1):139-144.
- Parvez,I., M.M.R. Khan, S.M. Z. Rahman and K. Fatema (2009). Breeding between two wild stocks of Puntius sarana (Hamilton) is potential for higher growth and survival. Accepted in the Bangladesh Journal of Zoology.
- S. M. Farid, M.I. Miah, M. M. Hasan, A. K. Shakur Ahammad, M. A. Alam and I. Parvez (2009). Nursery rearing of Macrognathus aculeatus under three supplementary feeding regimes in earthen ponds in Mymensingh, Bangladesh. Vol:02 (5). (Accepted in the Journal of Eco-friendly and Agriculture).
- S. M. Farid, M.I. Miah, M. M. Hasan, A. K. Shakur Ahammad, M. A. Alam and I. Parvez (2009). reproductive biology of Macrognathus aculeatus to different doses of natural and synthetic hormones. (Accepted in the Journal of Eco-friendly and Agriculture).
- M. Hasan, M.M.R. Khan and I. Parvez (2008). Home-made feed generates higher income in Thai Koi, Anabas testudineus (Bloch 1792) farming in Bangladesh. Intl. J. BioRes: 4 (3):5-10.
- Parvez, I., M.M.R. Khan, S.M.Z. Rahman and M.A. Alam, (2006). Present status and future potential of the gene pool of local sarpunti, Puntius sarana (Hamilton). J. Bangladesh Agril. Univ. 4(2):319-324.
- Alam, M.A. I. Parvez, and M.M.R. Khan, (2006). Effect of 17 α-methyl testosterone on growth and sex-ratio of common carp, Cyprinus carpio var. communis (Linnaeus). J. Bangladesh Agril. Univ. 4(2):313-318.
- Parvez, I., and M.M.R. Khan (2005). Effects of feed on larval rearing of local sarpunti (Puntius sarana, Hamilton) in laboratory condition. Bangladesh J.Fish.29 (1-2):63-68.
- M.M.R. Khan, A.T.M. Yunus and I. Parvez (2005). Allozyme variation in four hatchery populations of Thai pangas, Pangasius hypophthalmus in Bogra, Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Fish. Res. Special Issue 9 (1), 5-6.
- M. A. Alam, M. M. R. Khan I. Parvez & MAB Siddik (2005). Genetic variation of local pangas, Pangasius pangasius (Hamilton, 1822) in river populations in Bangladesh inferred by allozyme marker. Mol Biol & Biotech J 3(1&2):76-81.
- Khan, M.M.R., M.S. Alam, S.M.Z. Rahman and I. Parvez (2003). Genetic variation of Tilapia strains inferred by allozyme marker. Mol Biol & Biotech J, (1&2):59-62.
Published abstracts in Proceedings
- Parvez I. and M.M.R Khan. 2008. Conservation of endangered olive barb, Puntius sarana (Hamilton, 1822) in Bangladesh. 16th Biennial International Conference, Zoological Society of Bangladesh, 27-29 February, 2008, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh, P:57.
- Parvez I. and M.M.R Khan.. 2007. Study of Artificial Breeding, Growth and Biochemical Genetic Analysis of Endangered Local Sarpunti, Puntius sarana (Hamilton) for its revival. Conference on promotion of Biotechnology in Bangladesh: National and International Perspectives, ICDDR,B, Sasakawa Auditorium, 6-8 April, 2007, Dhaka Bangladesh.
- Rahman, S.M.Z., M.M.R. Khan, M.S. Islam, I. Parvez and M.S. Alam. 2006. Genetic variation study in wild and hatchery population of Catla catla (Ham.) using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. 2nd Fisheries Conference and Research Fair 2006, BFRF, Abstracts.
- Noor, A.M., M.M.R. Khan, S.M.Z. Rahman and I. Parvez. 2006. Growth and morphological comparison between local and Thai koi Anabas testudinius in Bangladesh. 2nd Fisheries Conference and Research Fair 2006, BFRF, Abstracts.6p.
Participation in Conference/Seminar/Symposium/Workshop etc.:
Conference, Seminars and Workshop Attended
- 4th Biennial Fisheries Conference and Research Fair, 20-21 January 2010, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Final Workshop on Adavasi Fisheries Project, 13th November,2009, Radisson Water Garden Hotel, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Workshop on “INSPIRE proposal writing”. 16th August, 2009, Hotel Sheraton, Dhaka
- Workshop on “Research in Support of the National Food Policy: Results of the Challenge Fund Research and Review of On-going Projects”. 18-19 February, 2009, BIAM, Dhaka
- Workshop on “Research in Support of the National Food Policy: Results of the Challenge Fund Research and Review of On-going Projects”. 18-19 February, 2009, BIAM, Dhaka
- Seminar on Biodiversity and Natural Spawning of Small Indigenous Fish Species (SIS) of Bangladesh, July, 2007, CIRDAP Auditorium, Dhaka
- International conference on Promotion of Biotechnology in Bangladesh: National and International Perspectives, April 2007, ICDDRB Auditorium, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- International seminar on Aquaculture Production and Marketing-2020 March, 2006, BRAC centre, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- 2nd Fisheries Conference and Research Fair, January, 2006, Bangladesh Fisheries Research Forum, BARC Auditorium, Dhaka
- Bangladesh Agricultural University Research Progress, January 2005, BAU, Mymensingh
- Fisheries Education and Research Fair, August, 2004, SUFER Project, DFID, BIAM Auditorium, Dhaka
Training and Certificates received
- Title: International Training Course on “Coastal Biodiversity in Mangrove Ecosystem”
Institute: Centre of Advanced Studies in Marine Biology, Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu, India
Duration: 01-15 October 2010
- Title: Training on “Monitoring and Communicating Biodiversity”
Institute: Preston Montford Centre, Field Studies Council, Shrewsbury, UK
Duration: 13-23 August 2010
- Title: Training on “scientific report writing”
Institute: Graduate Training Institute (GTI), Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh
Duration: 04-09 August, 2007
- Title: Training Course on “Aquaculture and Extension”
Institute: Mymensingh Aquaculture and Extension Project (MAEP), Mymensingh
Duration: 8-13 June, 2002
- Title: Training on “Fisheries and Aquaculture Research”
Institute: Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute (BFRI), Mymensingh
Duration: 15-20 June, 2002
- Title: Training on “Extension Education”
Institute: Department of Agricultural Extension and Education at Bhaluka, Mymensingh
Duration: 28 Sept. to 3 Oct. 2002
Memberships, affiliation and administration:
- Life Member, Executive Committee Member, Editor, Advisor etc.
- Life Member: Bangladesh Fisheries Research Forum
- Executive Committee Member: Bangladesh Fisheries Research Forum (January 2010-Devember 2011)
Academic degrees held:
- Degree: Master of Science in Biotechnology
Specialization: Fish Biotechnology
Thesis Title: Artificial Breeding, Growth and Genetic Variation of Endangered Olive Barb, Puntius sarana (Hamilton 1822) for its Genetic Improvement.
Institute: Biotechnology Department, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh -2202, Bangladesh
Grade: A (3.797 in 4 point scale).
Year: November 2005
- Degree: B.Sc. Fisheries (Honours)
Field/Subject: Fisheries
Institute: Faculty of Fisheries, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh -2202, Bangladesh
Class: First Class
Year: 2004
- Certificate: HSC
Field: Science
Institute: Notre Dame College, Dhaka Board
Division/GPA: 1st Division
Year: 1997
- Certificate: SSC
Field: Science
Institute: Ishwarganj Bisweswari Pilot High School, Dhaka Board
Division/GPA: 1st Division
Year: 1995
More Information:
- Father’s Name: Late A.K.M. Ibrahim
- Mother’s Name: Shamsun Naher Begum
- Permanent Address: Village: Nowpara, Post Office: Noshoti Bazer, Police Station: Ishwarganj, District: Mymensingh
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