A total of 24 fishing gears were recorded through field (Halti Beel, Natore) survey conducted between August 2006 and February 2007. Among them the number of nets is seven.

A brief description and photograph of nets are shown bellow-

01. Ber jal, Badai jal (Seine net)

Ber jal, Badai jal (Seine net)
Ber jal, Badai jal (Seine net)

Shape: Rectangular
Length & Width: 40-60 ft & 12-17 ft
Mesh size: 2-8 mm
Catch: All types of fishes, except bottom dwellers

02. Khara jal, Veshal jal (Lift net)

Khara jal, Veshal jal (Lift net)
Khara jal, Veshal jal (Lift net)

Shape: Rectangular
Length & Width: 30-50 ft & 15-25 ft
Mesh size: 5-10 mm
Catch: Puti, tengra, kaski, moya, chapila, chanda khalisha, guchi etc.

03. Taira jal (Cast net)

Taira jal (Cast net)
Taira jal (Cast net)

Shape: Bell shaped
Length & Diameter: 15-20 ft & 20-30 ft
Mesh size: 5-10 mm
Catch: Rui, catla, mrigel, taki, khalisha, baim, puti, tengra, chanda, moya etc.

04. Thela jal (Push net)

Thela jal (Push net)
Thela jal (Push net)

Shape: Triangular
Length & Width: 6-8 ft & 4-5 ft
Mesh size: 2-8 mm
Catch: Khalisha, punti, tengra, chanda, moya, kaski, small prawn etc.

05. Current jal / Fash jal (Gill net)

Current jal / Fash jal (Gill net)
Current jal / Fash jal (Gill net)

Shape: Rectangular
Length & Width: 50-80 ft & 3-3.5 ft
Mesh size: 7-15 mm
Catch: Puti, chanda, raikor, tengra, baim/guchi, gurkoi, bacha etc

06. Bor/Boa/Lathi jal (Drag net)

Bor/Boa/Lathi jal (Drag net)
Bor/Boa/Lathi jal (Drag net)

Shape: Rectangular
Length & Width: 10-12 ft & 4-5 ft
Mesh size: 5-10 mm
Catch: Khalisha, punti, tengra, chanda, moya etc.

07. Pangti jal (Drag net)

Pangti jal (Drag net)
Pangti jal (Drag net)

Shape: Rectangular
Length & Width: 25-40 m & 0.8-1.2 m
Mesh size: 5-15 mm
Catch: Chela, puti, khalisha, potka, chanda, mola etc.

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Fishing Nets of Halti Beel, Natore

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Angkur Mohammad Imetazzaman

Ex-student, Department of Fisheries, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh. More...

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