Dr. Md. Nurullah
Principal Scientific Officer
Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute
Mymensingh-2201, Bangladesh.

Phone: +88 01711045889
Email: nurullahbfri@yahoo.com


  • Fish processing and preservation
  • HRD


Employment History:

  • Designation: Principal Scientific Officer
    Duration: 22.02.2001 to till now
    Institute/Organization: Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute,Mymensingh
    Responsibility/Duties/Field: Administration, HRD management, Research on fish processing, preservation and quality control
  • Designation: Senior Scientific Officer
    Duration: 20.10.96 to 21.02.2001
    Institute/Organization: Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute Mymensingh
    Responsibility/Duties/Field: HRD management
  • Designation: Scientific Officer
    Duration: 31.01.1989 to 19.10. 1996
    Institute/Organization: Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute Mymensingh
    Responsibility/Duties/Field: HRD management, Research on Aquaculture

Service Experience:

  • Division in-charge of Training and Manpower Development Division, Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute (BFRI), Mymensingh from 14 April 1993 to till now.
  • Project Director of “Production and Marketing of high quality dried fish products using low cost solar drier” under Science and information and communication technology ministry from July 2003 to June 30, 2004 and July 2004 to June 2005.
  • Worked as Research Investigator under the project Benchmark survey of aquaculture practices, potentials and constraints in Bangladesh. Freshwater station, Fisheries Research Institute, Mymensingh
  • Division in-charge of Administration -1 in Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute (BFRI) head quarters, Mymensingh from 30 April 2006 to till now.

Academic Background:

  • Degree: PhD
    Institute: BAU
    Year: 2006
    Major Subject/ Field: Fisheries Technology
  • Degree: MSc Fisheries
    Institute: BAU
    Year: 1995
    Major Subject/ Field: Fisheries Biology, Advance Limnology, Fish Physiology, Fishery Resources, Biostatistics
  • Degree: BSc Fisheries (Hons)
    Institute: BAU
    Year: 1994
    Major Subject/ Field: Animal Ecology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Aquaculture, Ichthyology, Limnology, Fisheries Systematics, Oceanography, Fish population dynamics, Fisheries Management, Fish Pathology & Parasitology, Fish Microbiology, Fish Harvesting & Fish Processing.


Professional Training received:


  • Title: Fisheries Management
    Duration/Date: 6 months
    Institute/Organization: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA
  • Title: Fish Habitat
    Duration/Date: 1-10 May, 2001
    Institute/Organization: Continuing Education Service of the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences of Virginia Tech and State University with the collaboration of USDA Forest Service U.S.A.
  • Title: Sea and Human Security
    Duration/Date: 5 – 9 July, 2004.
    Institute/Organization: United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), Hiroshima, Japan
  • Title: Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points(HACCP)
    Duration/Date: 15-17 May, 2001
    Institute/Organization: Virginia Seafood Research and Extension Center in Hampton with collaboration of Association of Food and Drug Officials(AFDO) of United States of America, U.S.A.
  • Title: Extension Leadership Training
    Duration/Date: April 17, 2001.
    Institute/Organization: Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Polytechnical Institute and State University, U.S.A.
  • Title: Mocrosoft Power Point 2000 Introduction
    Duration/Date: March 16, 2001
    Institute/Organization: ExecuTrain, Virginia Polytechnical Institute and State University, U.S.A.


  • Title: Manpower Requirement for Fisheries Research and Development
    Duration/Date: 3-5 May 1994 
    Institute/Organization:Jointly Organized by BFRI and FAO/UNDP, Bangladesh.
  • Title: Research Methodology and Management.
    Duration/Date: 9-13 August 1992
    Institute/Organization:Jointly Organized by BFRI and ICLARM, Bangladesh.
  • Title: Geographical Information System for Fisheries
    Duration/Date: 14-18 November 1993
    Institute/Organization:BFRI/FAO/UNDP and SPARRSO, Bangladesh.
  • Title: Human Resource Information System (HRIS) 
    Duration/Date: 02-24 September 1992
    Institute/Organization:Jointly Organized by International System for National Agricultural Research (ISNAR) and BRAC, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • Title: Sponsored Public goods Research Project Proposal Preparation
    Duration/Date: 23-24 November 2008
    Institute/Organization: Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, Dhaka
  • Title: Administrative and Financial Management
    Duration/Date: 10–23 October 2009
    Institute/Organization:Bangladesh Aademy for Rural Development (BARD), Comilla.


Journal articles


  • Rahman, M.H. A.F.M.Shofiquzzoha, M. Zulfikar Ali and M. Nurullah, (1996). Nursery fish production  in Bangladesh : Empirical study on income and efficiency. J. Economic affairs, the quarterly Journal of  Economic, Calcutta, India : vol 42 (1) :  23- 27.
  • Nurullah M, S.C. Saha, M. Kamal. M.A. Wahab, Shakuntala H. Thilsted, M. N. Islam and  Yoshihiro Ochiai (2002). Nutritional and food  quality of traditional dried products of freshwater small indigenous fish species of Bangladesh.Bull. Fac. Edu., Ibaraki Univ. Japan.(Nat.Sci.) 51 (2002) 75-86.
  • Nurullah M, L. Yasmin, M. Rahman, M. Kamal. M.N. Islam, Shakuntala H. Thilsted, and  Yoshihiro Ochiai (2002). Studies on the Shelf Life of Freshwater Small Indigenous Fish Species of Bangladesh during Ice Storage. Bull. Fac. Edu., Ibaraki Univ. Japan (Nat. Sci.) 51 (2002) 75-86.
  • Reza, M. S., M. A. J. Bapary, K. M. Azimuddin, M. Nurullah and M. Kamal (2005). Studies on the traditional drying activities of commertially important marine fishes of Bangladesh Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 8 (9): 1303-1310.
  • Md. Kamal, Md. Moshiur Rahman, M. Abu Jafor Bapary, Lubna Yasmin and Md.  Nurullah (2005). Influnce of PHon the ATPase activity and solubility of Macrobrachium rosenbergii and Penaous monodon muscle Myofibrillar Protein. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 8 (7): 982-988.
  • Nurullah M, Md. Kamal, Md. Abdul Wahab, Md. Nazrul Islam, C. Tanvir Ahasan, Md. Shaheed Reza (2003). Present status of harvesting, transportation and marketing of fresh Small Indigenous Fish Species (SIS) of Bangladesh. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences.(In press).

In country

  • M.F.A. Mollah and M. Nurullah. Effects of feeding frequency on the growth and survival of  catfish ( Clarias batrachus  L.) larvae. Bangladesh J. Fish. (1988), 11(2) : 9-14.
  • N.C. Saha, M. Nurullah, M. Asaduzzaman and A.F.M. Sofiquzzoha.(1994). Levels of Input Uses and Culture Practice of Fish culture in Central Bangladesh. Progress Agric.,  5 (2) : 257-  265.
  • Zulfikar Ali, M. Nurullah, M. Habibur Rahman and A. F. M. Shofiquzzoha. Levels of input uses and culture practice of pond fish culture in eastern Bangladesh. Bangladesh J.Agri. Scien., 1995,22(2) : 261-266.
  • Nurullah M, M.F.A. Mollah and M. Amjad Hossain. Effects of water depth on the growth and survival of catfish ( Clarias batrachus L.) larvae. Bangladesh J. Fish. (1989),12(2) : 71- 77.
  • M. Amjad Hossain, G. Barua, M. Nurullah and Roy Jenson. Studies on the growth and survival of juveniles of Macrobrachium rosendergii in freshwater nursery ponds. Bangladesh J.Fish. (1989), 12(2) : 41-47.
  • M.E. Azim, M.A. Mazid, M.J. Alam and M. Nurullah (2001). The potential of mixed culture of freshwater gaint prawn Macrobracium rosenbergii de Man and tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon. Fab. at Khulna region, Bangladesh. Bangladesh  J.Fish. Res., 5(10) : 67-74.
  • Rahman, M. H., M. Zulfikar Ali, A.F.M.Shofiquzzoha and M.Nurullah, (1998). Income and efficiency of nursery fish production in Bangladesh. Bangladesh J.of Sci. Ind. Res. 33 (1). 64-68.
  • Rahman, M.H., M. Zulfikar Ali,  A.F.M. Shofiquzzoha and M . Nurullah ( 1998).   Efficiency of pond fish production in Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Agril. Science, 25(2). 235- 239.
  • M. Kamal, M.M. Rahman, L. Yasmin, M.N. Islam, M. Nurullah and M.A. Mazid (2000). Studies on the post-mortem changes in shrimp and prawn during ice storage : II. Biochemical aspect of quality changes. Bangladesh J. Fish. Res., 4(1). 91-96
  • Mehbub, M. F., K. M. Azimuddin, M. T. Islam, M. Nurullah, and M. Kamal (2003). Study on the shelf life of the dried products under various packaging conditions. Bangladesh J. Fish. (2003), 26(1-2) : 83-88.
  • Nurullah M., M. Kamal, M. A. Wahab, M. N. Islam, L. Yasmin, Shakuntala H. Thilsted and M. A. Mazid (2005). Present status of harvesting, transportation and marketing of freshwater Small Indigenous Species of Fish (SIS) of Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Fish. Res., 9(2). 159-168.
  • Newaz, A. W., M. Kamal, M. Nurullah and K. M. Azimuddin (2006). Present status of HACCP based cultural practices and quality management systems of some freshwater prawn farms in greater Mymensingh region. J. Bangladesh Soc. Agric. Sci. Technol., 3(1&2): 5-8.
  • Nurullah M, Md. Kamal, Md. Abdul Wahab, M. N. Islam, C. T. Ahasan and S. H. Thilsted (2003). Nutritional Qualities of some small indigenous fish species of Bangladesh. In Proceedings of BAU-ENRECA/DANIDA Workshop on Small Indigenous Species of Fish in Bangladesh (SIS) in Aquaculture & Rice-field Stocking for Improved Food & Nutrition Security in Bangladesh, 30-31 October 2002, BAU, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. BAU, Mymensingh, Bangladesh and ENRECA/DANIDA. 166 p.
  • Nurullah M., M. Kamal, M. A. Wahab, M. N. Islam, Md. Shaheed Reza, S. H. Thilsted and M. A. Mazid (2006). Quality assessment of traditional and solar tunnel dried SIS (Small Indigenous Fish Specie ) Bangladesh J. Fish. Res., 10(1). 63-72.
  • Nurullah M., Md. Kamal , Md Nazrul Islam, Shakuntala H. Thilsted (2007). Production of quality dried Small Indigenous Fish Species  products using low cost solar tunnel drier. Bangladesh J. Fish. Res., 11(1). 113-120. Bangladesh J. Fish. Res., 11(1). 113-120.
  • Nurullah M, Md. Kamal, Md Nazrul Islam, C. Tanvir Ahasan, Shakuntala H. Thilsted (2007).
  • Shelf life of dried products from  small indigenous fish species under various packing and storage
  • Conditions. Bangladesh J. Fish. Res., 11(2). 229-236.
  • Pervin, K,. A. W. Newaz, M. Kamal, F. H. Shikha and M. Nurullah (2009). Changes in nutritional and food qualities of Mola fish (Amblypharyngodon mola) in chilled and frozen storages. J. Bangladesh Soc. Agric. Sci. Technol., 6(3&4): 1-6.
  • Pervin, K,. M.A. Nayeem; A. W. Newaz, M. Kamal, S. Yeasmine and M. Nurullah (2010). Production and quality assessment of fish pickles from mola (Amblypharyngodon mola) fish.  Bangladesh J. Fish. Res., 14(1-2). 87-96.


Technical report/books:

  • Rahman, H.M., M.Z. Ali, M. Nurullah and A.F.M. Sofiquzzoha. 1992. Benchmark survey of aquaculture practice, potentials and constraints in Bangladesh. Final Report. Fisheries Research Institute, Mymensingh-2201, Bangladesh.
  • Dewan, S., A.F.M. Mollah, M. Kamal, M.A. Wahab, M.G. Hussain, M.A.R. Hossain, M. Nurullah, Enamul Hoq, A.H. M. Kohinoor, N.C. Roy and M.A. Alim. 2005. . Manual on Culture of Small and Threatened Indigenous Fish Species. Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute, Department of Fisheries, Bangladesh Agricultural University, and Ministry of Fisheries & Livestock. 88 p. (in Bangla)
  • Bhuiyan, A.K.M.A., M. Ahmed, M.E. Hoq and M. Nurullah (Compilers). 1989. Proceedings of the SAARC Workshop on Fish Seed Production, 11-12 June 1989, Bangladesh. Fisheries Research Institute, Mymensingh. 100pp.
  • Hussain, M. G., S. U. Ahmed, M. Zaher, M. Nurullah and Y. Mahmud (eds). 2007. Manual on culture technologies of local high-valued fish species. Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute & Ministry of Fisheries & Livestock. 64p.
  • Hussain, M. G., G. C. Halder, S. U. Ahmed, M. J. Alam, M. Zaher, M. Nurullah and Y. Mahmud (eds) 2008. A Guide Book on Aquaculture Technologies.  Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute and Ministry of Fisheries & Livestock. 96p.
  • Mazid, M. A., and M. Nurullah. 2006. Training Directory. Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute 2201. 126p.
  • Mazid, M. A. and M. Nurullah. 1999. Improved Fish Culture and Management. A Training Manual for field level extension workers. Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute and Local Government and Engineering Department. 85p
  • Nurullah, M. 2010. Improved Fish Culture and Management of Pond. Training Module. Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute. 137p


Member in Professional Societies:

  • Bangladesh Fisheries Society.
  • Bangladesh  Fisheries Graduate Association.
  • Bangladesh  Krishibid Association.
  • Bangladesh  Agricultural University Old Boy’s Association.
  • Bangladesh Fisheries Research Forum.


Personal information:

  • Present Address: 115, R.K. Mission Road, Mymensingh -2200, Bangladesh.
  • Date of Birth: 19 Nov. 1960



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Fisheries Personnel Profile: Dr. Md. Nurullah

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