Thai punti [Barbonymus gonionotus] is also known as rajpunti or thai rajpunti in our country. This small carp inhabits rivers, streams, floodplain and reservoirs in Thailand. In 1977, it was introduced to Bangladesh from Thailand (Rahman, 2005). It occurs mainly midwater to bottom and seems to prefer standing water habitats instead of flowing water. This fish feeds on plant matters such as leaves, weeds, Ipomoea reptans and Hydrilla and invertebrate in adult and algae and zooplankton in juvenile. This species is also taken local fish feed ingredients such as rice bran, wheat bran, oil cake etc.

A migratory species but not considered to be a long distance migrant. This fish is matured in the first year of its life and breeds in running waters of its natural habitats. The artificial breeding technique of this carp is the similar that of major carps. The maximum recorded total length 45 cm and weight 2.1 kg (Fishbase, 2009).

Usually marketed fresh and occasionally seen in the aquarium trade. Highly commercial in aquaculture, fisheries and aquarium practices. Not listed in IUCN Red Data Book (Fishbase, 2009).


  • Fishbase, 2009. Species summary of Barbonymus gonionotus. Downloaded from  on dated 04 August 2009.
  • Rahman AKA, 2005. Freshwater Fishes of Bangladesh (2nd ed.). Zoological Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh. xviii+394 pp.

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Thai Punti: Barbonymus gonionotus

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ABM Mohsin

Professor, Department of Fisheries, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh. More...

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