A total of 54 native freshwater fish species of Bangladesh have been declared threatened by IUCN Bangladesh (2000). Among them 12 species are recorded as critically endangered, 28 species are endangered and rest 14 species are vulnerable.
Out of 54 threatened freshwater fish species of Bangladesh, 27 species are found in Chalan Beel (5 species are critically endangered, 12 species are endangered and rest 10 species are vulnerable).
Endangered fish species (12) found in Chalan Beel are shown bellow-
Bangla Name: Madhu Pabda
English Name: Pabdah catfish
Scientific Name: Ompok pabda
Bangla Name: Kani Pabda
English Name: Butter catfish
Scientific Name: Ompok bimaculatus
Bangla Name: Guizza or Guizza Ayre
English Name: Giant-river Catfish
Scientific Name: Sperata seenghala
Bangla Name: Chaka or Gangeni
English Name: Squarehead catfish
Scientific Name: Chaca chaca
Bangla Name: Gazar
English Name: Great snakehead
Scientific Name: Channa marulius
Bangla Name: Chital
English Name: Clown Knifefish
Scientific Name: Notopterus chitala
Bangla Name: Calbaus
English Name: Orange-fin Labeo
Scientific Name: Labeo calbasu
Bangla Name: Bata
English Name: Bata
Scientific Name: Labeo bata
Bangla Name: Dhela
English Name: Cotio
Scientific Name: Rohtee cotio
Bangla Name: Baim
English Name: Zig-zag eel
Scientific Name: Mastacembelus armatus
Bangla Name: Bou or Rani
English Name: Bengal Loach
Scientific Name: Botia dario
Bangla Name: Bou or Rani
English Name: Reticulate Loach
Scientific Name: Botia lohachata
According to IUCN Bangladesh (2000), the meaning of critically endangered, endangered and vulnerable is given bellow-
Critically Endangered:
A taxon is critically endangered when it is facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild in the immediate future.
A taxon is endangered when it is not critically endangered but is facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild in the near future.
A taxon is vulnerable when it is not critically endangered or endangered but is facing a high risk of extinction in the wild in the medium-term future.
IUCN Bangladesh. 2000. Red Book of Threatened Fishes of Bangladesh. IUCN- The World Conservation Union. xii+116 pp.
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