The Journal of Life and Earth Sciences is published by Dean, Faculty of Life and Earth Sciences, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi 6205, Bangladesh. It publishes original papers pertaining to the fields of Life and Earth Science. The journal is published biannually. The ISSN of this journal is 1990-4827.
Author Guidelines
Submission of manuscript:
The submission of a manuscript implies that the material is original and that no similar paper is being, or will be, submitted elsewhere. Manuscripts must be submitted as an IBM based soft copy in MS Word or through email, accompanied by hard printed copies in triplicate to the Executive Editor. It must be written in English, double-space typed and preferably in A4 size paper with a 30mm margins all round. The pages must be consecutively numbered. Tables and captions for illustrations have to be typed separately at the end of the manuscript and their positions be indicated in the margins of the text.
Following the conventional form the manuscript must include:
- Title page giving a concise and specific title with the name(s) of the author(s) and institution(s) where the work was carried out. A short running title of maximum 10 words must also be provided followed by 5-6 appropriate key words.
- Abstract will be of not more than 200 words and intelligible without reference to the main text. Next to it, a Bangla version of the Abstract is required.
- The manuscript shall contain the following headings: Title, Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements (optional) and References.
- Short Communications, however, need not to follow this pattern, but must have references as usual.
- Whenever feasible active voice and first person are to be used except in the Abstract where the use of third person is preferred. British conventions of spelling and grammar are to be used throughout, except in non-British quotations and references. Terms that may be regarded as pejorative of contentions such as ‘man’, ‘Bushman’ or ‘Game animals’ are to be avoided. Footnotes, except to add information below the body of a Table, are to be avoided. Initial capitals for the common name of plants, animals, rocks or minerals, unless derived from proper nouns, are not to be used.
- The metric system (ie. Sl units) must be used where necessary. Whole numbers from one to nine should be spelled out (except in the Material and Methods) and number 10 onwards be given in numerals.
- These must be presented to fit the page size (230 × 170mm) without undue reduction. Tables have to be referred to as Table 1, Table 2, etc. and any sub-sections as Table 1a, Table 1b, etc.
- There may be line drawings or photographs, which must be numbered in a single sequence and consecutively referred to in the text as Fig. I, Fig. 2 etc. Each figure must be on a separate page and clearly identifiable with the author’s name, short title of the manuscript and figure number. The position of each figure has to be indicated in the margin of the text. Component parts of figures must be labelled a, b, c etc. Caption for figures, which should be self-explanatory and must not contain details of results, have to be double-space typed, on a separate page. Regardless of the final size of the figure, the copies submitted must either be printed on, or attached to, sheets or thin cards the same size as the rest of the manuscript as small figures can be lost and large ones damaged.
- Line drawings must not be larger than twice the final size and in no circumstances should exceed 230 × 170mm. The axes of graphs should be carefully chosen so as to occupy the space available to best advantage. When reduced, the drawing must fit into either one (83mm) or two (172mm) columns, preferably the former. Lines have to be bold enough to permit reduction to about 0.25-0.35mm. Line drawings should be simple as possible. Maps, cross-sections, computer-generated figures like three-dimensional graphs with fine lines, gradations of stippling and unusual symbols, cannot be reproduced satisfactorily when reduced. Preferred symbols are open and filled circles, boxes and triangles, and these should be used consistently. Lettering should be kept to a minimum and should be self-explanatory and unambiguous and of sufficiently high quality and size to be clearly visible after reduction to final size.
- Photographic plates should be the same size as they would appear in the journal and must be selected to fit neatly into one column (83mm) or two columns (172mm). Photographs have to be labelled and numbered like line drawings. For microscopic preparations, scale bars with appropriate units (e.g. 50μm) must be provided; merely statements of magnification are not acceptable.
- Colour figures may be accepted provided that they are of very high quality and that the cost must be met by the author(s). Regarding this an agreement to meet the costs must be required before the manuscript can be accepted for publication.
- Accuracy of references is the responsibility of the author(s).
- References must be checked against the text to ensure that: the spelling of authors’ names and the dates cited are consistent and all authors quoted in the text (in the descending date of order if more than one) are given in the reference list and vice-versa.
- The full title of the paper must be given together with the first and last pages.
- Journal titles have to be abbreviated in accordance with the International Standard (ISO 4: 1984). Book titles must be followed by the publisher’s name(s) and the place of publication.
- The name of the editor(s), if different from the author, has to be provided.
- In the text, references must be arranged chronologically with the surname(s) of the author(s) followed by the dates such as Branby and Klocke (1990), or when cited in parenthesis as (Kadev 1975; Loughman and White 1984; Su et al. 2000).
- To distinguish between papers published by the same author(s) in the same year, letters a, b, etc. are to be used after the year, for example, Prianka 1978a,b.
- Reference should not be made to unpublished data.
- For two authors, both the names and the year are to be mentioned. In case of three or more authors, first author’s surname is to be followed by et al. and the year.
- In the list, references must be arranged first in ascending alphabetical order under author(s) names(s) and then in descending chronological order if several papers by the same author(s) are cited.
- Please see the following examples:
- Branby MA and Klocke JA 1990. Effects of azadirachtin on levels of ecdysteroids and prothoracicotropic hormone-like activity in Heliothis virescens (Fabr.) larvae. J. Insect Physiol. 36: 125-131.
- Fraser MW 1996. Aggressive behavior in childhood and early adolescence: An ecological-developmental perspective on youth violence. Social Work 41: 347- 361.
- Kadey F Jr. 1975. Industrial Minerals and Rocks (4th edn). AIME, New York, 607 pp.
- Loughman B and White P 1984. The role of minor nutrients in the control of ion movement across membranes. In: Membrane Transport in Plants (eds. WJ Cram, K Janacek, R Rybova and K Sigler), pp. 501-502. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Review process:
- Each manuscript submitted for consideration for publication in the Journal will be peer reviewed by two experts selected by the Editorial Board whose decision will be final regarding the acceptance or rejection of the paper.
- Original manuscripts along with reviewers’ comments will be sent to the corresponding author.
- A hard copy of the revised manuscript, original manuscripts and MS Word file in CD will have to be returned to the Executive Editor within two weeks.
Copyright and Off prints:
- It is a condition of publication in the Journal that author(s) assigns copyright to the Faculty of Life and Earth Sciences, University of Rajshahi, whose permission must be obtained to reproduce there from.
- This would ensure efficient handling of reproduction of articles for third party requests and wide dissemination at large.
- However, the Journal will supply 10 complementary free off prints of each paper to the corresponding author.
Page charge:
- Tk. 500.00 should be paid at the time of submitting the manuscript as Reviewer’s fee.
- This will not be refunded even if the paper is not accepted for publication.
- In addition, to partly cover the printing and other costs, Tk. 2000.00 and Tk. 1000.00 will be charged from the author(s) for each full paper and Short Communication, respectively.
Manuscripts in triplicate are to be submitted to:
- The Executive Editor, Journal of Life and Earth Science, Faculty of Life and Earth Sciences, University of Rajshahi Rajshahi 6205, Bangladesh.
Subscription Information
- The Journal of Life and Earth Sciences is published as an official publication of the Faculty of Life and Earth Sciences, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
- It is an International half‑yearly Journal published in July and January covering all the fields of Life and Earth Sciences.
- Subscription of the Journal runs for full academic year (July‑June).
- Subscribers should allow six weeks notice of change of address by sending old address clipped from the Journal along with new address.
- Order must be made in favour of Dean, Faculty of Life and Earth Sciences. University of Rajshahi.
- Standard home rate (applies to Libraries/Institution/Individuals).
- Taka 300 per academic year @ 150 per issue.
- If you wish to receive the Journal by registered post, please add Taka 50 per academic year to the total payment and make the request at the time of subscribing.
- International rate
- US$ 30 per academic year @ US$ 15 per issue including the airmail postage charges.
Mailing Address
- Faculty of Life and Earth Sciences
University of Rajshahi
Rajshahi 6205
Principal Contact
- Prof. Dr. M. Saiful Islam
Executive Editor
Faculty of Life and Earth Sciences
University of Rajshahi
Rajshahi 6205
Phone: +880-721-750041
Email: saifulzoo@yahoo.co.uk
- Bangladesh Journals Online. Web: www.banglajol.info
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