The Bangladesh Journal of Fisheries Researchis published by Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute (BFRI). It is published half-yearly in two issues (January and July). The Journal accepts original research articles, scientific notes and review papers on different aspects of fisheries including, but not limited to, fresh and brackish water aquaculture, mariculture, reproductive physiology and genetics, nutrition and feed, pollution and disease, post-harvest technology and quality control, and aquatic environment. Priority will be given on the articles covering one of the following fields-
- Environmental aspects of fisheries resources
- Biodiversity conservation
- Open water management
- Policy or status paper on national interest
Author guideline to prepare manuscript:
The Bangladesh Journal of Fisheries Research considers English-language research papers, scientific notes and review articles related to all aspects of fish and fisheries science for publication. Materials must be original, unpublished work and not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
- Preparation of manuscripts:
- Manuscript must be typed, double-spaced on one side of A4 (30 x 21 cm) paper with at least 2.5 cm margin on each side.
- Each manuscript should have a cover page bearing the full title, name(s) of author(s) and academic address(es), address of correspondence and a short running title of not more than 30 characters.
- The second page will include the full title and a concise Abstract of not more than 250 words, followed by up to five key words.
- Beginning from the third page, the manuscript should be arranged in the following sequences: Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions (if necessary), Acknowledgements (if necessary) and References.
- Each table and figure should be on separate page. Placement of tables, figures and photographs should be marked in the text.
- Scientific notes should be written with an Abstract, but not dividing up into other conventional sections.
- Review article on particular, on fairly wide topics of current interest, either invited or agreed with the Editor, should have an Abstract and not exceed 30 pages of type-scripts.
- References writings:
- The list of references should be arranged alphabetically according to the surname of the first author. Common examples are given below-
- Book: Pillay, T.V.R., 1990. Aquaculture: Principles and Practices. Fishing News Books, Oxford. 575 pp.
- Book/ proceedings chapter: Wong, C.S., F.A. Whitney and W.K. Johnson, 1992. Application of different types of marine experimental enclosures to study the pathways and fate of chemical pollutants. In: Marine ecosystem enclosed experiments (eds. C.S. Wong and P.J. Harrison). International Development Research Centre, Ottawa. pp. 174-185.
- Journal article: D’Silva, J., K. Ahmed and B. Das, 1995. Resource utilization by beneficiaries in pond fish farming. Bangladesh J. Zool., 23(1) : 71-76.
- Table preparation:
- Tables should be numbered in Arabic numeral in the order of their mention in the text.
- To prepare the tables, use only horizontal lines, no vertical or diagonals should be used.
- Brief explanatory footnotes, if required, should be indicated with lower case superscript letters and typed at the bottom of the tables.
- Figure preparation:
- Figures should be numbered in Arabic numerl.
- Original line drawings on tracing papers or laser printed computer drawings, not requiring additional artwork and type- setting but with standable up to 40% reduction should be submitted.
- Photograph preparation:
- Photographs should be selected only to illustrate something that cannot adequately be displayed in any other manner, they should be in original enlargements in the form of glossy black and white prints.
- Used Units and Symbols:
- Metric and internationally accepted physical measurement units should be used. The 24-hour clock should be used as time of day, eg. 13.45 h, not 1.45 pm.
- Submission procedure:
- For the first time, two copies of the manuscript can be sent to The Editor, BangladeshJournal of Fisheries Research, Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute, Mymensingh-2201, Bangladesh. Fax: 880-91-55259, E-mail: fsbfri@bdonline.com.
- Papers will be reviewed by one or more experts in the relevant discipline and evaluated by the Editorial Board for publication.
- Any paper deemed to be of inadequate quality or inappropriate format for the Journal may be returned to author(s) without review.
- The cover letter must be signed by all authors (in case of multiple authorship).
- Printing charge:
- Taka 1000 will be charged from in-country author(s) for accepted paper.
- Proofs:
- Proofs will be sent to the corresponding author and should be returned to the Editor within 7 days of receipt. Alterations in proofs other than the correction of typesetter’s errors are discouraged.
- Reprints:
- Author(s) will receive 10 free reprints of the published article.
Subscription procedure:
The subscription rate for each annual volume is:
- individual- BDT 500 (overseas US$ 30)
- institution- BDT 1000 (US$ 60).
- The Journal is also available in exchange for publications of learned societies, research institutes and universities.
- All payments should be made in favour of the Bangladesh Journal of Fisheries Research, and all correspondence addressed to The Director General, Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute, Mymensingh-2201, Bangladesh. Fax : +880-91-55259 and E-mail: fsbfri@bdonline.com
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