A total of 54 native freshwater fish species of Bangladesh have been declared threatened by IUCN Bangladesh (2000). Among them 12 species are recorded as critically endangered, 28 species are endangered and rest 14 species are vulnerable. Out of 54
Cultured fishes of Bangladesh
Cultured fish species: Cultured fish species refers to those species of fishes which are already introduced into the existing fish farming system in Bangladesh. A quite large number of species are now being used as culture species consisting both native
Teachers Profile: Md. Mukhlesur Rahman Khan
Md. Mukhlesur Rahman Khan Professor and Former Head Dept. of Fisheries Biology & Genetics Bangladesh Agricultural University Mymensingh, Bangladesh Contact: Tel: (091) 52236, Mobile: 01711-407359 Email: mmrkhan_bau at yahoo dotcom Fax: +88-091-55810 Field of specialization: Genetics and Fish Breeding particularly
Pen Culture in Boral River, Bagatipara, Natore
Pen culture is started in the river Boral of Bagatipara Upazila, Natore, under the project “Fisheries Development and Management of Sora and Beel in West Region of the Country”. This project is formally remained from 2006 in Bagatipara. Now the
Freshwater and Estuarine Fishes of Bangladesh
Freshwater and Estuarine Fishes: General parameter to differentiate freshwater from estuarine habitat is the salinity level of water. Freshwater contains less than 0.5 ppt (Parts Per Thousand) salinity whereas estuarine water contains moderate salinity (generally 14-17 ppt). We can easily
Threatened to Extinct Fishes of Bangladesh
Threatened to extinct fishes of Bangladesh: The IUCN Bangladesh (2000) has made a list of threatened to extinct fishes of Bangladesh. These species are considered as threatened fishes of Bangladesh. The National Categories of Threatened Animals are based on the Global
Small Indigenous Species (SIS) of Fishes
What is SIS? According to Rahman (1989), there are 260 species of freshwater indigenous fishes in Bangladesh. Among them, which grow to a size of 25 cm or 9 inches at mature or adult stage in their life cycle are