Threatened to extinct fishes of Bangladesh:
The IUCN Bangladesh (2000) has made a list of threatened to extinct fishes of Bangladesh. These species are considered as threatened fishes of Bangladesh. The National Categories of Threatened Animals are based on the Global Threatened Categories of IUCN. Bangladesh National Criteria were developed on the basis of qualitative data due to the lack of quantitative ones.
The National Categories and Criteria are as follows-
Critically Endangered (CR): A taxon is Critically Endangered when it is facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild in Bangladesh in the immediate future.
Endangered (EN): A taxon is Endangered when it is not Critically Endangered but is facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild in Bangladesh in the near future.
Vulnerable (VU): A taxon is Vulnerable when it is not Critically Endangered or Endangered but is facing a high risk of extinction in the wild in Bangladesh in the medium-term future.
Data Deficient (DD): A taxon is Data Deficient where there is inadequate information to make a direct, or indirect assessment of its risk of extinction in Bangladesh.
Not Threatened (NO): A taxon is Not Threatened when it is out of the four above-mentioned categories. i.e. which has no apparent threat of extinction in Bangladesh.
Critically Endangered fish species in Bangladesh: | ||
Scientific name | English name | Local name |
Bagarius bagarius | Gangetic goonch | Bagahair |
Channa barca | Barca snakehead | Pipla shol, Tila shol |
Clupeisoma garua | Garua bacha | Ghaura |
Eutropiichthys vacha | Batchwa bacha | Bacha |
Labeo boga | Boga labeo | Bhangan, Bata |
Labeo nandina | Nandi labeo | Nandina, Nandil |
Labeo pangusia | Pangusia labeo | Ghora muikha, Longu |
Pangasius pangasius | Pangus | Pangus |
Puntius sarana | Olive barb | Sarpunti |
Rita rita | Rita | Rita |
Sisor rhabdophorus | Sisor catfish | Sisor |
Tor tor | Tor mahseer | Mahashol |
Endangered fishes in Bangladesh: | ||
Scientific name | English name | Local name |
Badis badis | Badis | Napit, Kio bandi |
Barilius bendelisis | Hamilton’s barila | Joia, Chedra, Koksa |
Barilius bola | Indian trout | Bhol, Bol |
Barilius vagra | Vagra baril | Koksa, Khoksa |
Batasio tengana | Assamese batasio | Tengra |
Bengala elanga | Bengal barb | Along, Sephatia |
Botia dario | Necktic Loach | Rani, Bou |
Botia lohachata | Y-loach | Rani, Putul, Beti |
Chaca chaca | Indian chaca | Chaga, Cheka |
Channa marulius | Giant snakehaed | Gazar, Gajal |
Chela laubuca | Indian glass barb | Laubuca, Kash Khaira |
Crossocheilus latius | Gangetic latia | Kalabata |
Dermogenys pussilus | Wrestling half beak | Ek thota |
Labeo bata | Bata labeo | Bhangan, Bata |
Labeo calbasu | Black labeo, Kalbasu | Kalibaus, Baus, Kalia |
Labeo gonius | Kuria labeo | Goni, Kurchi, Ghainna |
Mastacembelus armatus | 2-track spinyeel | Baim, Salbaim, Bam |
Microphis deocata | Deocata pipefish | Kumirer khil |
Mystus seenghala | Giant river catfish | Guizza, Guizza ayre |
Notopterus chitala | Humped featherback | Chital |
Ompok bimaculatus | Indian butter catfish | Kani pabda, Pabda, Boali pabda |
Ompok pabda | Pabdha catfish | Madhu pabda, Pabda |
Ompok pabo | Pabo catfish | Pabda |
Ctenops nobilis | Frail gourami | Neftani |
Rasbora rasbora | Gangetic scissortail rasbora | Darkina, Leuzza darkina |
Rohtee cotio | Cotio | Dhela, Dhipali, Keti |
Scatophagus argus | Spotted scat | Bistara, Chitra |
Silonia silondia | Silondia vacha | Shilong |
Vulnerable fishes in Bangladesh: | ||
Scientific name | English name | Local name |
Ailia punctata | Jamuna ailia | Kajuli, Baspata |
Anguilla bengalensis | Indian longfin eel | Bamosh, Bao baim, Telkoma |
Chanda nama | Elongate glass-perchlet | Chanda, Nama chanda |
Chanda ranga | Indian glassy fish | Chanda, Lal chanda |
Channa orientalis | Asiatic snakehead | Telo taki, Raga, Cheng |
Cirrhinus reba | Reba carp | Raik, Tatkani, Bata, Laacho |
Macrognathus aral | One-spine spinyeel | Tara baim |
Monopterus cuchia | Gangetic mud eel | Kuchia |
Mystus aor | Long-whiskered catfish | Ayre, Aor |
Mystus cavasius | Gangetic mystus | Kabashi tengra, Golsha-tengra, Gulsha |
Nandus nandus | Mud perch | Meni, Bheda |
Notopterus notopterus | Grey featherback | Foli, Pholi |
Plotosus canius | Canine catfish-eel | Gang magur |
Puntius ticto | Ticto barb | 2-spot barb; Tit punti |
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