Dr. Md. Mer Mosharraf Hossain
Assistant Professor
Department of Fisheries and Marine Bioscience
Jessore Science and Technology University (JSTU)
Jessore-7408, Bangladesh
- Mobile: (+88) 01731-143787
- E-mail: mmiron_bau@yahoo.com
Post-Doc, NSAC, Aquaculture Centre, Nova Scotia, Truro, Canada
PhD in Aquaculture and Livestock Production, Japan
MSc in Agriculture (Aquatic Bioscience), Japan
MS in Aquaculture, BAU, Bangladesh
B.Sc. Honors in Fisheries, BAU, Bangladesh
Specialization on: Fish Immunology (Fish Diseases and Health Management), Finfish and Prawn Hatchery Operations (Biology), Hatchery/Pond/Gher/Boropid Management, Disease free Finfish, Prawn and Shrimp Culture Technology.
Current Interests: Good Aquaculture Practice, Small Fish and its Conservations, Streptococcosis in Monosex Tilapia and its Remedy, Anchor worms in Finfish Hatchery and its Remedy, Fungal infection in Hatchery produced Eggs, Larvae, Fry and its Remedy, Size Variation and quality in PL of Shrimp/Prawn Hatchery.
- 2006 – Sep. 2009
UGSA, Ehime University, Japan
Doctor of Philosophy in Aquaculture and Livestock production
Supervisor: Professor Dr. Kenji Kawai
- 2004-2006 (2 Yr)
Kochi University, Japan
Master of Science in Agriculture (Aquatic Bioscience)
Grade: A (A: 100 – 80%)
Supervisor: Professor Dr. Kenji Kawai
- 2001-2002 (1.5 Yr)
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh
Master of Science in Aquaculture
Grade: A (grade point 3.78 out of 4)
Supervisor: Professor Dr. Md. Bazlur Rashid Chowdhury
- 1995-1998 (4 Yr)
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh
Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Fisheries
Grade: 1st Class, A (A: 80-60%)
- 1982-1994 (12 Yr)
Mainamati High School
Comilla Victoria Govt. College, Comilla, Bangladesh
Secondary and Higher Secondary School Certificate
Grade: Secondary 1st Class, A+
Higher Secondary 1st Class, A {A+: 100-80% and A: 80-60%}
Published Manuscript
- Hossain, M.M.M. and M.B.R. Chowdhury. Virulence of aeromonad and pseudomonad isolates recovered from diseased fishes in different sources of water. The Bangladesh Veterinarian, 20(2): 143-151, 2003
- Hossain, M.M.M., M.B.R. Chowdhury and M. Muniruzzaman. Survival of the different pathogenic bacterial isolates recovered from diseased fishes in various sources of water. The Bangladesh Veterinarian, 20(2): 152-159, 2003
- Hossain, M. M. M., K. Kawai and Syunichirou OSHIMA: An inactivation method of Edwardsiella tarda vaccine for fish. Journal of Applied Animal Research. 2009; 35 (2): 137-142
- Hossain, M. M. M., K. Kawai and Syunichirou Oshima: Effective inactivation of Edwardsiella tarda for the development of vaccine for fish. Journal of Biological Science. 2009; 9 (5): 392-401
- Hossain, M. M. M., K. Kawai. Stability of effective Edwardsiella tarda vaccine developed for Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica). Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science. 2009; 4 (6): 296-305
- Hossain, M. M. M., M. B. R. Chowdhury. Pseudomonas anguilliseptica as a pathogen of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) culture in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Research Publications Journal, 2009; 2(4): 712-721
- Hossain, M. M. M., A. S. M. S. Mondal, K. Kawai. Temperature effects on pathogenicity of selected Edwardsiella tarda strain to Japanese eel, Anguilla Japonica. Bangladesh Journal of Fisheries Research, 2010; 14(1-2): 65-73
- Hossain, M. M. M., K. Kawai and S. Oshima. Pathogenicity of Aeromonas hydrophila and some other bacteria isolated from Japanese eels Anguilla Japonica reared Farm water. Bangladesh Research Publications Journal, 2011; 5(1): 22-30
- Hossain, M. M. M., K. Kawai and S. Oshima. The expression of genes related to immune and inflammatory responses in fish after exposure to inactivated Edwardsiella tarda bacterin. International journal of Bioresearch, 2011; 10(5): 58-68
- Hossain, M. M. M., A. S. M. S. Mondal, K. Kawai and S. Oshima: Temperature effects on virulence of Edwardsiella tarda to Japanese eel, Bangladesh Research Publications Journal, 2011; 5(3): 245-251
- Hossain, M. M. M., K. Kawai and Syunichirou OSHIMA: Immunogenicity of pressure inactivated Edwardsiella tarda bacterin to Anguilla japonica (Japanese eel). Pakistan Journal of Biological Science, 2011; 14(15): 755-76
- Hossain, M. M. M., M. A. Rahman, S. Mandal, A. S. M. Shadat Mondaland M. B. R. Chowdhury. Isolation of some emergent bacterial pathogens recovered from capture and culture fisheries in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Research Publications Journal, 2011; 6(1): 77-90
- Mondal A.S. M. M. M. M. Hossain, M. A. Rahman, M. Haq, M. R. Amin. Induced Breeding and Nursing, Rearing, Feeding Strategies of Thai Sharpunti (puntius gonionotus) in Pond Culture System. International journal of Bioresearch, 2012; 11(4):1-11
Revised Manuscript
- Hossain, M. M. M., K. Kawai and Syunichirou OSHIMA: Comparison of the efficacy of selected bacterins against Edwardsiella tarda in immunized Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica). Aquaculture. (Revised submission)
Manuscript under Preparation and Submission
- Duston J, M. M. M. Hossain and P. Macalase: Buoyancy of salmon and striped bass, Morone saxatilis eggs and new-hatched larvae in response to a change in salinity. Journal of Fish Biology
- Hossain, M. M. M., J. Duston, A. J. McConkey and P. Maclsaac: Visual and non visual feeding mechanism of larval salmonid and striped bass, Morone saxatilis in highly turbid condition. Aquaculture
- Duston J, M. M. M. Hossain, A. McDonald and P. Maclsaac: Development of new approach to fry production of domesticated Striped Bass, Morone saxatilis. Aquaculture
- Hossain, M. M. M, Ehsan A., Rahman M. A., Haq M. and Chowdhury M. B. R. Transmission and pathology of a novel bacterium causing “streptococcosis” in monosex Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in cultured ponds of Bangladesh. Indian Journal of Microbiology.
Awards and Achievements:
- 2009 April to October 2009 UGAS, Rotary Yoneyama Memorial Foundation, USD 9100
- 2007 to 2009 Ehime University, Heiwa Nakajima Scholarship, Research fellow, USD 27000
- 2005 to 2006 Kochi University, Japan, JASSO Scholarship, Research fellow USD 8000
- 2001 to 2002 Bangladesh Agricultural University, University Merit Scholarship, USD 100
- 1995 to 1998 Bangladesh Agricultural University, University Merit Scholarship, USD 200
- 1993 to 1994 Comilla Victoria Govt. College, Government Scholarship, Grade A, USD 100
- 1990 to 1992 Mainmati High School, Government Scholarship, Grade talent full, USD 50
International Conference attendant:
- October 20-24, 2008
World Fisheries Congress (WFC)
Place: Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan
Title: Alternate approach on inactivation for the development of fish-pathogenic bacterium Edwardsiella tarda vaccine
- December 22-26, 2006
Japan Fisheries Society Symposium
Place: Kochi University, Japan
Title: Inactivation of bacteria for the development of vaccine for fish.
Extension Manuals
- Year: 2002
Title of Leaflet: Ulcer type disease, Aeromonas infection, Pseudomonas infection, Edwardsiella infection in Mymensingh.
To: The small scale fish farmers. 16PP
Authors: Hossain, M.M.M., M.B.R. Chowdhury and M. Muniruzzaman
Working experience (from most recent to past)
- From: 20th December, 2010 to Continue
Title of Post: Assistant Professor
Employer: Department of Fisheries and Marine Bioscience. Jessore Science and Technology University, Jessore, Bangladesh.
Nature of duties: Teaching and relevant research with following subject areas Fish Disease and health Management, Fish Pathology and Fish Immunology, Hatchery and Pond Management, Fish Parasitology, Aquatic Biodiversity, Introduction to Fisheries Resources, Wetland Resource Management and Estuary and Marine Ecosystem. Supervised Teaching to 150 students (Undergraduate students)
- From: 1st October 2009 to September 2010
Title of Post: Postdoctoral fellow
Duration: 12 months
Employer: Dept. of Plant and Animal Sciences, NSAC, Truro, NS, Canada.
Nature of duties: Atlantic Salmon and Striped bass hatchery operations and culture
Atlantic Salmon and Striped bass brood stock development and management (husbandry)
Diet preparation, ovarian biopsy, water quality monitoring
Injection of spawning hormones, egg incubation
Larval rearing, culture of artemia live food and juvenile grow-out rearing
Visual and non visual larval feeding mechanisms
Buoyancy of striped bass eggs and response to a change in salinity
Teaching to the undergraduate student, graduate student and work with doctoral students
Supervised: Supervised 2 Lab. technician, 1 Phd Student, 3 Graduate students
- From: 7th Sept 2003 to 1st Oct 2004
Title of Post : Extension Officer
Duration : 1 Year
Employer : Shrimp Seal of Quality (SSOQ), ATDP, and Funded by USAID, Louis BARGER CO. LTD. USA
Nature of duties : Establish standards for quality assurance in the Bangladesh shrimp industry.
Provide technical support and training to the hatcheries.
Aquaculture farms and processing plants.
Audit, inspect and certify hatcheries, farms and processing plants for compliance to standards.
Promote products in the international market.
Organize lots of farmers school and trained to small-scale fish/shrimp farmers
Semi-intensive culture with low-cost and disease free technology for the development of production; feeding status, feeding mechanism of marine water shrimp (penaeus monodon).
Supervised : Supervised 60 employees plus partner NGO’s Staff.
- From: 20th Aug 2002 to 1st Sep 2003
Title of Post: Production Officer
Duration: 1 Year
Employer: A. H. Fisheries Ltd. Aziz Group of industries. Bangladesh.
Nature of duties: Fish and Prawn (Galda, Macrobrachium rosenbergii) fry production (complete hatchery operation).
Grow-out management and rearing, pond constructions for larvae, juvenile and grow-out fish.
Semi-intensive culture of fresh water fish and shrimp.
Trained to small-scale fish farmer about fish/shrimp semi-intensive culture system.
Supervised: Supervised 25 employees (All technicians and workers)
- From: 4th Jan, 2000-29th July 2002
Title of Post: Aquaculture Technician
Duration: 2 Year 7 months
Employer: SUFFER PROJECT DFID-UGC-BAU, BAURES project Mymensingh
Nature of duties : Teaching to the undergraduate student
Aquaculture field visits regarding fish disease investigation with students
Selection of pond and other water bodies and collection of bacterial sample.
Research in the laboratory on bacteriological sample analyses, data management and report writing.
Fish farmer and fisherman interviewing from different parts of Mymensingh
Fish health examination of on the spot
Small-scale fish farmer’s ponds survey, demonstration, monitoring, evaluation and interviewing from different parts of Mymensingh.
Supervised: 4 Graduate students and other project staffs
- Trainer Offered:
Trinner (as a Resource Persons): 2011- goinog on (on call)
Project: South-west Area Integrated Water Resources Planning and Managemnt Project (SAIWRPMP)
Funded by: World Bank and Bangladesh Water Deleopment Board (BWDB)
Area: Jessore and Narail regions
Participants: Staff of SAIWRPMP, WMG memebers and CSP batch
Duration: 2011-2014
Training Received: (Overseas and in country)
- August 18-23, 2003 (6 days)
Shrimp Health Management Training Workshop
Awarded the certificate (Shrimp-TW-03-18) by
Aquatic Animal Health Research Institute (AAHRI) and Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific (NACA).
- March 29-April 3, 2002 (6 days)
Statistical Methods for Agricultural Research
Scientific Report Writing
Graduate Training Institute, BAU. Mymensingh. Bangladesh.
- April 15-May 15, 2001 (1 month)
Computer training
Graduate Training Institute, BAU, Mymensingh. Bangladesh.
- February 14-18, 1999 (5 days)
Extension and Training activities (Fish culture extension program, seasonal pond model, paddy cum fish culture, cage culture, modern extension and training program method).
Northwest Fisheries Extension Project – II (NFEP) Parbatipur, Denajpur. Bangladesh.
March 14-16, 1999 (3 days)
Integrated fish culture (fish cum paddy, duck and poultry), traditional and semi-intensive culture techniques.
Mymensingh Aquaculture Extension Project – MAEP (Government of Bangladesh and Danish International Development Agency), Bangladesh.
- April 24-29, 1999 (6 days)
Agricultural Extension (organizational set up, working procedure of the thana level extension and rural development organizations, transfer of agricultural technology among the farmers, home visits interviews, lecture and discussion meeting with the extension agents and rural people). Kapasia, Gazipur, Bangladesh. Dept. of Agriculture Extension Education. BAU. Mymensingh.
- January, 1998 (2 days)
Survey of a small-scale fish farmers pond and water bodies about disease status in Bangladesh. Al-falah Agro farm Limited (Catfish farm) and govt. Fish Seed Multiplication Farm. Trishal, Mymensingh. Bangladesh. Dept. of Aquaculture. BAU.
- February, 1998 (1 days)
Major beels & haor regions training Kishorgong, Bangladesh. Dept. of Fisheries Management. BAU.
- March, 1998 (2 days)
Intermediaries, construction criteria ownership, marketing system in the arat, problems associated with the fish market at Mymensingh town and local area. Dept. of Fisheries Management. BAU.
- July, 1998 (4 days)
Fish lending centers, marine surveillance check, Fish Processing Industries (such as Apex, Frozen and Minaher Foods Ltd.). Chittagong, Bangladesh. Dept. of Fisheries Technology. BAU.
- August, 1998 (5 days)
Foage lake, Potanga sea beach, Kaptai lake training program. Chittagong, Rangamati, Bangladesh. Dept. of Fisheries Technology. BAU.
- December, 1998 (4 days)
Marine Technology and Preset center, IDA hatchery, harvesting of fisheries resources from Bay of Bengal training program. Coxbazar, Bangladesh. Dept. of Fisheries Technology and Dept. of Fisheries Biology and Genetics. BAU.
- December, 1998 (1 days)
Shrimp fry production hatchery. Technaf sea beach training program. Technaf , Bangladesh.
Dept. of Fisheries Technology and Dept. of Fisheries Biology and Genetics.
- February ,1996 (3 days )
Aquaculture and shrimp hatchery system. Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute. BFRI
Mymensingh. Bangladesh.
Seminar attended (National and International)
- August 12, 1999
Place: Faculty of Fisheries, Bangladesh Agricultural University
Title: Effects of feeding and food environmental procedure on the growth and mortality offered sea bream pangus major and Japanese Flounder Paralicthes olivacens larvae and juveniles.
- January 15, 2000
Place: Faculty of Fisheries, Bangladesh Agricultural University
Title: Fish diseases and Aquaculture Seminar
- March 18, 2001
Place: Faculty of Fisheries, Bangladesh Agricultural University
Title: GIS Modeling for Aquaculture potential in south-western Bangladesh
- December 15, 2004
Place: Kochi University, Japan
Title: Fish Disease- Fish Health Management Taxonomy & characterization of Pathogenic bacteria & viruses, pathogenicity of bacteria, Genetics of Pathogenic bacteria & viruses, Infection mechanisms, Immune response of fish, Development of fish vaccine, Chemotherapeutic for bacterial infection
- June 25, 2005
Place: Kagawa University, Japan
Title: Research topics in Production and improvement of fruit crops
- July 23, 2005
Place: Kochi University, Japan
Title: Development of estimation methods of reactive oxygen species-scavenging activity and its application to food
- November 17, 2005
Place: Ehime University, Japan
Title: Diversified function of agricultural land and its evaluation
- December 10, 2005
Place: Kagawa University, Japan
Title: Contribution of molecular biology to study of symbiotic nitrogen fixation
- December 15, 2005
Place: Kochi University, Japan
Title: Chemical aspects of forest resource utilization and Human impacts on shallow water ecosystems
- February 20, 2010
Place: Aquaculture Centre, Nova Scotia Agricultural College, Canada
Title: Finfish Biology
Technical reports:
- Year: 1999
Title: Extension and Training activities (Fish culture extension program, seasonal pond model, paddy cum fish culture, cage culture, modern extension and training program method)
Submitted to: Northwest Fisheries Extension Project – II (NFEP) Parbatipur, Denajpur. Bangladesh
- Year: 1999
Title: Integrated fish culture (fish cum paddy, duck and poultry), traditional and semi-intensive culture techniques
Submitted to: Mymensingh Aquaculture Extension Project – MAEP (Government of Bangladesh and Danish International Development Agency-DANIDA), Bangladesh.
- Year: 1999
Title: Agricultural Extension-organizational set up, working procedure of the thana level extension and rural development organizations, transfer of agricultural technology among the farmers, home visits interviews, lecture and discussion meeting with the extension agents and rural people developed
Submitted to: Kapasia, Gazipur, Bangladesh. Dept. of Agriculture Extension Education. BAU. Mymensingh.
- Year: 2003
Title: Shrimp Health Management Training Workshop, Thailand. Awarded the certificate (Shrimp-TW-03-18)
Submitted to: Aquatic Animal Health Research Institute (AAHRI) and Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific (NACA); and A. H. Fisheries Ltd., Aziz Group of industries. Bangladesh
- Year: 2000-2002
Title: Survey on socio-economic status, disease patterns, feeding status, water quality monitoring of the small-scale fish farmers ponds in Mymensingh
Submitted to: Department of Aquaculture, BAU and Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh
- Year: 2000-2002
Title: An epidemiological survey of outbreaks of the fish disease, ulcer type disease, Aeromonas infection, Pseudomonas infection, Edwardsiella infection in Mymensingh
Submitted to: SUFFER PROJECT DFID-UGC-BAU, BAURES project Mymensingh
- Year: 2002-2003
Title: Biology of freshwater fish and giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii), galda
Submitted to: A. H. Fisheries Ltd., Aziz Group of industries. Bangladesh
- Year: 2003-2004
Title: Prawn Culture System in Bangladesh, Developed
Submitted to: SSOQ, ATDP-II, USAID
- Year: 2009-2010
Title: Development of new approach to fry production of domesticated Striped Bass, Morone saxatilis.
Submitted to: The Principal Investigator, Dept. of Plant and Animal Sciences, NSAC, Truro, NS, B2N, 5E3, Canada.
Best illustrates capability to handle the tasks assigned or project
- Name of project: Survey on the socio-economic status, disease patterns, feeding status, water quality monitoring of the small-scale fish farmers ponds in Mymensingh regions.
Year: 2000-2002
Location: Mymensingh, Bangladesh
Client: Department of Aquaculture, BAU and Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh
Main features: This program aimed at developing and promoting more sustainable farming practices, more intensively managed farms, to avoid introducing diseases into such disease-free populations on a farm and how farming offers significant employment opportunities.
Positions: Aquaculture Technician
Activities: Pathogen isolation, identification and disease diagnosis, bacteriological analysis, culture technique of bacteria and bacterial antibiotic sensitivities, water sample screening for Bacteria and Virus.
Blood and serum collection and blood cell counting by Haemacytometer, Serum neutralization and analysis, Protein assays: protein immunology, protein electrophoresis: Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS)-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (PAGE).
Pond mangement, pond preparation, water quality monitoring and evalauations
Feeding, feed habit monitoring and feed administrations.
- Name of project: An epidemiological survey of outbreaks of the fish disease, ulcer type disease, Aeromonas infection, Pseudomonas infection, Edwardsiella infection in Mymensingh
Year: 2000-2002
Location: Mymensingh, Bangladesh
Client: SUFFER PROJECT DFID-UGC-BAU, BAURES project Mymensingh.
Main features: Case studies analyses, understanding customer requirements, determination of critical processes, determination of the quality system, quality system documentation, implementation in practice, process control, training, evaluation/corrective, preventive
Positions: Aquaculture Technician
Activities: Pathogen isolation, identification and disease diagnosis, bacteriological analysis, culture technique of bacteria and bacterial antibiotic sensitivities, water sample screening for Bacteria and Virus.
Blood and serum collection and blood cell counting by Haemacytometer, Serum neutralization and analysis, Protein assays: protein immunology, protein electrophoresis: Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS)-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (PAGE).
Pond mangement, pond preparation, water quality monitoring and evalauations
Feeding, feed habit monitoring and feed administrations.
- Name of project: Biology of freshwater fish and giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii), galda.
Year: 2002-2003
Location: Faridpur, Bangladesh
Client: A. H. Fisheries Ltd., Aziz Group of industries. Bangladesh.
Main features: To reviewed business statistics, to determined and document any areas that may need improvement, inspecting and sampling the entire manufacturing process, to reviewed the current policies and improvise plans, to improved upon the existing quality standards, to reviewed and analyze the effectiveness of the modifications made, to ensured that all procedures within the company conform to health and safety regulations, financial policies and legislation such as equal opportunity and to educated the sales and marketing departments regarding the specific requirements of clients.
Positions: Production Officer
Activities: Brood stock collection, brood stock management for freshwater fish and freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) and their fry production (complete hatchery operation), site selection, larvae rearing, grow-out management and rearing, pond constructions for larvae, juvenile and grow-out fish, semi-intensive culture of fresh water fish and prawn.
Trained to small-scale fish farmer about freshwater fish/prawn semi-intensive culture system.
Pond mangement, pond preparation, water quality monitoring and evalauations.
Feeding, feed habit monitoring and feed administrations.
- Name of project: Developed environment friendly shrimp culture technologies for sustainable aquaculture production to combat the virus problem in shrimp culture
Year: 2003-2004
Location: Satkhira, Bagherhat and Khulna, Bangladesh
Client: ATDP-II Shrimp Seal of Quality (SSOQ), USAID.
Main features: Improved the shrimp culture technologies for production of safe shrimp by the shrimp farmers. Planned and formed Farmers Field School along with courses and training modules. Planned and organized training sessions, workshops for extension workers. Assured the quality of the training sessions; follow-up of activities, coordinations, good relationship with the partners, financial management and budget activities.
Positions: Extension Officer Trainee
Activities: Established standards for quality assurance in the Bangladesh shrimp industry. Provided technical support and training to the hatcheries, aquaculture farms and processing plants. Certified hatcheries, farms and processing plants for compliance to standards. Promoted products in the international market.
- Name of project: Comparison of the efficacy of selected bacterins against Edwardsiella tarda in immunized Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica)。
Year: 2004-2009
Location: Ehime University in association with Fish Disease Laboratory, Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Kochi University, 200 Monobe-otsu Nankoku-shi, Kochi, Japan.
Client: JASSO, Heiwa Nakajima Foundation Scholarship and Rotary Yoneyama Memorial Foundation Scholarship.
Main features: The aim of this study was to induce protection of Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica) against Edwardsiellosis disease by intraperitoneal (IP)-immunization of inactivated-E. tarda vaccine. The efficacies of the vaccines prepared by different methods were compared and the optimal conditions for intraperitoneal immunization were established.
Positions: Doctoral Researcher (Research Assistant)
Activities: Bacterial strain and preparation of inactivated bacterin, Fish and vaccination, ELISA for detecting antibody titers of serum and mucus, Challenge test, Safety test of vaccine and Statistical analysis.
- Name of project: Immunogenicity of pressure inactivated Edwardsiella tarda bacterin to Anguilla japonica (Japanese eel).
Year: 2004-2009
Location: Ehime University in association with Fish Disease Laboratory, Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Kochi University, 200 Monobe-otsu Nankoku-shi, Kochi, Japan.
Client: JASSO, Heiwa Nakajima Foundation Scholarship and Rotary Yoneyama Memorial Foundation Scholarship.
Main features: This study attempted to compare immune responses in eel to an inactivated E. tarda bacterin administered by intraperitoneal (IP) injection. The efficacies of the vaccines prepared by different methods were also compared and the optimal conditions for i.p. immunization were established.
Positions: Doctoral Researcher (Research Assistant)
Activities: Bacterial strain and growth conditions, Inactivated bacterins, Fish and immunization, Agglutinating antibodies in fish sera, Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, Bacteriostatic assay, Preparation of peripheral blood, head kidney and spleen leucocytes, Macrophages isolation and phagocytosis assay and Statistical analysis.
- Name of project: Relative importance of visual and non-visual feeding mechanisms of larval striped bass Morone saxatilis, habitat in highly turbid condition
Year: 2009-2010
Location: Aquaculture Centre, Dept of Plant and Animal Sciences, Nova Scotia Agricultural College, Truro, NS, Canada.
Client: North River Fish Farms Ltd. and Sustainable Fish Farming Canada Ltd.
Main features: Determined the availability of non-visual senses of striped bass larvae from an early age, development of sensory organs, jaw malformation in larval striped bass and the contribution of superficial neuromasts (mechanoreceptors), visual and non-visual morphology, behavioral acuity, innervated olfactory organs (rapid differentiation of the retina), retinal morphometry and theoretical acuity, video cinematography, and a developed inner ear while testing larvae in the dark mediated feeding and also in high turbidity conditions of their estuarine habitat.
Positions: Post-Doctoral Fellow
Activities: Investigated all of the aspects of larval development and feeding mechanisms in order to optimize feeding success of striped bass larvae in culture; Such as, clear water larval striped bass are efficient visual feeders over broad range of light intensities, with older larvae operating better in bright light, how the larvae catch prey in high turbidity conditions of their estuarine habitat, where vision is severely restricted and non-visual feeding mechanisms was most important. Maximized production and quality of egg/sperm through improved induced spawning techniques using delayed-release implants. Developed optimal egg incubation methods, yolk-sac incubation methods and larval rearing methods and optimized survival following air shipment of fin fish fry.
Membership international societies/institutions
- The Japanese Society of Fish Pathology, Japan
- The Japanese Society Fisheries Science. Japan
- Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science. Science Alert.
- African Journal of Food Science and Technology
Computer skills:
- Good working knowledge in word processing (Microsoft Office, MS Word, MS Access, MS Power Point, Photoshop), graphics (MS Excel), Local area Network, LCD presentations, statistical analysis (MS Excel, SPSS, Tukeys), basic trouble shooting and maintenance of computer and peripheral devices. Working knowledge with operating and analyzing project data.
Language Proficiency:
- Very good in English, Japanese
- Mother tongue Bengali
More info:
Subject studied and passed in the Examinations/Degrees (1982 to 2009)
- 1982-1992
S.S.C. (Secondary School Certificate)
English, General Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Religion education, Bengali, and Agricultural Science.
- 1993-1994
H.S.C. (Higher Secondary Certificate)
English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, and Bengali
- 1995-1998
B.Sc. Honor’s in Fisheries
First Year
Harvesting and Preservation of Fish, Aquatic Ecology, General Ichthyology, Biochemistry, Statistics, and Fisheries Zoology.
Second Year
Fisheries Microbiology, Fish Population Dynamics, Fresh Water Aquaculture, Fish Physiology, Fish Parasitology, Physico-chemical Limnology, and Fisheries Systematic.
Third Year
Fish Processing, Hatchery Management, Coastal Aquaculture, Fish Nutrition, Fish Pathology, Biological Limnology, Agricultural Extension, and Rural Sociology.
Final Year
Oceanography and Marine Biology, Fishery Product and control, Fisheries Management, Prevention and Control of Fish Diseases, Genetics and Fish Breeding, Fish Feed Technology, Fish Farm Design and Construction, and Fishery Economics.
- 2001 – 2002
M.S. in Aquaculture
Title: Survival and virulence of the bacterial pathogens recovered from diseased fishes
Jul – Dec.2001 (1st semester)
Advanced Freshwater Aquaculture, Fish Health Management, Aquafarm Operation, Advanced Aquaculture Feed Technology, Mariculture, Culture of Fish Food Organism, Advanced Fish Parasitology, and Aquaculture Impact.
Jan – Jun.2002 (2nd Semester)
Advanced Coastal Aquaculture, Integrated Aquaculture, Aquaculture Nutrition, Advanced Fish Pathology, Aquarium Fish Culture, Geographical Information System in Aquaculture
- 2004-2006
Master in Agriculture
Title: Studies on the inactivation of bacteria for the development of fish vaccine
Special lecture taken for credit
Advanced Fish Ecology
Marine Environmental Ecology
Fish Health Management, Virology
Applications of Microbial Function
Advanced Fish Biochemistry
Advanced Fish feed Technology
Aquaculture Seminar I, II, III and IV
Advanced Life Science and Agriculture I and
Advanced Life Science and Agriculture II.
- 2006-2009
Doctor of Philosophy – Aquaculture and Livestock Production.
Title: Studies on the antigenicity of bacteria for the development of fish vaccine
Special Report (for credit):
Aquaculture and Livestock Production I & II
Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
Plant Resource Production I & II
Plant and Animal Production under Structure I & II
Bio-resource Science for Manufacturing and
Soil macro-invertebrates in forests
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