Some photograph of chalan beel, an important fisheries hotspot of Bangladesh are published here. All photographs of chalan beel are taken by author during monsoon at Natore and Sirajgong districts.


Fishing by net (Khara Jal) in chalan beel
Fishing by net (Khara Jal) in chalan beel


Fishing by net in chalan beel
Fishing by net in chalan beel


Fishing by trap (and bana) in chalan beel
Fishing by trap (and bana) in chalan beel


Fishing by net in chalan beel
Fishing by net in chalan beel


Fishing by net in chalan beel
Fishing by net in chalan beel


Fishing by net in chalan beel
Fishing by net in chalan beel


Fishing by net in chalan beel
Fishing by net in chalan beel


Transportation of people by boat with sail in chalan beel
Transportation of people by boat with sail in chalan beel


Transportation of goods by boat in chalan beel
Transportation of goods by boat in chalan beel


A typical small village in chalan beel
A typical small village in chalan beel

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Photographs of Chalan Beel, an Improtant Fisheries Hotspot of Bangladesh

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Professor Dr. M Nazrul Islam

Professor, Department of Zoology, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh. More...

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